7 Expensive Types Of Mushrooms To Know About (2024)

Mushrooms are renowned for their unique texture and flavours, capturing the culinary enthusiasts. Mushrooms, a kind of fungi, can decrease the risk of cancer, maintain cholesterol, and help stimulate a healthier gut. A major source of vitamin D is obtained by consuming different types of mushrooms.
There are up to 10 million mushroom varieties worldwide, which makes them one of the most diverse groups of organisms across the globe. You must have seen and tasted different types of food mushrooms like button mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and beech mushrooms.
But did you know that while there are types of mushrooms that can be foraged anywhere, there are also types of food mushrooms that have to be extensively cared for, and cost a bomb? Among so many mushroom varieties, come explore with us the 7 most flavourful and most expensive mushroom varieties that money can buy. An expensive mushroom can go upto thousands of dollars, and these types of mushroom varieties are often only used in Michelin starred restaurants by super skilled chefs.

Here are some expensive mushrooms you should know about

7 Expensive Types Of Mushrooms To Know About (1)

Chanterelles are one of the most expensive mushroom varieties, also known as Girolles, and are popular and delicious types of food mushrooms. This expensive mushroom is prized for its distinct flavour and unique experience. These types of mushroom grow in clusters during the early autumn in some regions of North and Central America, Europe and Asia. Chanterelles are rich in nutrients and people have been using these in medicine for several centuries.
Price: Rs 2,489- 3,319 ($30-$40) per pound

2. Morel

7 Expensive Types Of Mushrooms To Know About (2)

Also known as sponge mushrooms, Morels are highly expensive types of food mushrooms. Morel mushrooms, which contain a texture like a honeycomb, have an earthy flavour and are an expensive mushroom variety. China is the only country which has grown this expensive mushroom which makes types of mushroom rare to find globally.
Price: Rs 2,904 - 4,152 ($35-$50) per pound

7 Expensive Types Of Mushrooms To Know About (3)

Porcini, also known as Punny Buns, is the most expensive mushroom in the world as they are renowned for their earthy, nutty flavour and meaty texture. These types of food mushrooms grow in forests across the world during summer and fall in association with trees like oaks and pines. Favoured by chefs all across the world, Porcini are also some of the most famous mushroom varieties.
Price: Rs 3,319 - 5,808 ($40-$70) per pound

4. French black truffles

7 Expensive Types Of Mushrooms To Know About (5)

French Black Truffles also referred to as Perigord Truffles is an expensive mushroom which is native to southern Europe. Black truffles are one of the most expensive mushroom varieties, which symbolises luxurious dining around the world. These types of food mushrooms are expensive and are known for their intense flavour and aroma. Chefs use Perigord Truffles in pasta, risottos, and scrambled eggs worldwide.
Price: Rs 82,980 - 1,24,470 ($1000-$1500) per pound

7 Expensive Types Of Mushrooms To Know About (6)

Matsutake Mushrooms, also known as Pine Mushrooms, are the most expensive types of food mushrooms which are found in East Asia, Europe and North America. These mushroom varieties are famous for their spiced aroma and meaty texture.
The unique flavour and aroma of Matsutake mushrooms make them particularly valued in Japan and some of the most expensive mushroom you can anywhere in the world.
Price: Rs 82,980 - 1,65,961 ($1000-$2000) per pound

6. White truffles

7 Expensive Types Of Mushrooms To Know About (7)

Known for its culinary treasures in the world, white truffles are some really expensive mushroom varieties, revered for their intense flavour and aroma. These types of mushroom are also called Alba truffles. The intense garlicky and earthy aroma of white truffles is what makes them considered some of the most luxurious types of food mushrooms.
Price: Rs 3,31,922 ($4000) per pound

7 Expensive Types Of Mushrooms To Know About (9)

The Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau are home to Yartsa Gunbu, also referred to as caterpillars infected by fungus, which possess highly medicinal properties making sure it becomes the most expensive mushroom in the whole world. These types of mushroom are parasitic mushrooms which are grown by infecting caterpillars.
Price: Rs 16,59,610 - 41,49,025 ($20,000-$50,000) per pound

Photo: Shutterstock

7 Expensive Types Of Mushrooms To Know About (2024)


What are the most expensive mushrooms? ›

Matsutake, one of the most expensive mushrooms, can cost up to $1,000 per kilogram. The Italian White Alba Truffle is the world's most expensive mushroom, with a price of $330 per gram. In Japan, people pay up to $600 for a single Matsutake mushroom. Morel mushrooms can cost approximately $254 per kilogram.

What is the rarest mushroom? ›

One of the rarest mushrooms is also the Yartsa Gunbu not only because it's found growing out of caterpillars, but because it only grows in specific areas.

What are the most valuable mushrooms to grow at home? ›

Oyster mushrooms, a type of gourmet mushroom, are one of the most profitable gourmet mushrooms available. In addition to the high demand for them, growing them is pretty simple. Growing takes about six weeks from start to harvest, so it's possible to make a big profit reasonably quickly.

What is the most exotic mushroom? ›

Lion's Mane Mushroom

With its unique appearance resembling a lion's mane, this mushroom stands out from the rest.

What mushrooms are worth more than gold? ›

With their wonky trunks and grubby appearance, you wouldn't think that matsutake mushrooms are a contender for the world's most expensive ingredient, but those grown domestically in Japan can fetch sums that rival black truffles.

What is the top 1 poisonous mushroom? ›

Death cap (Amanita phalloides)

The death cap is the world's most toxic mushroom. It contains alpha-amanitin which is responsible for causing liver and kidney failure. Ingestion of just half a cap can lead to death.

What mushroom is immortal? ›

Lingzhi, also known as reishi from its Japanese pronunciation, is the ancient "mushroom of immortality", revered for over 2,000 years (with some evidence suggesting use in Neolithic China 6,800 years ago).

What is the most delicious mushroom? ›

Black trumpet mushrooms (Craterellus fallax, cornucopioides and others) are undeniably one of the best tasting mushrooms in the world. Their rich, earthy flavor becomes bitter when concentrated or pureed, so newcomers to this mushroom will enjoy them most lightly sauteed or incorporated into a cream sauce for pasta.

Which mushrooms are healthiest? ›

Some of the mushrooms considered best for human health include chaga, lion's mane, reishi, turkey tail, shiitake, cordyceps and maitake. Often considered vegetables, mushrooms are neither plants nor animals. They belong to a unique kingdom of fungi.

Which mushroom has the highest demand? ›

Worldwide, button mushrooms or Agaricus bisporus is the most widely cultivated and consumed mushroom in the world.

What are the best gourmet mushrooms to grow? ›

Top Gourmet Mushroom Varieties for Home Cultivation
  • Oyster Mushrooms: A Flavorful Delight. ...
  • Lion's Mane: The Gourmet of the Forest. ...
  • Black Pearl: The Hidden Gem. ...
  • Shiitake: Umami Richness. ...
  • Cultivating Gourmet Mushrooms at Home. ...
  • Start Growing Today!
Mar 6, 2024

Which wild mushrooms are edible and most prized? ›

Hen-of-the-woods, oyster, and sulphur shelf mushrooms are safe, delicious, and nutritious wild varieties prized by mushroom hunters. While these and many other mushrooms are safe to consume, eating varieties like the death cap, false morels, and Conocybe filaris can cause serious adverse health effects and even death.

Why are truffles so expensive? ›

The reason behind such high costs is the scarcity of the produce, truffles are seasonal, extremely difficult to grow, and take many years to cultivate. They also have a short shelf life. Truffles require a very specific climate to grow and require lots of oak trees, that's why they're often found in woodland.

What are the most sold mushrooms? ›

Did you know that white button mushrooms represent about 90% of mushroom consumption in the US? This type of mushroom blends well with most ingredients, so it is a chef-favorite that is commonly used in many recipes.

What do morels taste like? ›

What Do Morels Taste Like? Unlike many cultivated mushrooms such as cremini and portabella that have a robust, meaty flavor when cooked, morels have a much more subtle texture and taste. They are often described as earthy, woodsy, and nutty. The darker varieties can even have a mild smokiness.

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