Being Alone on Thanksgiving Doesn’t Have to Be Miserable (2025)


Being Alone on Thanksgiving Doesn’t Have to Be Miserable (2)

Photo: RuslanDashinsky/Getty Images

I vividly remember the worst Thanksgiving I ever had. Growing up, the holiday was never a big deal in my immigrant family; usually, the four of us ate lasagna because none of us particularly liked turkey. Once I was in college, I didn’t feel called to spend time and money traveling home, especially since I was conflicted about celebrating the day at all. Fast-forward to 2016, weeks after the election: I was lying in the fetal position on a twin-XL bed, scrolling past portraits of classmates smiling next to their loved ones, feeling profoundly lonely and depressed. The only thing I ate that day was a frozen bean burrito from the CVS near campus.

Whether by choice or circumstance, plenty of people find themselves alone on Thanksgiving. Thanks to a horribly timed case of COVID, I might be spending the holiday in isolation once again this year. If you’ll be alone on Thanksgiving — hopefully not because of the coronavirus — it doesn’t have to be miserable. Here are some suggestionsfor how to spend your day.

At-home spa day

For once you have a whole day free. Use it to pamper yourself! Start with a full-body scrub in the shower and a scented bath, followed by a luxurious moisturizer and an at-home facial. Add in a mani-pedi and drying time and you’ve taken up at least the entire afternoon. Blaring ’90s R&B is optional but recommended.


It’s a classic for a reason. If you don’t want to be alone on Thanksgiving, focus on being there for others. You’ll have the chance to connect with fellow volunteers, and you’ll get to spend your day doing something useful, whether it’s passing out meals or raking leaves. Ideally, reach out directly to an organization you’re familiar with, but if you’re looking for opportunities, you can check volunteer platforms like VolunteerMatch or Engage. If you’re in New York, you could try New York Cares — or Mutual Aid NYC, where you can connect with a mutual-aid group in your area if you’re interested in volunteering your time in a more sustained way.

Do a deep clean

Even if you keep a tidy home, when’s the last time you cleaned the inside of your oven, disinfected your dishwasher, or replaced your AC filter? If that’s too intense, you could always go with a classic closet clean-out or something more fun, like repotting plants or rearranging a bookshelf. Spending the day making your living space more pleasant to be in is a guaranteed comfort, and the act of cleaning can feel soothing and meditative. If you give yourself a task you know you can finish in one day, you’ll likely end up with a sense of accomplishment.

Cook something special

I’ve always found cooking something elaborate to be a huge comfort, especially in lonely times. I’m not the only one; fashion news writer Danya Issawi says her boyfriend spent three Thanksgivings in a row alone: “Each year he baked two pecan pies (??) to make himself feel better.” You, too, can bake two pecan pies, a giant lasagna, or perhaps a simple, delicious cornbread.

Hang out with some strangers

Sites like Meetup, Eventbrite, and even Reddit (find your local r/___meetups thread) are good places to find something to do on Thanksgiving with other people who might find themselves alone. I found pickup soccer games, parties, guided walks (including this absolutely wild Kennedy March), park hangs, and even potluck dinners. If you’re craving connection, go forth and hang.

A movie marathon

Now is the time to watch all the Studio Ghibli films you haven’t seen or catch up on the year’s predicted Oscar nominees. Personally, I believe a screening of the Shrek movies is always in order. I haven’t seen the Star Wars films, but those seem like a good option, and I’d be remiss not to recommend a marathon. If you don’t want a series or franchise but you do want a loose theme, you could structure your programming around a particular actor or director or a year or even a location (movies set in Chicago, for example). Or mermaids. There are several excellent mermaid-centric movies out there.

A long walk (or run, or hike)

A walk is one of the best solo activities there is. If you’re in New York, Thanksgiving is as good a day as any to walk from the top to the bottom of Manhattan — just make sure you avoid the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade route. If something rural is moreyour vibe, hiking trails are likely to be far less crowded than usual, and it’s easy to feel gratitude when you’re surrounded by trees. Many cities also host some variation of a “Turkey Trot” if you want to go on a walk or run with other people. Who knows, you might even get an invite to someone’s Thanksgiving dinner. Speaking of which …

Say “yes” to pity invites

If you really can’t stand to experience November 23 without a traditional Thanksgiving meal, you probably don’t have to. Thanksgiving is the one day of the year we’re all culturally conditioned to make sure no one spends alone. If you mention that you’ll be alone on Thanksgiving to someone, there’s a solid chance they’ll invite you over. Even if it’s a little awkward, it’ll probably be a good story —just ask features editor Jordan Larson, who once accepted an impromptu Thanksgiving invitation from a former hookup who, it turned out, had a girlfriend. Still, in the end, she says, “At least the food was good.”

Read something

It’s as good a day as any to catch up on your reading list. If you want something you can finish in one day, go for poetry — Ross Gay’s Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude comes to mind — or a really juicy novel you won’t be able to put down, like Bolu Babalola’s , or even Britney Spears’s new memoir, The Woman in Me (the audiobook, of course). If you’re open to a longer read, I recommend Braiding Sweetgrass, which offers an Indigenous perspective on concepts like gratitude and reciprocity, all while teaching valuable lessons about plants.


  • self
  • holiday season
  • thanksgiving
  • recommendations

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Being Alone on Thanksgiving Doesn’t Have to Be Miserable
Being Alone on Thanksgiving Doesn’t Have to Be Miserable (2025)


What percentage of people are alone on Thanksgiving? ›

About 11% of people said they celebrate with friends instead of family, while 3% said they usually stay home alone without inviting anyone over.

Why is Thanksgiving hard for some people? ›

For those who suffer from loneliness, live far way from families, or find that family gatherings spark painful memories or trigger tension, Thanksgiving may be one of the most challenging days of the year. There is a great variation in people's ability to experience and express appreciation.

What to do on Thanksgiving if you don't have family? ›

For those who are spending the holiday alone, but still want to take part in Thanksgiving-related activities, spend the morning or afternoon at a local homeless centre. You can continue the day by hosting a Friendsgiving dinner or movie night with your pals who are still in town.

How do you handle the holidays when you are alone? ›

How to Survive (and Thrive) During the Holidays When You Feel...
  1. Seek family and friends. When we're feeling lonely, often the best comfort is the presence of loved ones. ...
  2. Forgive. ...
  3. Open yourself to meeting new people. ...
  4. Volunteer. ...
  5. Exercise. ...
  6. Pamper yourself. ...
  7. Be festive. ...
  8. Give.

How many pounds does the average American gain on Thanksgiving alone? ›

The average weight gain during this time period is anywhere from 0.8 pounds to just under 2 pounds, according to a research review published in the Journal of Obesity.

How much does the average person spend on Thanksgiving? ›

The 2023 survey findings show that the average cost of a holiday feast for 10 people is $61.17, which ends up being less than $6.20 per person. While this figure is 4.5% less than the average holiday dinner cost in 2022, it's up 25% compared to the average cost in 2019.

What is the average number of guests at Thanksgiving? ›

60% of Americans are planning on hosting or considering hosting Thanksgiving this year, and they expect 11 guests, on average.

Why is Thanksgiving so stressful? ›

After doing research about why Americans feel stressed during Thanksgiving, the top reasons included family dynamics, culinary pressure, financial concerns, travel woes, dietary challenges, emotional impact, and social anxiety.

What happens if you are not grateful? ›

When we fail to appreciate what we have, it can lead not only to less happiness but also potentially to self-absorption and a sense of entitlement. Meanwhile, we're missing out on the incredible benefits of gratitude.

Why do people not agree with Thanksgiving? ›

In addition to a holiday steeped with cultural appropriation, the period of history in America is frequently white-washed, which leads some Americans to ignore, or condemn, the holiday.

Can you celebrate Thanksgiving alone? ›

Especially if you're alone during the holidays, like Thanksgiving, when you're accustomed to being with friends and family. "Fortunately, there is much to be grateful for even if you're marking it [Thanksgiving] at home with yourself," explains Tracy Thomas, Ph.

How do you deal with a difficult family at Thanksgiving? ›

How To Deal With 'Those' Relatives During Thanksgiving
  1. Practice “I” statements. ...
  2. Identify defense mechanisms—both your own and those of your family members. ...
  3. Ask for—and accept—help. ...
  4. Bring in co-conspirators and buffers. ...
  5. You don't necessarily need to turn *all the way up* ...
  6. Practice mindfulness.

Is it okay to not go home for Thanksgiving? ›

No matter what the circumstances are, the person who receives your letter will definitely appreciate such a heartfelt gesture. If you're not going home for Thanksgiving, that's okay.

8 Worthwhile Ways To Spend Thanksgiving AloneThe Roots Of Loneliness Project ›

Key Takeaways: A 2014 survey by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) found that 64% of those dealing with mental illness said that the holidays exacer...
The CDC recommends we celebrate Thanksgiving “at home with the people you live with." Psychologists explain how Thanksgiving can still be fun if you live a...
Thanks to COVID-19, this may be the year of the solo Thanksgiving dinner. Loneliness can be challenging during the holidays, but it's totally possible to ha...

Is it normal to want to spend Thanksgiving alone? ›

I'm not the only one who enjoys spending holidays alone

Some people will be spending the holidays alone because of family estrangement, divorce, financial barriers to travel, limited — or no — time off from work, or a whole bevy of other reasons. First and foremost, figure out a holiday plan that feels good for you.

Is it normal to want to be alone during the holidays? ›

The holiday season is generally thought of as a time of joy and love, but for many people, it's a time of loneliness. Some people live far from family and miss seeing their loved ones this time of year; others dread going to holiday parties and New Year's Eve celebrations and end up staying home.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.