Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PSI) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)

Banana_The_Second said:


Pol shakes. A chill in their mind.

Kirby is gone.
Pol is...???

Interesting. I don't think that's how it works...Liht constructs never should occupy the same space as whatever Kirby is.
And yet...

Their right eye glows purple.
<I don't remember.>
<Something's wrong.>
<Where are they.>

Everyone locks onto the Memory of the Twins. The DEE starts building a one-hit shield that he then tosses to V2. With luck, V2 should be able to use this to keep standing in case a hit is sent his way.

SOUL applies Morale to ACE, who attacks the Memory.
PRIME uses up all of his Power at once, yelling: "JUDGEMENT".
V2 takes aim with the rocket launcher and fires.

+64 up for trade (Given and claimed by FastoDash)
+64 up for trade (Dibbed by Krill13


[350/350]: A full set of forcefields are installed on V2's chassis, making him, hopefully, able to take at least a hit. All charge goes into buffing his HP stat.

[78 / 200]: Holy chants

D, E, and E make a DEE. Another worker DEE, probably more efficient at its job than the last one. This one does tasks too.
And immediately helps out the other DEE as well.

[Action]: Water, Thunder, and Sun.

Water Breathing: 10th Form: Constant Flux.
A pair of water dragon heads erupt from the foot of water. While a black...entity pops in before them, katana in hand.

Sun Breathing: Dragon Sun Halo Dance.
Their blade erupts in scarlet flame. Heat washes into the fray, and it starts to get hot.

<They're guaranteed to strike one of ours...huh...?>
<At least I should be able to...>

Pol casts out their blade, it splitting in two, both being assisted in their spin by waternados that erupt below them. Pol then disappears, as the waternados twirl and gain speed, the water dragons spiralling with the spinning waternados, following the blades movements as they are sent at the perfectly positioned [puffball]. They gain momentum by the second.

The [bat], in one blink, dashes forward, striking through one waternado in an instant, one water dragon evaporating away as the waternado falls apart, the sword being spun up by it fading away...

Water Breathing: 4th form: Striking Tide.

...As the waternado collapses into a titanic edge, crashing down on the blazing sword of the [puffball].
With a titanic cleave, the puffball sends the water blade up, to crash down on on the..pride of World's Smalllest Lions.

The Constant Flux waternado, meanwhile, is sent hurtling at the Memory of the Twins.
"Fade away, and give me my damn memories back."
The water dragon grows as the waternado envelops the Memory, torrents on torrents as a barrage slamming into the Memory. But significantly, it gets it wet, as the water dragon bites down on the Memory, collapsing into water that coats it in more, very conductive water.

Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed
Pol - Kirby catches their blade as it slows down, having spun up and gathered so much momentum from above, electricity dancing on their new hat as Electric Kirby, in the flow, standing on his warp star, takes a fine breath in.
And in a thunderclap, vanishes, to reappear, from above the Memory of the Twins to below.

They moved so fast that their blade separated electrons from countless atoms, creating charge. A current of charge. Lightning in the flash, at godlike speeds, crackling through every dissolved ion, every dissolved piece of metal, in the water.

It erupts in a tree of lightning that arcs above the Memory, and then crashes down on it. And there's the flash.
<...I had a partner?>

V2 upgraded! DEE summoned!

You cleave through the air! With extra power from your electricity-charged attack, you deal 1,500,000 damage to The Twins! The World's Smallest Pride of Lions avoids the other half of your strike! I, N, and T are added to your TYPOGRAPHY!

Your electric attack sears through the water, dealing splash damage! The Telescope and Genny Robotics take 250,000 damage each!

Dinfinity said:


Stop, It hurts!



With The Last sounds out of Wafer being an Undicepherable Scream, they transform and (temporarily till the curse fades) Become ALEKSANDER, Warlock of The Hidden Stars and casts a spell of destructive light in the hopes that it would destroy it and bring back the real stars,

this has always been a threat to all who followed type of magic Wafer followed if they decided to empower themselves by dedicating themselves to a Concept that could be hidden, Such as stars, the night, the day, the sun or the moon or anything that could disappear and reappear, and rarely to everyone else, this comes from the fact that dimensionally, wafers home dimension was always close to the dimensions of Madokami and the Great seven and is a mix of Witches and overblots, mixing the overblots reversibility with the witches transformed sense of identity, thus while being much safer in both the short and long term with a guarantee of the person returning to sense unless the thing they despair about is eternal in nature, it cancause severe mental trauma which can lead to some change of self if left like this for too long

You summon a burning dragon! It strikes the Telescope and bursts into a shower of fire! 2,500,000 damage to The Telescope! The shower of fire rains over the Core Block's army, burning up a chunk of it! The Repair Bubble Pillars, Shield Bubbe Pillars, Formation manage, Repair Mech, and Loader Mech are killed!

FastoDash said:

Heavy Is The Head [256/256 + 148 Mana]

As The Crown settles on Fasto's head, he can't help but feel... detached. Why should he help that Memory, anyway? Its origin had done nothing for him, and now it's just repaying its debt. Instead, he sets his sights on the ©s and their allies.

As Fasto rises into the air, the wind picks up. The water is starting to rise, as mana leaks out into the environment, with sparks throughout the air. Cards rotate around him, and he calls out "STORM FRONT!" A crack of thunder, and clouds block the sky, rain pours down, and bolts of lightning strike down, directly on ©'s entities. A call of "HURRICANE!", and the wind becomes even stronger, sending powerful waves of water around and launching entities every which way. "TSUNAMI!", and an incredibly large wave crashes over the battlefield, pulling entities underneath. Finally, a booming cry of "LIGHTNING BOLT!", and a titanic bolt comes down, cracking the earth below and sending waves of energy through the water. Only the Rod and the Boatmaker are spared.

Fasto sets down the empty Shotgun and picks up Leshy's Camera. More cards for the collection.

The Memory of a Regent protects the World's Smallest Lions, and attacks The Crown.
The World's Smallest Lions distracts the Memory of Electricity Abandoned.

[128/???] (+64 from Pol? Kirby?, +64 from JOE)
+64 to Banana_The_Second
+64 to JOEbobobob

You rain down furious storms! Ancient Fuelweaver destroyed! Ceramic Bloons destroyed, down to the very last layer! Material Disassembler © destroyed! Ouroboros © destroyed! Mighty Weapons © destroyed! Knight ©, Thief ©, Cleric ©, and Gunslinger © destroyed! And finally, Vessel © is destroyed after desperately expending all of his reserves!

The_Nonexistent_Tazz said:

[ CHARGE: Distasteful Anchovi - 256 / 256 ]



... From somewhere in the Uberdungeon, a psychopath on a skateboards roars up on a jetpack, trying to find an exit. They're in a hurry! They need to get out of here. They only have...

... They stop. They check their watch. That's weird. The time isn't ticking down. Wait, no-it is. It's just so glacially slow that at that rate it'd take, by their margin, eighty-seven years to tick all the way down to zero, give or take a few weeks. And this sucker isn't immortal, they'll be dead in eighty-seven years!

unknown to him, the potential cause of his doom has been permanently destroyed so even if he did live that long he still wouldn't be in danger.

With the possibility of his imminent death thoroughly postponed, the next thing to do would be to take his time and get rad footage of-SWEET SUGARY JESUS WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!??!







[ CHARGE: Curse Collector - 64 / 64 ]

... Eee? Something else also appears alongside The Noise. A... Jar? A dark glass jar. It feels... Orderly. Inert. Cold. Immobile. Waiting.

The Curse Collector has approximately 32 Charges worth of HP and a 'Curse Collection' ability. It does nothing on its own-it doesn't have an attack to speak of and cannot act by default. However, if it happens to survive to the destruction of the PokeBall Curse, then it will automatically absorb some sort of ambient power imbued in it. 'Curse' is just an unwanted blessing after all. If this specific condition is met before it dies, then one time only, this entity may be sacrificed to massively empower a single, specific action, as dictated by its master, myself/Tazz of course. For that matter, this is a limited-time offer, this entity cannot persist to the end of the Chaos Morpho fight even if it does survive the beast itself. It also cannot be bodyguarded or otherwise have any kind of protective ability applied to it and is immune to upgrading-32 Charges into HP is the sum total of its durability for the entirety of its inevitably short existence, one way or another.

Of course, this entity may just exist to make the Chaos Morpho waste time attacking a cheap entity instead of something more dangerous. One gets the feeling Tazz doesn't anticipate it to survive to that point either.


+128 to Robot # 207


Dedede comes, and Dedede goes-leaving behind the hammer that empowered them so. Tazz forcibly drags back all their clones-the self-replicating sea of gold sucking inwards towards Tazz until he is the only one of themselves left.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! Yes! YES! Yesssss. I am going to have so much fun with this bloody hammer. I call dibs on it after this is over. Assuming any absence of dire need, of course," Tazz says, clearly enamored with the damn thing enough to rub his face against it. He almost seems giddy as his cheek genuinely flattens against it. "You wouldn't believe how much this means to me... Ahaha. I must make it a point to meet him and his again. He's surprised me, even if it was rather basic at times. I'm sure he must know someone even more incredible than he himself... I can't wait to actually find something that can push back."

Heather decides that whatever horror comes next is preferrable to Tazz's continued obsession with the Sacred Black Hammer.


One detonation of a dear friend later, the world's changed. Heather scrambles to her feet-she's small enough she'd been floating on the surface of the water despite its relative absense.

The Sleuth(?), of course, isn't far from her, hovering on their little cushion, smug as ever, gripping their fedora as they do. Their eyes are focused on one of the symbols hovering in the air around...

... Around whatever that ugly thing is. It takes all of Heather's willpower to not just run. As if she even could. The wings of a beautiful warrior of death, and the unblinking eye of a crimson god, regard her-regard the world, really-as little more than further kindling for the fire, to burn down a thousand universes and more. Not once has it faltered over impossible lengths of time-even when time ran out, and started again, it persisted. This is a gaze that says, "There will be a Reunion, and then says, "There will be a Reunion."

... Back up a bit. Something's itching at her brain as she looks at The Sleuth(?) again, instead of the thing THe Sleuth(?) is looking at. "W-What is with the hat? Did you... Always have that?"

Did they always have that? It feels like they've always been wearing it, and yet...

"The Sleuth(?) rolls their eyes. 'Oh, do not worry about that. It is just tradition,' they lie." The Sleuth(?) narrates. "The Sleuth(?) notices Heather's abject confusion at their words, and tries a different approach altogether to make clear what needs to be done. After all, the Chaos Butterfly - now the Chaos Morpho - has made a dangerous error in applying these curses, and Helix is all too happy to guide The Sleuth(?) to victory. They just need a good argument first. And that meant - 'I need that Pokeball Curse gone. Surf's up, Heather. I recommend swimming away,' the Sleuth says in a hard-boiled manner."

"... What the actual sh*t. Are you OK?"

"'Of course,' The Sleuth(?) replies. After all, nothing can really harm them. 'Now go!'"

The Sleuth(?) pulls out two entire surfboards from their duffel bag and throws one at Heather. Given the foot-tall water is now starting to approach waist-height for Heather, some form of protection is clearly practical. She grabs the surfboard and kicks away-my goodness for something so small she can kick kind of hard anyways.

Heather thusly moved out of the way, The Sleuth(?) gets into position, hanging ten on the very edge of the surfboard. And waits. And waits, and waits. ripples form out from behind him. Then bumps-distortions in the water. Up, down, up, down, up, down. The Sleuth(?) bobs higher and lower with each passing ripple, each wave cresting and crashing a little bit more intensely. More water must be coming in, somehow-the waves start to get taller than the Adventurers. Heather clings to the surfboard for dear life.

"The Sleuth(?) keeps his eyes on the inferior foe in front of them. 'You are persistent, aren't you? You never die even when you should. Then again, I just don't die at all," The Sleuth(?) says, confidently facing <0>. 'It doesn't matter how many times you come back. If you seek to burn the whole world down, then I'll snuff your fire. I recommend you surrender peacefully, there is no reason for anyone to die here, but I suspect you care little for such overtures' The Sleuth says in a completely smooth and diplomatic manner."

The water abruptly stills to perfect flatness. Then, it twitches-rumbles-surface jittering like a high school party animal waiting on grades for the final exams they didn't study for.

Then-water. Water rushes through an entire wall of the Uberspire, obliterating it utterly. Rubble cascades out, miraculously hitting nobody as an impossible tide roars in. Heather grips her surfboard hard enough for her fingers to leave gouges in the wood. The Sleuth(?), meanwhile, confidently hangs ten, the tidal wave converging around the pikachu-statue-detective(?) as they remain comfortably in the green zone, aiming directly for the PokeBall. Every drop of water in the room converges-leaving everyone except the Chaos-aligned entities briefly high and dry, as the tidal wave becomes a tidal fist, The Sleuth(?) a spiked knuckle on top.

At the apex of the arc, just as the tidal fist would crash down on the PokeBall, The Sleuth(?)'s cheeks crackle, and pour out blinding white electricity into the whole structure. The impurities in the water react and crackle, sending a vicious electrical charge to the <0>-aligned entities caught in the tide, as The Sleuth(?), at the last minute, backflips off the board and kicks it directly into the PokeBall, sending it reeling towards the ground-and the titanic wave-fist crashes down on it not a second later, hammering in the surfboard like a hammer to the nail, before burying it with cascading, electrified water, charge mercifully dissipating before the water can re-pool into the rest of the room, excess draining away.


The Sleuth(?), still hovering in the air after their attack, puts a contemplative paw to their chin. "The Sleuth(?) thinks that they haven't made their point to the dastardly <0> clear yet, and intend to hammer in their argument more thoroughly to the eldritch insect and its associate minions. Deciding on this approach, they wordlessly equip KING DEDEDE'S ROCKET HAMMER, to demonstrate their argument all the better."

The Sleuth(?) thus whips King Dedede's Rocket Hammer out from their duffel bag. The raging waters. still bend to their will. With a little flick of their digits, the waters converge upon the lot of the hostiles and warp into a sphere, trapping five hostiles in particular. The hammer's engines roar to prep-The Sleuth(?) has no problem wielding the Hammer properly in one hand, it seems, much like its last wielder.

"The Sleuth coughs, facing the enemies in the roaring orb of water. 'You know you can't really get what you want anymore. You may control chaos, but chaos is rarely controlled. You are a being of stifling order-eroding all possibilities away. A false chaos, shearing away probability until your victory is as inevitable as entropy. But there is one thing even more powerful than entropy, <0>. The red may be the crown, but the white lasts,' The Sleuth(?) says in a hardboiled-yet-poetic manner. 'Now please stand down, I don't want to get ugly.'"

This polite overture is completely unheeded by anyone in the room, victims included (if they could even hear it in the raging sphere of water), as well as The Sleuth(?) themselves it seems-who's jumped up in a wild swing, spinning like a beyblade as they crash into the sphere and slam all five of their targets, dealing 100,000 damage to the Chaos Morpho, the PokeBall, the The Cycle of Violence, the Violences (as a group, they can all be hit at once), and the mind-controlled Spider Tank-specifically just that one, to regain Norm's Heart.


Heather feels increasingly like The Sleuth(?) is acting wrong. Is that even their name?

Then again, it's hardly as if she can act right. Her 'costume' activates one last time, bringing about Total Immersion.

This time the suit's alteration is very rapid-so much so that anyone looking even briefly can tell it's rather significant. Heather is even smaller now-two feet tall or less. The 'mouth' of the 'costume' contracts around her head, lowering over her eyes-and seconds later they glimmer with life and start blinking. The only thing the costume isn't covering now, in fact, is her actual mouth. Her tail twitches alive.

Heather cannot possibly be constituted as human anymore. Something remains, though. The rest of her body feels rather dysphoric about that maladaptation on her face, her lips. It won't last. She knows the next time will be the final transmutation. If she wasn't completely terrified for her life, she might've been terrified about everything this might mean instead. Some part of her seriously wants to go back and fry the damn old lady for her secretiveness. A smaller part of her points out exactly how stupid that is-she got herself into this situation to at least a little degree. Another part of her just wants to time travel to kick her past self in the face before she even tried. Too late for all of that, though-she's too deep into this to back out.

She'll get herself out.

With her other action, she faces down, not the PokeBall, but the Twins. She presses her legs down-so short now!-and jumps, soaring over the room at the floating sigil, activating Volt Tackle to do as much damage as possible, trying to destroy the Twins as fast as possible. (Being in the air, she does not trigger the electrocution effect of the current weather.)

I mean-she's not exactly in possession of the world's greatest DPS but every little bit counts.

Pizzahead decides Heather's lead is smart and pitches a giant rat directly at the Twins.


The Noise summoned!

Curse Collector summoned!

It's not very effective... You deal 1,000,000 damage to the Pokéball with electricity boosting you! You also deal 250,000 damage to The Globe and fry The Program's Hourglass Drive!

You fire the Rocket Hammer! The Chaos Morpho, The Pokéball, and <![if !ie]> The Cycle of Violence <![endif]> take 100,000 damage! The Violence are destroyed! The Spider Tank dodges the rocket!

Krill13 said:


ripidi dedede(but not really):

Aw dang, was expecting him to stay like, one more turn. Ah well.


I watch as Dan D. Daniels kinda just explodes in front of us. I don't even like, look away or close my eyes from the blinding light that comes right after it. This is totally healthy for my replaceable eyes.

...also, I'd question why the Chaos Morpho just exploded its one friend among us (laugh), but then again it's Chaos. Nobody can really predict what it do.

...actually, does this Chaos Morpho lad even have like, some manner of communicable consciousness going on in there or is the butterfly thingy just, funni Chaos stuff?

sooo... Crimtane Shovel:

Again, acknowledging that Dan D. Daniels do be gone, Mischief's still slunk back into the shadows, and just about the rest of the nerds here having Destiny-pains and also not really being Chaos Alliance, I turn to ©.

"Soo.... Summon Gang?"

very random MOTHPIRE consultation:

" uhh, feeling anything in particular about that butterfly?"


+256 from undergoing character development and finally going back to normal text haha no i lied


shamelessly initiated by the stall runner


<![if !ie]> It feels really awkward having to reply back with a "thank you" whenever the other guy has already said "you're welcome" in advance but uhh thank you anyway <![endif]>

"Wow. Me, initiating yet another trade? Inconceivable, I know," I say as I am devoured by the unclosed parentheses)

[500/500] big one coming up part 2
[18/18] small one coming part 2

+60 to © in the form of my still-beating heart. I got like, a hundred of those and it's really starting to get cramped in my chest. (+60 to Crimtane Shovel)
+4 to Mischief in the form of a void infection. Uhh I dunno if you'll particularly like this one. (+8 to DreadKnight22)

<![if !ie]> Stall's still on fire, yep. Business is still going good though. But also I am initiating another trade with Pol so... <![endif]>
(+64 to Banana_The_Second)


Aight, 500 Charges to burn on a Task Drive.


...uhh yeah I don't actually know what I was gonna make outta this one.

I mean, I got the frame n' all set up, but I kinda don't know what kinda task this thing's gonna do. Hmm.

I dunno, maybe some funni ol' ritual could help me decide on a theme for this thing. Uhh be back in a sec.

[A "sec" later]

Alright got a list of randomly-generated (maybe?) materials to conduct a good ol' ritual with:

  1. Century-old penny
  2. A chicken's tail feather
  3. Bootleg of a legendary sword
  4. La Chancla
  5. A parrot's tail feather
  6. A dragon's consensually removed scale
  7. A crow's tail feather
  8. A raven's tail feather-why are there so many tail feathers here?
  9. Recipe for Eternal Happiness
  10. Voodoo Doll connected to some poor guy's pinky
  11. A placeholder for the 11th item
  12. <![if !ie]> Node of Ultimate Power <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> The last item in that list proceeds to mindlessly cannibalize all the other items presented, as well as all 500 Charges, before briefly turning into a draconic shape of gilded blue that then speeds into the Drive. <![endif]>

"Woah, Nelly!" I say in surprise as the thing enters the Drive I was holding, before promptly dropping it not because the Ultimate Power was shaking violently inside the Drive, but because I was processing the fact that I deadarse just said 'Woah, Nelly'. I mean, yeah the Drive is shaking violently and all but also 'Woah, Nelly'? Really?

<![if !ie]> The Drive hits the surface of the flooded battlefield, and there it continues to splash about, rattling violently from the sheer violence of the Power possessing it. <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> Its internal rampage sees no signs of stopping; rather it seems to be growing in intensity by the second as draconic visages begin to manifest from within, seemingly gnawing into the surface of the Drive. <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> And the trembling only worsens as cracks begin forming on the frame of the Drive. <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> Draconic roars can be heard bursting from within the Drive, its threat of shattering the Drive about to be realized, POTENTIALLY UNLEASHING UNSPEAKABLE DESTRUCTION- <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> [ACTION] <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> The mute choir of the End is conducted by a shrewd visitor... <![endif]>

Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PSI) (Always accepting new players) RP (1)

<![if !ie]> A familiar black substance overtakes the entirety of the Drive, calming its tantrum down to complete stillness. From there, the Drive follows a gentle flow leading to where the Program lies. It threatens a soft collision upon the latter's wall of variant façade; a threat that never comes to pass as it is granted an access that lacks collision into what lies beneath the colorful veneer.

The Drive further carries itself into the black cube that serves as the Program's core, and there it inserts itself; not into the one vacant Task Drive port, but directly into the cube.

It is in this moment that the Program undergoes great alterations: the wall of varying displays burn away in what seem to be black flames, leaving behind the black cube that now possesses a crackling aura of black and

<![endif]> <![if !ie]> white.

And lastly, from what seems to be the front of the cube manifests... a mouth that speaks in a reverent tone.


Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PSI) (Always accepting new players) RP (2)
<![if !ie]> "The Process... is underway..." <![endif]>

  • Name change from The Program to <![if !ie]> The Process <![endif]>
  • HP and RAM count both increased to either [1,000,000], [1,500,000], or [2,000,000], depending on remaining allotment after the other upgrades
  • Gain Word of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: On successfully spending all RAM optimally (ie. no overkill/overheal, no Task Drives destroyed before usage, no unnecessary RAM allocation like spending more than 250,000 on the Chess Drive), spread a buff of variable effect akin to The Idea's finishers across a variable number of entities it considers its allies (©, AG's, mine)
  • Both The Idea and The Process get a shared ability that connects their HP together in some manner, whether it be them taking half the damage from the other, them not being killed until both their HP's hit 0, or any other effect
  • [If there's an abundance in budget] The Process' version of Impending that ticks up on every successful and optimal RAM allocation per Task Drive usage


...I mean, I guess that works?


Welp, since that wasn't a real Task Drive installed, uhh I stuff all sorts of healing materials into a Task Drive... no really I swear I'm gonna have a different method on creating Task Drives after this I swear.

Well uhh, considering how cheaply I made this thing, and how I'm gunning for it to be AoE Healing, uhh I'm not really expecting this Crude AoE Healing Drive to have a particularly efficient RAM to Healing cost.



"So like, are we cool, Chaos butterfly guy? You don't attack my guys, my guys don't attack you? Or are we just Chaos and stuff here?"


The now-sharing-a-line A Puppy and an Animated Bespectacled Mannequin and Bingus Bungus Mecha Mark II! also either store their smacks to Vessel © or smack The Globe.

<![if !ie]> The Idea shows indifference to the commands, assaulting six of the Curses from top-down. <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> "And thus shall it be that The Process of now is as written:"
<Chess Drive> 250,000 RAM into pushing the Shadow Pawn upwards
<Hourglass Drive> No Allocations
<Crude AoE Healing Drive> All Remaining RAM of [750,000], [1,250,000], or [1,750,000] spread across allies, prioritizing [Krill13 - N]

"...uhhh yeah hard to say if that lad counts as part of 'my guys'."


The Shadow Pawn continues to stroll on this flooded but also blazing ol' field.


CRIT! <![if !ie]> The Process <![endif]> awakened!

Robot # 207 said:

The Core Block:
The Core Block

Connection Terminated

Chaos Chaos:
All Units

The Mech falls apart, and the Core Block falls into that pile of blocks, then the blocks that made up The Mech start Floating Ominously, they start floating towards The Cube

"You aren't getting those blocks FOOL"
"Self Destruct!"

All of the Functional Blocks from The Mech Explode, leaving only a few basic structural blocks to continue floating towards that Curse

"My Connection with the Block Creations have been Terminated, I no longer have Control over them, and those Mech blocks ominously hovering before this means that The Cube is probably the one Controlling my units"

The Core Block digs through the pile of stuff left behind when the Mech Disassembled.

Charge Gun
Windup Robot
Void Coolant Pumps
Servos and Thrusters
Cold Void Batteries
Void Armor Plates
Void Blades
Cold Fire Flamethrower
Buncha Pale Ore (it's cold, maybe use it for ice weapons?)
Pale Sword
Mundane Batteries

While it forms a plan around using these items somehow, a packet of multiple jumbo nail guns appears, The Core Block walks over to observe the package and contents.
Good, could use this for a wall of guns, now for materials.

The Core Block keeps searching and finds the Sawblade Arm, it then equips the arm and walks over to one of the trees, The Core Block then cuts down a few trees, and uses the saw to process the trees further.
After a montage of putting out the burning fires on the trees and processing this Lumber, The Core Block has some Wood, it then uses the wood to build a Wooden Wall to mount all of these Jumbo Nailguns to.

The Nail Wall is turned to face The Cube, after The Core Block aims the best it can with a Wooden wall with a bunch of nail guns strapped on, it moves over to the charge gun, it kicks the charge gun until the charge gun is aimed at The Nail Wall, then it maneuvers one of its legs to pull the trigger.

The Charge Gun hits the Nail Wall, and fires all of the Nail Guns simultaneously, the Nail guns also keep firing until they're all out of nails, this Barrage of nails hits the curse and deals significant damage, the Nails striking the side of the cube and the new nails driving the previous volley deeper and deeper while making new holes as well.
Once the Nail Wall is out of ammo the Nail guns all reset, and The Core Block has finished its attack.

[Postponed until further notice 170/?] +128 from Charging, +128 From Tazz, +128 from Tom Sawyer (in the form of a lot of Nail Guns), +64 from Mischief in the form of Various Machine Parts
+32 to someone who arms the Core Block. all
+32 to someone who arms the Core Block. traded
+32 to someone who arms the Core Block. with
+32 to someone who arms the Core Block. DragonAegis
Arms can be in the form of Weapons (Melee, Ranged, etc) or maybe literal manipulator arms

128 owed to Tazz
40 owed to Mischief

Norm's Heart: Operating the Spider Tank (This is Bad)

You strike The Cube, dealing 1,500,000 damage!

JOEbobobob said:

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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 50|_|1 0|‾ 4 9|_|4|‾|) |<|113|) 6¥ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |<|113|) 7|-|3 7|-|||‾|) 9|_|4|‾|) ||\| 4 3-9|_|4|‾|) \|/47(|-|70\|/3|‾.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 6|_|1137 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |‾||‾3|) 4 6|_|1137 ||\|70 7|-|3 64|‾|‾31 0|‾ 4 9|_||\| |‾||‾3|) ||\|70 7|-|3 64|‾31 0|‾ 4 9|_||\|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 5|-|4|‾|)5 0|‾ 4 9|_||\| 7|-|47 \|/45 610\|/|\| |_||* 6¥ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 613\|/ |_||* 4 9|_||\| 6¥ 5|-|007||\|9 4 6|_|1137 ||\|70 |7
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 51|9|-|7 73|\/||*0|‾41 4((313|‾47|0|\| (0|_||‾735¥ 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |<|113|) 4 9|_|4|‾|) |‾4571¥'5 |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾5, 1||<3 \|/|-|3|\| |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 5|\/|||‾|<3|) 6|9 4|‾73|‾ |<|11||\|9 9|_|4|‾|) |‾4571¥ |)||) 7|-|3 0|*|*05|73 0|‾ 7|-|47 70 45|*3|‾4 6|_|7 64(|<\|/4|‾|)5 4|\||) \|/|7|-|0|_|7 3|\||)||\|9 |_||* ||\| ||‾3|\/| 0|‾ |\/|3|‾|.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 |‾3(0|‾|)||\|9 0|‾ 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| (0|\/||\/|3|\||)||\|9 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| 54||) |\/|4|)3 4|\| 3><(3113|\|7 5|-|07, \|/|7|-| |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 \|/45 |‾10\|/|\| ||\|70 4 (4|\/||* \|/|-||13 7|-|3 573|‾30 |*14¥3|) '||‾0|\| |\/|4||)3|\| - \|/4573|) ¥34|‾5'5 |\|4|\/|3 |‾3|*14(3|) \|/|7|-| 7|-|47 0|‾ 7|-|3 |‾3(||*|3|\|7.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7313|<||\|37|( 5746|1|247|0|\| |‾|‾0|\/| 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |)||) |\|07 |\|33|) 70 |-|01|) 0|\| \|/|-|3|\| 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| 6|‾0|_|9|-|7 7|-|3 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| || |)0\|/|\|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 |*0|‾7|‾4|7 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 134|*7 0|‾|‾ 7|-|3 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| || 134|*||\|9 0|_|7 0|‾ 7|-|3 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| ||
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 1|57 0|‾ 411 |73|\/|5 ||\| 7|-|3||‾ ||\|\/3|\|70|‾¥, (0|\/||*|13|) 6¥ |-|3 \|/|-|0 (|-|3(|<3|) |-||5 ||\|\/3|\|70|‾¥ ||\/||\/|3|)|4731¥ 4|‾73|‾ _||_||\/||*||\|9 0|_|7 0|‾ 7|-|3 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| || 4|\||) 0|‾|)3|‾3|) 6¥ ||\/||*0|‾74|\|(3 (|*|‾06461¥ _||_|57 4 1|57 0|‾ 411 +1'5 94||\|3|) 7|-||5 |‾0|_||\||) 76|-|)
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 50|\/|3 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|053 67|-| |73|\/| \|/45 (|_|570|\/| 13941 |)0(|_||\/|3|\|75'5 (|_|570|\/| 13941 |)0(|_||\/|3|\|75
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 |\/|4|\||_|41 0|\| 7|-|3 501|)|3|‾ (0|\|94 1||\|3 73(|-||\||0.|_|3 \|/|‾|773|\| 6¥ |)|_||)3 |‾|‾0|\/| 4 \|/0|‾1|) \|/|-|3|‾3 501|)|3|‾5 |‾|_|5|-| ||\| (0|\|94 1||\|35
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 50|\/|3 ||\|5|*||‾47|0|\| |‾|‾0|\/| 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 ||\|5|*||‾3|) |<14\/|3|‾ 70 7|-||‾0\|/ |‾0|\|'5 |\|3(|<-|-|31|(0|*73|‾-614|)3 47 4 (0|\|94 1||\|3 0|‾ 9|_|4|‾|)5.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4|\| ||\|\/3|\|70|‾¥ 7|-|47 |)035|\|'7 |*4|_|53 7||\/|3 |‾|‾0|\/| 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 100|<3|) |_||* |‾|‾0|\/| |-||5 ||\|\/3|\|70|‾¥ |‾|9|-|7 63|‾0|‾3 4 9|_|4|‾|) 0|\| 4 |\/|070|‾(¥(13 |‾34(|-|3|) |-|||\/|
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 50|\/|3 ||\|7357||\|35 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |*|_||\|(|-|3|) 4 |-|013 ||\| 4 501|)|3|‾'5 570|\/|4(|-| 4|\||) |‾||*|*3|) |-||5 ||\|7357||\|35 0|_|7 907 |‾|‾0|\/|, |_||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-|, [|]50|\/|3\|/|-|3|‾3[/|]
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 14550 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |\/|4|)3 4 14550 0|_|7 0|‾ ||\|7357||\|35 |\/|4|)3 0|_|7 0|‾ |\|0|\|-||\|7357||\|3 |\/|473|‾|415.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 5|<31370|\| 7|-|47 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |‾4573|\|3|) 4|\| ||\|7357||\|3 70 4 7|‾||*14|\|3 |‾3|\/|0\/3|) |‾|‾0|\/| |75 4774(|-|3|) 60|)¥
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 63||\|9 |<|(|<3|) ||\| 7|-|3 |‾4(3 |‾|‾0|\/| |)|_||)3 |‾|‾0|\/| 4 \|/0|‾1|) \|/|-|3|‾3 4|\|9|‾¥ |*30|*13 |-|4\/3 5|_||*3|‾ 57|‾3|\|97|-|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 50|\/|3 |‾31|9|0|\| 7||*5 |‾|‾0|\/| 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |<|\|0\|/5 0|\|1¥ _|35|_|5 |5 5|_||*|*053|) 70 |)|3 0|\| 4 (|‾055, |\|07 |‾39|_|14|‾ |*30|*13
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 7|-|0|_|9|-|7 4 |‾|9|-|7 \|/0|_|1|) 63 0\/3|‾ |‾457 \/3|‾6411¥ \/3|‾6411¥ 7|-|||\||<||\|9 ¥0|_||‾ |*|‾09|‾355 \|/|11 63 510\|/.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 74|\||<-|‾|9|-|7||\|9 4|)\/|(3 |‾|‾0|\/| |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 5700|) |-||5 9|‾0|_||\||) 494||\|57 4 74|\||<
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 6|_|1137 |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |)3|‾13(75 6|_|11375 ||\|70 3|\|3|\/|¥ 9|_|4|‾|)5 0|‾ |-||5 411|35 _||_|57 |)3|‾13(73|).
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ ||\|7||\/|||)47|0|\| 13550|\|5 |‾|‾0|\/| 9|_|¥ \|/|-|053 4|*|*|‾04(|-| |\/|4|)3 4 74|\||< 0|*3|‾470|‾ 506
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |-|31|) 74|\||< 5|-|311 93|\|71¥ 1||<3 |‾0076411 7|-||‾0\|/||\|9 ¥0|_| 0|‾ 50|\/|37|-|||\|9 |_|53|‾|_|1 47 ¥0|_| 1||<3 4 |‾0076411
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 5(|_|1|*7|_||‾3 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 14|\||)3|) 9|‾4(3|‾|_|11¥ 4|‾73|‾ 610\|/||\|9 |_||* 4 74|\||< |*3|‾|‾0|‾|\/|||\|9 4 9|‾4(3|‾|_|1 14|\||)||\|9
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 50|\/|3 \/|(70|‾¥ 57013|\| |‾|‾0|\/| \|/||\||\|3|‾ 0|‾ 4 9|‾347 |*0\|/-|‾31473|) \/|(70|‾¥'5 54\/||\|9 0|‾ 7|-|3 |*0\|/'5
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 _|-53(0|\||) 104|\| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| (0|\|9|‾47|_|1473|) |‾0|‾ 645|(411¥ 5||\|913-|-|4|\||)3|)1¥ \|/||\||\|||\|9 7|-|3 647713'5 |-|4|\||), \|/|-||(|-| 5|-|0|_|1|) 63 3|\|0|_|9|-| 70 \|/||\| 7|-|3 647713.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 7|-|0|_|9|-|7 |<14\/|3|‾'5 7|-|347|‾|(5 \|/3|‾3 4 6|7 3|\/|64|‾|‾455||\|9 610(|<||\|9 7|-|3 \/|3\|/ 0|‾ 50|\/|30|\|3 3153'5 3|\/|64|‾|‾455||\|9 7|-|347|‾|(5 |‾|‾0|\/| ¥0|_|.
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 5700|) 7|-|3|‾3 \|/|-||13 |)¥14|\| |‾4|\| 4|‾0|_||\||) 0|\| |‾||‾3 610(|<||\|9 3\/3|‾¥0|\|3 3153'5 \/|3\|/ 0|‾ 7|-|3||‾ |\|3><7 53|‾|35 0|‾ 3|\/|64|‾|‾455||\|9 7|-|347|‾|(5.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 \|/47(|-|3|) 45 10|_||3 |)0|_|53|) |)¥14|\| |)0|_|5||\|9 50|\/|37|-|||\|9 |‾0|‾ ¥0|_|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 14|_|9|-|3|) \|/|-|3|\| |7 \|/45 |)|5(0\/3|‾3|) 7|-|3 1|0.|_|||) \|/45 94501||\|3 |‾3\/341||\|9 7|-|3¥ |)0|_|53|) 7|-|3 7|-|||\|9 \|/|7|-| 94501||\|3
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |\/||9|-|7'\/3 |<|\|0\|/|\| |-|34\/3|\| 907 |)3|\/|0|\||23|) \|/|-|3|\| 4 1|0.|_|||) \|/45 94501||\|3 1|9|-|7||\|9 7|-|3 94501||\|3 460\/3 0|\| |‾||‾3
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 (0|_||\|73|‾|*4|‾7 70 4 |)33|* \/0|(3(|-|4|\|93|‾ |\/|4|\| 5377||\|9 |‾0|‾ \/0|(3(|-|4|\|93|‾, |\|34|‾1¥ _|% 45 900|) 45 7|-|3 |‾341 |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |‾4(3|) 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 \|/0|‾3 \|/|-||73 |*0\|/3|‾ 4|‾|\/|0|‾'5 \/0|(3.
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 ||\|0.|_|||‾3|) 45 70 7|-|3 ||)3|\|7|7¥ 0|‾ 4 |<|\||9|-|74|\|931|‾0607|‾3110\|/'5 |)055|3|‾ 0|\| 7|-|3 147357 3|\|3|\/|¥
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 5|\/|||‾|<3|) 4|‾73|‾ 533|\/|||\|9 |\|34|‾-|)347|-| |‾3\/341||\|9 7|-|47 |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 5|\/||_|9|\|355 \|/45 |_||\|4|‾|‾3(73|) 6¥ |-||5 50|‾3 |\|3(|< |-|45 41|‾34|)¥ |)0|\|3 50|\/|37|-|||\|9 |_|53|‾|_|1 |‾0|‾ 7|-|3|\/| 0|‾|‾-5(|‾33|\|.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 |*14|\| 45 6|‾|11|4|\|7 45 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 6|‾|11|4|\|71¥ 7|-|0|_|9|-|7 |‾4|<3 7|-|0|_|9|-|75 460|_|7 63||\|9 "10|\|31¥" 4|\||) "54|)" 4|\||) 7|‾|(|<3|) |)|‾490|\|'5 |‾4|<3 7|-|0|_|9|-|75 |*14|\|5 \|/3|‾3
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 90|).07 \|/45 914|) \|/45 |\|07 |*|‾353|\|7 \|/|-|3|\| |\/|4¥4 5\|/0|‾3 63(4|_|53 |-|3 |-|4735 5\|/34|‾||\|9 |*01|(||\|9 7|-|3||‾ |*057 |‾0|‾ 5\|/34|‾ \|/0|‾|)5.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 |‾3(0|‾|)||\|9 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 _||_||\/||*3|) 0\/3|‾ 7|-|3 9|‾4|\||) (4|\|¥0|\| 0|\| 4 |\/|070|‾(¥(13 63|‾0|‾3 90||\|9 70 |<|-||_||‾4||\| |\/|070|‾(¥(13-_||_||\/||*||\|9 0\/3|‾ 7|-|3 9|‾4|\||) (4|\|¥0|\|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 |‾3|‾|_||\| 0|‾ 7|-|3 460\/3 |‾3(0|‾|)||\|9 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 5|-|0\|/5 |_||* ||\| |‾3|‾|_||\|5 0|\| 7|-|3 |\/|070|‾(¥(13 (|-|4|\||\|31 |\/|070|‾(¥(13-_||_||\/||*||\|9 0\/3|‾ 7|-|3 9|‾4|\||) (4|\|¥0|\|
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+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |<|\|0\|/||\|9 |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 \|/0|‾1|) |\/||9|-|7 63 47 0|‾ 4|‾73|‾ 7|-|3 ¥34|‾ 728'5 6||‾7|-| |)473.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4((355 70 9|_|¥ |‾|‾0|\/| 4 \|/0|‾1|) \|/|-|3|‾3 3\/3|‾¥0|\|3 ||\| |-|34\/3|\| 9375 4 |‾145|-|64(|< |*0|‾741'5 |‾145|-|64(|< |*0|‾741
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 (0|_|1|)'\/3 ||\|574|\|71¥ |)3|)|_|(3|) 5474|\|'5 |*|‾353|\|(3 |‾|‾0|\/| 4 0|\|3-0|‾|‾ 9|‾390|‾¥ 0.|_|073 (|\|07 |)3|‾_|03)'5 |-|31|* |)373|‾|\/|||\|||\|9 \|/|-|37|-|3|‾ 5474|\| |5 ||\|\/01\/3|) ||\| 7|-||5 5|7|_|47|0|\|
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|‾4|\|5147||\|9 7|-|3 5|_|67|7135 ||\| 9|_|¥ |‾|‾0|\/| 4 \|/0|‾1|) \|/|-|3|‾3 |‾145|-|64(|< |*0|‾7415 (0|\/|3 \|/|7|-| 5|_|67|7135'5 |‾145|-|64(|< |*0|‾741, 63(4|_|53 |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 |‾03 |)|‾490|\| |-|4|) (0|\/||\/|4|\||) 0|‾ 5474|\|'5 5|_|67|7135 \|/0|_|1|) |\|0|‾|\/|411¥ 63 ||\| ||\|(0|\/||*|‾3|-|3|\|5|613 4657|‾4(7 73|‾|\/|5.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 |-|4|\||)|‾|_|1 0|‾ 6||‾|)533|) |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 |‾|‾|3|\||) 547 0|\| 4 63|\|(|-| \|/|-||13 |*|‾3|*4|‾||\|9 13941 |)0(|_||\/|3|\|75'5 |‾|‾|3|\||) |\/|4|‾\/||\| 9|‾05563|‾9 5(4773|‾3|) |‾0|‾ |*|930|\|5.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 50|\/|3 |*|930|\|5 70 6|‾|63 01|) |*30|*13, 63(4|_|53 45 |-|3 \|/|-|0 455|_||‾35 |_|5 7|-|47 01|) |*30|*13 1||<3 |*|930|\|5 73115 |_|5, 01|) |*30|*13 1||<3 |*|930|\|5
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_||\|-||)3|\|7||‾¥||\|9 7||*5 |‾|‾0|\/| 9|_|¥ \|/|-|053 \|/0|‾1|) |-|45 (4|\/|3|‾45 7|-|47 4|‾3 41509|_||\|5.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 6|_|1137 70 7|-|3 |<|\|33, |‾||‾3|) 6¥ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|053 |‾|‾|3|\||) 9|‾05563|‾9 700|< 7\|/0 6|_|11375 70 7|-|3 |<|\|335 ||\| 5|_|(|-| 4 \|/4¥ 7|-|47 |‾47|-|3|‾ 7|-|4|\| 9|_|¥ \|/|-|053 |‾0|‾|\/|3|‾ |‾|‾|3|\||) 9|‾05563|‾9 \|/45 (0\|/3|) 6¥ |\/|3|‾31¥ 6|‾0|<3|\| |<|\|335 4|\||) 4 |<|\|||‾3 ||\| |-||5 |‾0|‾3|-|34|)'5 6|_|11375 |-||_||‾7||\|9, 7|-|3 5|-|4773|‾3|) 60|\|3 |5 ||\|5734|) 63773|‾ 4|\||) |\/|0|‾3 |_|53|‾|_|1.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 0|\|1¥ |*3|‾50|\| \|/|-|0 (4|\| |)3|‾3|\||) 7|‾|_|(¥ \|/|‾|9|-|7, |-||5 (0|_|5||\| |*|‾0\/||)||\|9 50|\/|3 \|/0|‾7|-|1355 5(|‾4|*5 0|‾ |*4|*3|‾.
+1 70 50|\/|30|\|3 \|/|-|0 +1'5 |\/|3 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 0|\|1¥ |*3|‾50|\| 3><3|\/||*7 |‾|‾0|\/| 7|-|3 |)0|_|613-|<|\|33(4|*-6|_|1137-|<|\|||‾3-7055 7|-||‾347 |-|4|\||)||\|9 0\/3|‾ 4 5|*4|‾3 |<|\|||‾3 |‾|‾0|\/| 7|-|3 |\/|4|\|¥ 7||\/|35 |*30|*13 7|‾|3|) 70 |<|11 |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |\/|4|\|¥ |‾|‾|3|\||)5 0|‾ |*30|*13 5|*0|<3 0|‾ 70 (0|\/||\/||_||\||(473 7|-|3 \|/4|‾|\|||\|9 460|_|7 |)3|‾3|\||)||\|9 |-||5 (0|_|5||\| \|/|7|-| 4 |)0|_|613-|<|\|33(4|*-6|_|1137-|<|\|||‾3-7055 |\/|4|\|3|_|\/3|‾.

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You heal the Variable Entity, provide it an additional large health bar, and offer it to the Chaos Morpho for safekeeping! It seems to accept, considering the Variable Entity immediately begins acting hostile. Maybe this wasn't your best idea...

DragonAegis said:

[Arock 3.5 P/448 CP] (+128 from the Core Block)
+128 to the Core Block (Robot # 207 ) in the form of a packet of jumbo nailguns!

Tom Sawyer gives Belenoth to Banana_The_Second
They then aim the Spur... BANG! The Cycle of Violence takes a hit.
Tom Sawyer lifts their head to slash at the Notebook... but a mystical force, as mysterious as magnetism, drags their metal blade down to their workbench.

Tom Sawyer looks at their Scrap Buckets... ...none of the opposing entities have armor (except for the some of the Core Block's entities if they've already turned.)

Tom Sawyer takes 0.5 P/64 CP and turns it into a cast.
A metallic, shimmering cast. Whatever forged within it will have unique properties.
Tom Sawyer then drops the cast. It's heavy, but not as heavy as the Iron Ball (which they probably already dropped and must be sailing on it's merry way towards The Notebook. this will be later picked up by the Artificer Degree Two.) The cast immediately fills with water (High Tide!), and the water takes on properties metallic.
The metallic water is cooled by the foot of water surrounding it, and then Tom Sawyer smashes it and reforms it again and again to temper it.
Tom Sawyer has forged a Glass Of Water! They fill the Glass Of Water with water, to make it a Glass Of Water of water.

So basically Tom Sawyer uses 64 CP to make metal water in the shape of a cup that they fill with water.

Finally, Tom Sawyer expends 40,000 to construct a double pendulum where Dan D. Daniels was last.
For having the strength to choose the difficult path.

The Relic Bearer stares at Ample Seating. Ample Seating was the seat of rulers, of peasants, of criminals, of law-enforcement, of brilliant minds and fallen stars. Ample Seating has been quietly supporting history itself. And it's time in the limelight has come.
The Artificer Degree Two is lacking items to upgrade things with! They pick up the Iron Ball with some difficulty, stopping it from it's trajectory towards The Notebook and they stuff the history of the Iron Ball into the Stasis Array (with difficulty. the Iron Ball's history is as heavy as the Ball itself). The Stasis Array suddenly feels the weight of history upon it... but it's as if it's on someone else.
wait have i used this line before
The Stasis Array gains experience. The Iron Ball has been making people stop moving (and check their rapidly swelling toe) since the beginning of time. It also feels the history of spin. Spin. Spin is a concept older than Iron Balls. When things know how to spin, they can harmonize with their environment. But when things don't know how to spin, they become dizzy, fall, and stop. Such is the power of heavy spinning.

You fire the Spur at <![if !ie]> The Cycle of Violence <![endif]>! However, the Variable Entity leaps in front of your attack! It takes 700,000 damage and spawns sixteen Madness Pizzas!

Glass of Water of Water crafted! Double pendulum placed on final resting place!

RazorTyphoon said:



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[̷̧̡̢̛͙̣͕̰̬͇͔̲͔̠͊̃̽̽̈́͋̑͝Í̶̡̩̫̦̻̻͙̄̉̽͋̐͂̌̑̆́̒̊̄͝͠͝D̸̢͕͎̬̹͚̰̰̠͉̲͔͇̖͔̤͓͛̀͑̐̔́͂̊̏͒͆̆̓́́̌̍͊̂̈́̂̽̈́̂͘͘̚͠ͅE̵̢̧̢̨̡̢̛͉̼̗̥͍̯͈̞̟͙̺̮̘̩̗̼͍͍̪̙͙̞̬͕̫͍̜̜̫͎͇̝̔͑͑̈̀́̉͑̌́̈̃̇̎̃̆̋̀̄͐̄̀̆͛͌͑̇͗̅̕̚̕͜͜͜͜͝͝͝N̴̛̦͓̫̟̰̦̫̭̜͈̦͍̮͓̹̦͓̗̟̺̂͐̉̊͑̈́̇̋͌̈́̇̎͑̅̌̌̄̀̉͋̑͆̾̍̀̀̾͛̃̐̕͘̕͠ͅṬ̵̛͎̿͑͛̊̇̌̃͛̇̎̐͛͒̈́͑͗͌̾̈́̀͗͗̌̉͆̒̾̈́͘͝͠͠͝Î̸̡̛̛̛̛̥̺̖̦͈͆̅͛̎̒͗́̈́̒͒͛̄̇́̀̀̓̅͌͐̉̎̑͂̕̚͠T̷̡̧̢̨̧̯̟̯͉̦͖̦̫͎̠͔̬̺͍̠̺͔̜̯̠̻̣̬͔̮̘͙̐̏́̓̍͆̂̌̾͗͊̀͒͆̓͋̆̇̄̂͘̚Y̶̧̧̧̡̥̣̻̲̮͍͖̯̟̦̗̖̟͕̗̻̩̞͍̠̬̮̤̳͑̅̏͛̅̃́̅̾͛͐͒͆̃̽͋͆̀͆̿͒̊̅̏̾̿́̍̈́̽̓͂̚̚̕͘͜͠ͅͅ ̸̡̨̻͇͈̝̞̳͎͓͕͙͔̖̬̣̝̝͉̣͚̲̱͕̙̖̱͎̥͓͔̼͍͎̠̱̩̬̌͌͊̍̉͆͂̓̑̾͑̍͂̎̀̉̓̐̎̎̽̽̏͛͊̂̃̀̊̅̒̄̓̿͘̕̚͘̕̚ͅƯ̴̰̼͔̯̮̦̣͑̐́̄̈́͊͒̓̔̓̀̑̈́̇̓́̇̋͌̇̏̑̃̿̽̉̚̚͝͝ͅN̵̢̨̡̠̬̯͉̖͇̮͎̖̥͕̙̫̘̪̰̣̩̟͚̗̺̱̬̫̳̥̭̗̟̔̓̒̂͌̓̔̌̋̀̀̽̂͠͠͝͝A̷̢̨̰͍̜̪̖͇̺̩̹͍̬̝̗͇͕̣̰̼̯̮̟̲̭̲̳͒̿͊̅̔͒̓͗̉͐̅̿̃͋̅̓̿͋̈́̍̿͌̇͋̋̚̕͘̚͜͝B̵̨͕̼̥͙͍̬̯̪͓͙̫͎͉̖̟͉͎̏̆̄̍̄̈́̏̈́̒̆̐̃̈́̃̄̑͆̄͌̇̑̽́̽͊̕͝͝L̶̢̨̢̨̧̛̛̝̲̲̣̣̰̩̻͉̻̙̱̦̠̝̖̯̲̪̼̠͔̩͓̞̥͈͈̻͉̝̼̬̊̔̈́̓̓̿̐̒̉̋̄̓̈́͛̄̉̐̋͛͛́̽̈́̈́͐͋̉̇̎͑͘̚͜͜ͅͅȨ̵̢̢̨̛̛̟̹̝̟̱̰̝̱̻̭̤̯̻͚̣̰̜̬͙̞͕̼̺̪̼̯̩̽̀͋̓͆̈́͌̚ͅ ̴̨̡̧̡̛̠̺͓̘̲͈̩̗̭͈͔̱̺͇͙̘͓̠̠̲̖̔̌͊̎̊́̆̃̈͊̋̇̏̍̎͋̓̓̿́̽̂̌̈́͋̓̔̚͜͝͝ͅͅŢ̸̬̗̰̳͇̤͉̪̱͚̟͛͛̽̋̄̃̍̓̈́̀̈͌͛̔̔͐͂̽̈́Ǫ̸̛̯̦͍̱̖͈̖̘̲͌̎̈̾̀̓̐͛͊͂̀̎̀͊̀̏̈̓́́̀̀͒̐̐̋̊͐͛͘͝͝͝ ̷̡̡̧̡̢̢̛͔̰͖̳̗̬̭̪̬̫̰̠̣͇̝̣̭̜̙̝̘̤͇̜̦͊͂͌̿́̑͑̈́̆̐͌̽̆͐̈̈̐̇̿̑̓̀͂́̑́̏̓͛̏̋̇̉́͜͠͝ͅͅB̷̢̢̨̭͖̦̣̦͚̦̲̰̙͔͚͇̗̝̈̽̒͆̐͆̒́̓͌̂͑̎̇̊̿́̈́̔͊̒̅̽͠͝͝͝Ę̸̛̫͕̟̮̺̺͍̻̱̪̬͍̜̆̊̊̀̾̍̿̑̆̐́͌̽͂͑̑̑̓̒͑͛̕͝͠͝ ̶̢̛̳̠̘̥̝̮̩̖̼̮̟̖͍̩͒̇́̋̇̅̓̔͘F̷̛̫͚̰̲̯̱̠̣͉̻̉̅͌Ǫ̵̨̧͕͉̘̩͈̟͖͚͔̖̥̖͉̝͑͌̉͒͜Ư̷͇͙̱̤͚͙̦̜̣̝̤̹̘̝̗͙̞̑̒̿̏̿̊͆̈́̆̒́͗̂͋͒͌̆̌̿̈́̈̄͛͂̉̉̚̚͜͝N̷̢͖͈͎̘̼͎͉̒̎Ď̸̛̛͚̥̤͓̪̖̣̯̲̪̖̩̬̣͉̗͈̥̗̞̙̤̭̐͂̽̏̔͗̊̑̐̎͒͐̈́̓̒̈́͋́̋̇̋̏̏̆͆̑̒̃̿̉̏̆͛̀́̚͜͜͜ͅ]̷̡̛̭͈̝̆̏̐̊̂͆̀̏̾̔̀̏̎̒̔̿̔̽̄̎̀̍͌̚͘


???: [̷̡̧̨̛̛̠̤̖͉̹̲̳̘͉͖̩͖̞̟̼̠̳͓̭̘̹̘̺̼͔̙̮̼̥͊͛̑̐̐͊͂̔͂̉͆̌͂̄͑̽̆̄̎͗͋̋̋̈́̚̕͜͜͠͝N̵̼̳̗̖͈̓͐̎̈́̆͠͝Ǫ̴̡̛̼̲̠͚͖͔͉̯̭̙̣̥͖͖̭͉͈̹͔̺͍͔̳̲͛̒̃̔͑́͆͛͆̂̔̎̓͊̉͗͂̈́͑̂͊̀̓͗̃̏͘̕̕͜͝͠͝͠ͅ ̵̧̨̳̦͈͚͓̮̙̰̲͉̙̪͉͎͓̺̥̲͕̣̰̩͈͔͈͍̯̯͖̿̑͜ͅI̸̡͍̺͖̻̳̝̠̰̜̣͔̼̖͎̲̦̱̣͕͉̼͖̞̱̘͓̳̻̓̓̏̿͒̊̒̔̐͆̐͌̑͜͝ͅͅD̴̨̢͙̥̜̥͍̯̰̗̹͈̬͎̟͍̤̰̗̖͕̳̮̫̦͈̮̮͍̩̀͜ͅͅĘ̴̡̨̡̧̢͖̫̺̲̺̜̬̼͎̫͇͇̙̻͇̻͇̝̭̻̠̩̦͙͖͔͒̌͌̓͋̓̊͑̒͒̿͠N̴̢̛̛̦̬͈̰͇̰̙̒͒̍̍̀́̑̈̑͌̓͌̇̌̐̈̍̓̐̔̈́̎͝͝T̷̨͙̖̦̹̎̎̌͌̈͐̾̈́̈́̏͋͒̄̎̆̏͑̀̆͆̏̈̀͆̈̀͐̕͘͝I̶̧̡̧̩͈̰͇̪͔͍̝͖̼͖̖̐͐Ţ̸̛̞͓̮̭̘̬̮̗̪̯̹̱̭̤͍̟͔͍̼͚̣͈̪̬͚̜͚̰̝͂̈́͗͗͛̔̐̿̀̀̍͊͊̚̕͜Y̵̡̢̨̡̢̘͍̜̲̗̫̥̹̮̻̻͚̞͚̼̠̱̞̳̖͇̹̮̠͇̭̾͒̎͆͆̂͆͗̏̈͊͂̌̚͘͝]̷̤̮͕͚̞̟̓́́̂͛̂̆̐̉̚͘̕

???: [̷̡̧̨̛̛̠̤̖͉̹̲̳̘͉͖̩͖̞̟̼̠̳͓̭̘̹̘̺̼͔̙̮̼̥͊͛̑̐̐͊͂̔͂̉͆̌͂̄͑̽̆̄̎͗͋̋̋̈́̚̕͜͜͠͝N̵̼̳̗̖͈̓͐̎̈́̆͠͝Ǫ̴̡̛̼̲̠͚͖͔͉̯̭̙̣̥͖͖̭͉͈̹͔̺͍͔̳̲͛̒̃̔͑́͆͛͆̂̔̎̓͊̉͗͂̈́͑̂͊̀̓͗̃̏͘̕̕͜͝͠͝͠ͅ ̵̧̨̳̦͈͚͓̮̙̰̲͉̙̪͉͎͓̺̥̲͕̣̰̩͈͔͈͍̯̯͖̿̑͜ͅI̸̡͍̺͖̻̳̝̠̰̜̣͔̼̖͎̲̦̱̣͕͉̼͖̞̱̘͓̳̻̓̓̏̿͒̊̒̔̐͆̐͌̑͜͝ͅͅD̴̨̢͙̥̜̥͍̯̰̗̹͈̬͎̟͍̤̰̗̖͕̳̮̫̦͈̮̮͍̩̀͜ͅͅĘ̴̡̨̡̧̢͖̫̺̲̺̜̬̼͎̫͇͇̙̻͇̻͇̝̭̻̠̩̦͙͖͔͒̌͌̓͋̓̊͑̒͒̿͠N̴̢̛̛̦̬͈̰͇̰̙̒͒̍̍̀́̑̈̑͌̓͌̇̌̐̈̍̓̐̔̈́̎͝͝T̷̨͙̖̦̹̎̎̌͌̈͐̾̈́̈́̏͋͒̄̎̆̏͑̀̆͆̏̈̀͆̈̀͐̕͘͝I̶̧̡̧̩͈̰͇̪͔͍̝͖̼͖̖̐͐Ţ̸̛̞͓̮̭̘̬̮̗̪̯̹̱̭̤͍̟͔͍̼͚̣͈̪̬͚̜͚̰̝͂̈́͗͗͛̔̐̿̀̀̍͊͊̚̕͜Y̵̡̢̨̡̢̘͍̜̲̗̫̥̹̮̻̻͚̞͚̼̠̱̞̳̖͇̹̮̠͇̭̾͒̎͆͆̂͆͗̏̈͊͂̌̚͘͝]̷̤̮͕͚̞̟̓́́̂͛̂̆̐̉̚͘̕

???: [̷̡̧̨̛̛̠̤̖͉̹̲̳̘͉͖̩͖̞̟̼̠̳͓̭̘̹̘̺̼͔̙̮̼̥͊͛̑̐̐͊͂̔͂̉͆̌͂̄͑̽̆̄̎͗͋̋̋̈́̚̕͜͜͠͝N̵̼̳̗̖͈̓͐̎̈́̆͠͝Ǫ̴̡̛̼̲̠͚͖͔͉̯̭̙̣̥͖͖̭͉͈̹͔̺͍͔̳̲͛̒̃̔͑́͆͛͆̂̔̎̓͊̉͗͂̈́͑̂͊̀̓͗̃̏͘̕̕͜͝͠͝͠ͅ ̵̧̨̳̦͈͚͓̮̙̰̲͉̙̪͉͎͓̺̥̲͕̣̰̩͈͔͈͍̯̯͖̿̑͜ͅI̸̡͍̺͖̻̳̝̠̰̜̣͔̼̖͎̲̦̱̣͕͉̼͖̞̱̘͓̳̻̓̓̏̿͒̊̒̔̐͆̐͌̑͜͝ͅͅD̴̨̢͙̥̜̥͍̯̰̗̹͈̬͎̟͍̤̰̗̖͕̳̮̫̦͈̮̮͍̩̀͜ͅͅĘ̴̡̨̡̧̢͖̫̺̲̺̜̬̼͎̫͇͇̙̻͇̻͇̝̭̻̠̩̦͙͖͔͒̌͌̓͋̓̊͑̒͒̿͠N̴̢̛̛̦̬͈̰͇̰̙̒͒̍̍̀́̑̈̑͌̓͌̇̌̐̈̍̓̐̔̈́̎͝͝T̷̨͙̖̦̹̎̎̌͌̈͐̾̈́̈́̏͋͒̄̎̆̏͑̀̆͆̏̈̀͆̈̀͐̕͘͝I̶̧̡̧̩͈̰͇̪͔͍̝͖̼͖̖̐͐Ţ̸̛̞͓̮̭̘̬̮̗̪̯̹̱̭̤͍̟͔͍̼͚̣͈̪̬͚̜͚̰̝͂̈́͗͗͛̔̐̿̀̀̍͊͊̚̕͜Y̵̡̢̨̡̢̘͍̜̲̗̫̥̹̮̻̻͚̞͚̼̠̱̞̳̖͇̹̮̠͇̭̾͒̎͆͆̂͆͗̏̈͊͂̌̚͘͝]̷̤̮͕͚̞̟̓́́̂͛̂̆̐̉̚͘̕


In the eyes of it all...

...Something familiar can be seen...


Ţ̷̨͎͉̰̰̫͇͍̗̦̍̾́͐̃͌͜ͅh̴̨̤͙̳̖͉̹̯͕̿̄́̀̚͝ê̷̡̪͚͒̉͋͆̂͒̾̎̂ ̸̛̲̖̮͔̩̞͎͔̝̜͇̠̫̙̊̆̇̂̇̿̆͋͑̀͂̽̂͠P̷͉̬̥̅̅͛̌̐̾̂̿͛͝ȩ̵̪̟̙͉̺̫̳̣͈̠̙̹̟̖̮̺͛̄͒̈́̋̏̂̋̂͋͛̅͐̔͊͝ŗ̷̧̞͉̜̼̣̥͈͕͔͖͍́̒͒̈́̆̀͝f̶̠͚̙̱̰͔̄̿̇̃̏͊̔͝è̸̻͕̹̗̹̘̥̓̈́̄͂̈́́̋͌̔͐̏́̚̕͝c̶̺͈͓̼͍̊̎̔̿̊̄͂͆͆̐̐̉̚͘͝͝ť̴͉͔̎͠͝ ̵̡̗̝͕̺̪̖̼̻͚͉̞̗̜̖͑͋͂̏̃͒͑̋͑̀̈́͜O̵̢͉̙̗̫͓͔̮͇̟͍̖͓͎̾̐͐͗͗n̵̢̢͍͚͇̟͓̻̬͂̿̄̈̄̊́̂̿̐̎̐̚͜͠͝e̵̛̲̺͙̫̞̱̝̙̰̍̽̌̓͒̀̋͒͒͑͌̕͘͘͝͠

F̵̢̛̣͔̱̮̺̮͎͉̰͖̞̘̪̹̗͛̄́̊̋̒͋͗̿͐̃͐́͘ͅĄ̸̨̧͔̺̠̘̬͓̻͇̯̏̉̆́́̀̅͌̆̏̃̾̉̃̚͜Į̵̢̡̹̫̘̻̦̱̱̯͕͔͈̒̍͒͆͐̓́̕͜͝L̸̙̓͂̂͊̑̐͆͌̊̓̽̉̈́̕Ự̵̺͔͖̬̫̲̥̻̟̻̱̗̙͓̊̂͑̈̈́̓̾̕Ŗ̵̛̤̪͔̤̬̮͓͕͎̘͇̿̔͐̽̍̅̅͊̊̆̕̚͝͠͠ͅĘ̶͍͓̪͇̮̼̭̜̩͙̻̪̂,̸̢̰͎͓̠̹͇̟͖͋͂̊͐́̚ͅ ̵̗͑̄͐̊̈́͝F̴̞͔̣̣̲̖̟̐́̊̋́͋͛̽̂̅͠A̴̢̳̥͈̺̗̬̲͐͋́͛̑͊͜Ị̴̈L̷̛̜͎͑̑̍̓̏̃̿̐̈̇̆̋́̉͠Ų̴̛̻̟̪͙̘͍̏͒͛͂́͠͝͝Ŗ̵̛̗̙͕͓̰͈͕̫̙̝́͂͂͐̿̊͒́͂́̔̇̇͘͜͜ͅE̴͚̺̤̲̺͙̭͕̞̣̻͉͐́̈́̀͂̐́̎̏͋͋͒͜͠,̶͇̪͕̈́ ̵̡̡̘̣̱̬̣̝̹͍̯̰̫̻͑̑F̵̘͕̪̠̯̖̒͆̓̈́͗̏̿̇͘͝A̴͕̺͙̫̪͓̰̺͎̰̿͋̑̇̌͐̃͊̽͐͑̓̊̄͜͝͝͝ͅI̸̡̡̢͓͔̦̩͎̣͕͕̽͗͊̓̓̈́͊̅͌̓́̽͊͑̍́̚L̴͚̜͓̭̤͕̯͙͑̓̈́͐̂̐͝ͅU̶̝̳̫͙͕̙̪̞̳̯̎͜Ŗ̸̼͔̜͇̦̱̘͉̺̜͛̐͑E̴̥̳̩̱̺̥̻̋̒̾͆̈́̊,̴̨̺̼̘̝͖̞́̔̅̒̆̊̈̍̋̾̓̉̉̕̚ͅ ̸̧̧̿̓̑͊̽̊͘ͅͅF̶̨̰̮̟̘͓̮͎͖͙̼̙̭̗̒̆̀̈́̉̄̂͐̓̽̚̚͝P̷̢̜̜̘̜͚̱̜͒͊͒̽̀̒͒Ō̵̝̖̯̫̳̤͕͙̩̯͕̮̔̽͋̈́͐͆́̅̃̎͂̃͜͝ͅͅK̴̛͚̜̤͉̀̓̽̂̍̓̽͒̿̚͘̕̚͜͠Â̷̧͕͕̫̦͚̣̖̋̋͒̊̋ͅF̵̬̹̣̱̤͉̰̖͕̼̦̠͐͊̐̔̅̈́̓͋͑̋̚͝͝C̷̛̭̤̈́͆͒͛̐̃͌̈́̀͊̿̀͝Ę̸̧̩͙̙̜̦̋̈́̏̽̐͊̔͒̽͌͜͝P̶̧͇͖͙̤͖̪͓̻̳̲͎̼̬͕̲̔͒̏Q̸̧̜̠̦͍̯̩̤̪̜̦̩̝̃͂̃̄̏͂̀̿͝Z̸̰͈̈

Ģ̶̛̭̭̳̞͍̱͈̣̗̦̐̆̔̈́̓͘̚͠͠Ȉ̷̡͔͈̩͎͌̃̕V̴̡͍̹̝͎̰͇̙̗̺̭̗̖̮͎̋E̶͕̥̙̣̙̗̓̀̄̈́̊͌́̈́͗̓̐ ̵̧͉̪͙̯̪͓̝̟̬̦̝̉̍Ú̵͚̦̗͖͚̈̓͝P̷̨̢̧̡͍̰̫̮̫͔̰͍͖̺̥̎ͅ.̸̧͉̬͇̗͔͖͇̞̬͉͉̘̄̀͑͑́͛̽̔̈́͘͘̚̕͝͝ͅ N̸̢̯̫̟̘̊̉̒Ǒ̶̡͈͖͖͉̱̮̱̂̇̿̄̓͑̒͑́͆̅̈́̈́͘͝ͅͅW̴̨̱͇̭̰͕̻͎͉͎̣̤̣̯̘̓̈̏̈̇̓̄̍̔̇͂̑̇̔̇͠.

Stop it, you are nothing but memories that cling on, I don't have to listen to you...

Give in.

I won't give in, I will stay in control, your mind games won't be my downfall...
You let them perish, you left them to rot, and you still insist on going, but you can't defend your mind anymore...
You will fail.

Keep cowering.
Keep cowering.
Admit your demise.

Admit your demise...?

You were s̶̹̹͔͉͓͍̟̣̰̹̝͊ͅl̶̙̙̈́̎̈́̐̂͑̃̂̕͝â̵̢̨͖͓̠͉̠̠̦͉̥̟̓̆͆̊̾̈̕͝ì̸̛̬̹̩͉̰̞͈͔̭̺̠͍͂̑̒̌̆͒̈̉͑̆͘͠n̶͈͐̊̀͜.̵̮͔̫͚͉̫͉̣̗͙͇̮͔̬̽̑̈͛̀͑̄͗̆͗͝͠.̶̰́̐̅́͒͑́̒̓̀́̉̅̕.̷̢͚̦̜̼̞̤͖͌̇̒̾͊́̾̀͋̐́̈́̄͗̑͘͜͜͜

Ian was tormented by bad memories that they couldn't shake of.

[OOC] glad this remains untouched.

(Maybe I did a bit too much of the glitched text, but it should get the point across that a identity is being scrambled thanks to the curse.)

You struggle against your Curse! It takes 1,000,000 damage!

Crimtane Shovel said:

[RP shenanigans]
looks out on the Chaos, the Nameplate,and the loss of a true friend. He stares at the war soon to be waged, and of a choice he is able to have.

"...Summon Gang."

[Charge Gifting]
...+128 to [Billion Of Names At Once (Krill13). Summon Gang.

[Main Action]
"...To ashes."

©, hearing these words, knows what is asked. It hovers forward... to Heather once more. The construct stares at her for what feels like eternity, as a calm sea-breeze whispers throughout, before leaving once again. It once again said nothing, DID nothing...
...So why does Heather feel like it was saying sorry?

This feeling is quickly feeling a lot more validated as ©'s hands move in arcs along the water, glyphs carving along the waves as it all roars to life in a flash of green, twin spires of marble rising from its currents. From these towers lies two spiraled, hollow horns. One is shaped akin to a ram, the other a cornucopia. As the Black Cloud erupts, and its lightning expelled, the ram horn

catches the bolt, before it passes towards the cornucopia. Here, amplified by the runes lined along both towers, the second horn expends the lightning... towards any branding themselves against the Chaos Morpho. All... except Heather. For even now, it cannot bring itself to strike her.

Notably, even as the water eventually recedes, the towers stand. Continuing their work long after the base crumbles. Its beautiful, is it not?

[Entity Commands]
A helpful little note is tacked on here, notifying the Entities Commanded here that they are to ignore the Variable Entity should whatever JOE said have resulted in it being unable to die from the plan of action. In such events, the Ceramic Bloons both kill the [REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU] Themed Pizza,as they have Narrative Influence defined as Empty, and therefore unlikely to need it any longer,and Vessel © will simply not perform its attacks towards the Variable Entity. No use fighting it if it won't die, after all.

Ancient Fuelweaver shall protect Vessel ©, along with the Cycle of Violence (In the case of the Cycle of Violence, solely against Entities. If such specific protection isn't allowed, it just protects Vessel ©)

The ©'s draw the strongest attacks they can against the Chaos Morpho and its allies to instead be stored within Vessel ©.

I politely ask the Chaos Morpho if I could pretty please order Chaos © this turn.
If I can, Chaos © goes on to bait attacks in with the other ©'s. If not, pop off king ig.
Vessel © expends all needed Attacks to kill every Variable Entity healthbars except the suing one, starting from his weakest and moving up. It then uses Cleric ©'s gift on itself, followed by all needed Attacks on SOUL of the GUARDIAN and PRIME to kill both.


keeps fishing up the Shadow Pawn
One Ceramic Bloon goes over and clobbers the [REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU] Themed Pizza into oblivion, while the other finishes off the Variable Entity's sue healthbar.
Memory of a Boatmaker does whatever he is happy doing. I mean, we have some water here. Maybe he wants to make a boat! If so, he can request from me whatever he needs to get said Boat made, and I'll probably get it for him, unless it's ridiculously expensive.
Fuelweaver's Woven Shadows patch up the Cycle of Violence. He then decks [REDACTED PER PROCTOL 4000-ESHU] in the face,with his face. Because for some reason Fuelweaver's attack is ripping off his skull to use as a weapon.

Cleric © heals up Vessel © so he can do more later. The rest of The Lads store away in Vessel ©.


If you have any complaints with my decisions, please bring them up here as this is the only place I will be able to see them for the time being (or say them elsewhere if you want to wait like 8 hours for me to see it.)

You lash out in violence! Your attack is intercepted by Budge, depleting all of its healthbars and triggering a rollback!

Krill13 said:


"Hey uhh... slight former-Chaos-Alliance request: can you also include a certain Boi Given Focus in that 'cannot bring yourself to strike' list? It do kinda just be doing Focus and I think it cute. And also the guy who's both its summoner and student was a former Chaos Alliance lad."


Me? Registering a Charge gift after my post in the same turn? Unprecedented I know. Also Summon Gang ye~

[128/128] ye I'm using it now



Uhh yeah I dump all these charges into the Crude AoE Healing Drive, removing its Crude status and, if the boost is good enough, turn it into a Decent AoE Healing Drive.

AoE Healing Drive upgraded!

tzaoray said:

"I've seen modern artpieces worse than this."

Action: Ok now time to kill this car thing. Oh hey thats a cool road.

Alright, no time for distractions. Time to kill this car- oh hey thats a cool road.

For real this time. Time to kill- oh hey thats a cool road. Change my mind, thats a VERY cool road. Woah, when were there so many cool roads everywhere? Dude these road are so cool, look at all this postmodern brutalist architecture, look at how each crevice and crack expels gargantuan amounts of intellectualism into this soft deficient atmosphere. Look at how the shape of these finely tuned roads perfectly aesthetically fit into the bright colors of this burning field. That cake is ruining it though. God, I despise that cake. Its drawing my attention away from this succulent road that blesses my eyes each time it creeps into view.

I use my artistic love for these roads to motivate myself into lifting this brightly burning tree and slamming it down onto that stupid disgusting overly decadent cake. Gotta pour gasoline all this burning wreckage to make sure this hellspawn doesn't claw its way into poisoning my eyesight again. Thats why I have to throw firecrackers on this piece of sh*t cake aswell.

Overly Decadent Cake destroyed! You gain 10,000 TORQUE!

Pricey12345 said:

RP/Action: Crossroads of Destiny Act 1

Prelude: After Masked Dedede got defeated, the real Genny Robotics main division celebrates then they're imminently start analysing Chica's Magic Rainbow via radars and cameras sneakily placed in trees until the magic rainbow made an incredibly loud, blood curdling scream which even heard from the portal before fading away with the scientists of the main division felt strange sounds with the sky turning orange with a <0> mark appearing in the sky and most of the outside area is set ablaze and they're met with the strange cultists of <0> near the scientists and the portal changed colour into orange with a roar from elsewhere.

Prelude Part 2: In the Morpho floor that used to house Chica's Magic Rainbow I felt strange after Chaos Morpho appeared with the rest of the adventurers until I hear strange whispers coming in my head.


My body went numb, making me instantly look at the cog and heard another whisper.


My mind felt like it's set alight from insides when the cog starts spinning very quickly with my sight becoming orange and another whisper getting much louder than before.


My mind is already on flames before I collapse from staring at the spinning cog.

Chapter 1 A Strange Reality: As I collapsed from the experience, both teams, the main and replica teams freaks out over me passing out elsewhere in the facility, the current head scientist and one of the higher up doctors looks at the camera looking at me passing out from the experience but the higher up doctor had an idea.

The higher up doctor: I found more things that could decipher the true meaning of this place but let me get this set up...

The higher up doctor grabs the hospital bed along with the computer and scrapped mechanicals which are repurposed into a specialized brainwave scanner computer that could scan even the mind's on fire but he looks at the briefcase for a moment.

The higher up doctor: But what about the briefcase I was planning to work on after I've built that computer for the individual...

The head scientist: Don't worry about the briefcase, you got one person to try to fix that curse and it's worth your sacrifice to stop the morpho.

The higher up doctor: Could you keep my promise about my briefcase as a side project?

The head scientist gives one of the higher up doctors a thumbs up before the higher up doctor waves goodbye at the head scientist while riding on the brainwave scanner computer with the rolling seat like a motorcycle, driving out of the infirmary, riding through the facility and enters the portal a soon after going through a portal, another roar is heard, preventing any means of escaping before the higher up doctor puts me on the hospital bed, placing the brainwave scanning computer on my head before hooking it up on the computer with the monitor making a fuzz and showing off a memory which is something like a peaceful valley.

Chapter 2 Marvels of the Past: I woke up in a peaceful valley which has grass, trees and a lovely sky with the fully built and original Genny Robotics along with the individual showing off the hand to me just to get me up.

???: Hello there, welcome to the Genny Robotics, it's a wonderful place where all mechanical dreams strive there.

I get up after holding the individual's hand, looking at the wonderful place where there's many facilities, robots and more in this giant place.

???: If you want to have a walk around in this facility, you can have a wander around this beautiful place.

I walk with the individual to the original Genny Robotics facility and he reveals himself.

???: I am the owner, the president and the leading scientist of the Genny Robotics so take a look, there is research development in robotics, science, healthcare and more in this place.

The original owner looks at the marvels of the science in the facility not only above, making helper robots, taming powerful beasts, interesting tools and a lot more in science.

Original owner scientist: Looking at all the wonderful achievements in the past, there is one thing that could interest you into something.

As I went to the door, the original owner used his key card which opens the door leading to the room with researchers and in front of everyone behind the glass barrier, the familiar cog gear which is not spinning yet...

Chapter 3: While the later-now main division looks at the recording which the scientists knew what's actually happening before, three cultists of Chaos appear near them.

Chaos Cultist 1: Hello there, we have come to see you for a nice visit.

Back in the memory, I was talking to the original head scientist, he replied back to me.

Original owner scientist: So you were talking about that cog eh? Let's have a meeting in a private room.

The original owner takes me to the private meeting area that we had a discussion about the situation we're in until we came outside to tell me more about what's the cog doing there.

Original owner scientist: Hmm... this cog is missing something that could research more into the project.

Somehow one of the researchers got in the room with a ominous key with a <0> insignia.

Researcher who got the strange key: I got it master, I got it from one of the cultists and this could help with the future project!

Original owner scientist: Well well well… look what you got there, this missing piece for the project we have stuck on for a while.

The original owner smirks and points his blaster at the researcher, making the poor researcher put his hands up.

Original owner scientist: So give me the key and you will be set free or you'll die with that key.

The researcher throws the key which the owner scientist grabs it, making the researcher run out of the room as fast as it can.

Original owner scientist: You wanted to tell the truth about this project? I was planning to work with Aspera but it did not happen so instead, I was a multi-trillionaire scientist until our researchers found the strange cog which we took a while to research but halted without the key.

One of the researchers was concerned about the scientist's main intention with the cog before it got shot by the blaster, obliterating it while other researchers were shocked.

Original owner scientist: That cog was part of a deal with the cultists of the butterfly and I will use this to rule the world but would you mind going in that safe capsule?

The owner scientist points at the specialized safe capsule which I reluctantly entered and entered the safety mechanism to protect myself what happens next...

Original owner scientist: Very well my fated researchers, I have the one key to finish my project and you will not going to like what happens next...

The owner scientist walks towards the machinery with the key on his hand, inserting the key and he said one last thing to the researchers...

Original owner scientist: Once the key turns, the cog will spin endlessly and... Chaos awaits.

The original owner scientist laughs manically turns the key, activating the cog which glows orange and spins slowly but becoming brighter and faster making the researchers panic, running around the facility while the whole room hears a loud roar from the cog as it spins incredibly fast, causing the glass barrier to crack and shatter while turning the room orange and setting the whole room on fire with an dragon-like beast coming out, attacking the researchers who aren't loyal to the scientist by burning and devouring them until one of them was spared and got warped out elsewhere until the cog pulses orange as the original facility fire spreads down, burning other places while the main facility is falling apart before it makes a massive explosion that obliterates the facility instantly not only when the capsule containing myself was flung out and crashed somewhere outside, feeling fine until I saw the scientist which is in control by the cog and the chaos fire dragon growls and forced open the capsule door and threw me out and the scientist looked at me.

Chaos owner scientist: And now this is what we call "paradise", are you going to keep up with the right path of robotics or fall with this project that failed like mines?

I clench my hand for telling me a complete lie before my Shifterbot tool turns into a blaster which I fired a blast at the cog that it barely had any effect before the blaster went blue which fires a watery blast at the cog which makes it steam from a attempt of extinguishing it but still spinning.

Chaos owner scientist: Oh? You already knew it was a lie but I am not completely dead, with the cog existing in this mind like we are in and out in the psychical world, haunting you for the rest of your life and you will not stop us and the Chaos Morpho.

I will make the right thing, fix what's wrong with this place and save the multiverse but only if I could extinguish this...

To be continued...

The replica Genny Robotics' science division members installs a program in the mind and make a rainstorm on the Cog but not only from the mind, the cog from the zodiac

Project 1: 200/200 (64+128 base and +8 from JOE)

Engineer scientist: Alright, we got the first project up and ready for deployment from the services. Here we go!

The scientists revealed the first project which is a blaster warrior robot while it has average durability and power, came running out towards the portal and rushes through the orange portal where the Chaos Morpho is.

Engineer scientist: Even if it was a easier to make project to make and I hope it lasts nicely even for some nice investments for a project.

The blaster warrior robot aims the blaster on splash mode at the cog.

Project 2: 0/300

The investment and programming divisions delivers a +128 to JOEbobobob which is a programmed binary and glitch repair unit

Charge Bank: +54 from JOE, +32 from Tazz, a nuclear +32 from Pol +96 after delivering stuff to Core Block Total: 216 -8

You blast The Cog, dealing 1,500,000 damage to it!

Blaster Warrior Robot summoned!

DreadKnight22 said:

Near the edge of the battlefield, a portal appears, and disgorges Mischief, who looks a bit worse for wear. He just lays there in there ground for an unspecified amount of time before finally sitting up, showing off the numerous tears in his body. Still distracted, Mischief begins speaking.

"So, it turns out that releasing a large number of creatures of the Void into the world while the Void's ruler is away leads to a large number of them escaping and causing havoc. I've had to spend the last while rounding them up and sending them back to the Void, and I have to say, some of those things fought like hell to stay here. So what have I missed while I was…gone."

It's at this moment that Mischief finally looks up and sees the absolute Chaos taking place on the battlefield. The boss punked by an outside power (again), Dan's dead, the Adventurers have been corrupted, and © finally seems to have decided to 'betray' everyone in the midst of battle (it's the Chaos Alliance, some chaotic actions were expected). Observing this, and the struggles of the other Adventurers, who have lost essential parts of themselves, Mischief looks around, appearing truly indecisive for the first time. Although the Chaos Alliance seems to have dissolved due to Dan's death/ascension, both © and [Billions of Names at Once] both still seem to adhere to the promise to support towards each other. Would these curses not technically be a part of Dan's side, and therefore party to the nonaggression pact signed at the advent of the Chaos Alliance? Thoughts and feelings swirl ever faster in Mischief's head in a chaotic medley of noise that drowns out the battle around him, until finally, a decision is made.

[Main Actions]
An innumerable amount of hands stretch from the shadows in the room, coalescing around The Cube. With a simple gesture from Mischief, the hands strain, and a horrifying tearing noise is heard as The Cube is literally ripped into pieces, none of which make it far enough to hit the ground before they are dragged into the

Void. Mischief then sinks back into the shadows, and a laugh echoes around the room.

"Chaos or not, Alliance or not, I repay the debts I've accumulated. Wouldn't feel right otherwise."

A portal opens up somewhere on the battlefield, and the Pipis Cannon is fired, releasing a Pipis wearing a football helmet. This Pipis idles, unsure as to who they should be attacking.

[Entity Action]
The Void Given Focus moves to assist Mischief in destroying The Core, expending the focus it has saved if needed to deal the final blow. If The Core is already dead by the time it gets there, the Void Given Focus instead returns to focusing.

[Charge] 234 in total

[130/130] Mask Shards

Through yet another portal formed from the Void, a number of Mask Shards rush towards the Void Given Focus. They form together into a medley of Masks, then slam into the VGF, empowering its life and allowing it to take a lot more hits.

[134/330] Pure Nail Formation

A +64 is presented to Robot # 207 in the form of a wide assortment of parts all from a wide range of worlds. There are mech parts, gun parts, the scattered building blocks for a number of generators, reactors, thrusters, cores, and more. There are also detailed manuals for the construction and optimization of these scattered techs, as well as a variety of research papers that seem to be dedicated to cataloguing the wide array of combinations one can make with these, all sorted and everything.

Another +64 is presented to Krill13 in the form of Mothgis Khan and his band of Mothguls. While at one point they only numbered in the thousands, through their passage through the Thousand Universes they have assimilated many people, leading to their population reaching into the tens of millions.

The handle is set aside, to be used in the forging of the Pure Nail. The Fabricators and Terminals are hooked up to the reactor, coming online in an instant. The forges are lit, heated, and primed to assist in the Pure Nail's creation.

Just because it's a different color, doesn't mean it's any different from its predecessor. The technicolor Infections are devoured quickly.

Nothing happens in response

A novelty, though it is quickly devoured all the same.

The void infection tears through the Void, giving many of the creatures within the eldritch equivalent of a sore throat. This fades after a day or two.


"Now do you mean that as I am no longer a part of the Chaos Alliance or that the Chaos Alliance is no more?"

The Cube destroyed with minimal effort!

A mind constrained is set free once more.

Void Given Focus upgraded!

You reclaim the Pipis Cannon, but without a target, the pipis refuses to be fired!

Alastair Dragovich said:


Current Song - Chaos Morpho (Gun Down the False Past Album):

Booked, Hooked, hey ya'll know me!
Hey with the name, it's all the same - you gotta go!
My loss I'm not catching breath - I'll gun you down!
My friendships gone, you wonder what I'm about?
Hell nah, nah we in this, still in this sh*t - STRUM JAM JAM!
I'm quick to hit - POP - slick! Wham Wham strum!

Wonder, Thunder, hey ya'll know me!
Morpho your game it's all in vain - it's all my show!
It's not time to catch your breath - I'll gun you down!
My Family gone - still dunno what I'm about?
Hell nah, nah we in this - still in this sh*t - SWING WHAM WHAM!
Guitar's a hit, gun, wish! Whir whir CLICK!
C-click click click/clack!


Ha Ha Click
Ha Ha Swish
Ha Ha Clack
Ha Ha Smack *Crack*! (x2)



Entity Orders Actions (+ Charge stuff):

Melina - The Groupie - is terrified. Sure, the Ample Seating they just got is filled out. The Pyrotechnicsare still malfunctioning but somehow bombing the clearly dangerous enemies they're stuck fighting - the horrific 'butterfly' that absorbed that weird rainbow. The Cool Lights have somehow shifted onto the Cycle of Violence and are now giving it crippling Stage Fright. And the Elevator Radio is playing the Spamton Diss Track again - not that it's very clear unless you know what the song is for and how it's targeting them.

No, Melina is terrified because her best friend has gone insane. He's actively lyricizing what he's doing for some reason, and his eyes glaze over her. She tries to grab him by the back of his shirt, but the damn symbol of the Microphone flashes, blocking her way.

It doesn't take her long to look around and realize that Law isn't the only one being affected. 12 Symbols are driving their victims insane. She takes a rock and throws it at one of the strange cursed symbols belonging to someone else. To her surprise the Microphone symbol intercedes, and she realizes their nature.

They're a trap specifically for their victims and those who ally with them. Escaping it to help anyone else is impossible unless they destroy their own first. And yet Law's rage is focused squarely on the being supporting those curses.

Melina feels her world sway as the realization hits her. No one else can help her. No one else can help Law.

The loyal Groupie will have to become a Hero.

She takes in a deep breath. Then goes over to-


The Refreshments Stand - manned by a suspiciously Sans-looking individual (it is Sans, somehow having survived death), this is another Neutral Entity that serves drinks and foodstuffs for people to enjoy while the performance goes on! Same Priority as the seats, this specifically heals away status effects from everyone afflicted!


-the newly opened refreshments stand to hydrate herself with some water. She grips her cup tightly as she wrestles with what she must do.

Then, slowly, she pulls out a phone. She calls the Managerial office and learns that not only do they not know Law's manager got killed and fired, but also that there's a new one overbooking Law in their place. Knowing the Curse isn't just insanity, she uses this call to check the account balance.

It's absurd. But absurd is just what she needs right now. Using her credentials, she withdraws what she hopes is enough money and then uses her phone. Ever since she arrived, the chaos has clearly suggested that reality is a lot more flexible and malleable. Other realities and universes melding together kinda means that's an unavoidable observation.

So hopefully one of them will have what she needs. Melina holds her breath.

"Heroes R' Us, how can we help you?"

She breaths a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I'd like to order some hero supplies."

Nothing for it. She'll face her destiny if it means helping her friend. And to that end, once she ends the phone call, The Groupie gets an idea.

She can't directly help Law - not while the Curse is like this. However, she does notice his aim is just a bit off. Trying to grab his attention is a no-no clearly, but if the budding theory is right...

A nudge here and a bump there is enough to keep the guitar's wild gunfire on target without tipping him off. And the curse doesn't stop her.

Knowing she can still help her friend, even when a powerful curse is keeping them apart?

The Light of Courage shines in her Soul.


New Charge Started!
89/130 - Hero Gear (Combat Oriented Upgrade for The Groupie)

+128 Charge to Banana_The_Second since it looks like Pol and Kirby are in similar straits.


Game on, aim on, hey ya'll know me
Hey with the name, there no pain, if you wanna go
If you get to catch your breath and gun them down,
The gungeon down, you wonder what I am about?
Hell nah, nah we in this, still in this sh*t, CLICK CLACK CLACK
With one more hit, pop, quick! roll roll, click
c-click click click/clack (on second time through) (x2)


Hah, Hah, Lich-ch
Hah, Hah, Lich-ch
Hah, Hah, Lich-ch
Hah, Hah, Lich Clack (x2)


Law unloads on Chaos Morpho using his Guntar - a Guitar that's also a Gun. Lots of shooting, strumming, and bashing over having what he loves taken away ensues.

You fire at the Chaos Morpho! You deal 1,500,000 damage!

Refreshments Stand summoned!

Sylveone46 said:

<![if !ie]> [ <0> ] <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> The crossroads led me here. <![endif]> | <![if !ie]> Always a fool. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> Was it worth it? <![endif]> | <![if !ie]> I'd give anything... <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> Just a placeholder. <![endif]> | <![if !ie]> And that's that. <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> One day, long ago, you woke up to realize that you didn't have a face. <![endif]> <![if !ie]> [ACTION] <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> The Chaos Morpho looks skyward at the dark cloud looming overhead. It launches a ball of fire into the cloud. At first it seems the cloud simply swallows the flame, yet light begins to pierce through the storm. It grows brighter, brighter, and ever brighter. A blinding sun forms within the Black Cloud, too bright for the darkness to contain it.

The cloud tears open, scattering and dispersing to allow the Sun to shine unopposed. It is utterly blinding, completely overwhelming. The Tiny Star cannot bare to hold it all. The light grows impossibly bright-

And the Sun bursts, fire falling from the sky like rain onto Joe's entities, setting them ablaze with the exception of the Variable Entity.


<![if !ie]> [VENGEANCE] <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> The Chaos Morpho's gaze whirls to stare at Mischief as they destroy the Cube. Its ire is readily apparent, and its wings flare wide, as the hatred coalesces.

A Vengeance is born, intent on striking down Mischief.


<![if !ie]> [ <0> ] <![endif]>

EndTower said:

i punch i kick the choas morpho i turn into mech and shoot arm gun laser gun at mprho i use genjutsu to blow up chaos morpho brain i use taijutsu to punch thru chaos moprho i use ninjutsu to ultimate rasengan the chaos marph where is my brother sasuke

You deal 1,400,000 damage to the Chaos Morpho!


The Chaos Morpho's eye stays anchored in a single spot as the Chaos Morpho itself flies into the Black Cloud. There is, for a moment, silence, as the Black Cloud begins glowing. Then, it vanishes all at once. A wave of fire rains down on part of the arena, burning up everything inside! [REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU]'s power can be felt emanating from the space, but what good is narrative power against the unfettered wrath of the sun?


John Phoenix killed, and his effect neutralized! This time, though, he's not coming back. Curing Cake killed! John Phoenix-themed Pizza killed! A Spam Pizza killed! Really Really Really Spicy Cake killed - the Chaos Morpho takes 225,000 damage from the retaliatory heat!

Suddenly, for just a moment, the Chaos Morpho glows green! Not John Phoenix green, though. More of a... "Norville Rogers" green! Immediately afterward, it looks a bit weaker. What good is narrative power against the unfettered wrath of the sun? I guess that's the answer. The Chaos Morpho takes 1,775,000 damage from John Phoenix's final acts!

The Chaos Morpho's eye glows, brighter than anything else in the room. Then, the glow flies away from the Chaos Morpho's eye and settles itself a short distance from the Void Given Form. The light is so bright that it does not even leave shadows. What better to vanquish a void and its shadow student than a light so bright it destroys all darkness?

The Memory of Fire and Wax attacks Pizzahead, killing him, and heals The Twins by 100,000 HP! The Memory of Ice and Fog heals The Twins by 100,000 HP and stuns the Memory of a Regent! The Memory of Electricity Abandoned attacks and destroys the Curse Collector!

<![if !ie]> The Cycle of Violence <![endif]> summons two Violence! It tries to regenerate, but it turns out regenerating is hard to do when under pressure, e.g. while suffering from stage fright! The Begetses Violence attack and destroy seven of the still-disoriented Turret Blocks! The Variable Entity unleashes its attack, along with 8,500 EXPLOSION TAGS, to destroy the Spider Tank! It then expends its remaining EXPLOSION TAGS to destroy the Block Car and the Medium Block Factory! The Madness Pizzas attack the Heavy Tank until it collapses, then the final one chases down and crushes the Cab Block within! Chaos © disassembles the PYROTECHNICS and assembles a flamethrower with them! (This doesn't make him any stronger, but it does mean the PYROTEHCHNICS aren't working anymore.)

THE ROD pulls the Shadow Pawn up a space! The Memory of a Boatmaker constructs a flying boat and escapes into the sky! Wow, this is a tall room. Looks like he's not going to be part of this battle, at least for now.

The Void Given Focus focuses!

The SOUL of the GUARDIAN directs ACE's assault! ACE sweeps over The Twins twice, dealing 60,000 damage! PRIME delivers a swift judgement, dealing 200,000 damage to The Twins! V2 fires at The Twins, dealing 100,000 damage! The DEEs provide V2 with a bit of ablative armor!

The Core Block's army is still disoriented from the Curse, but once they get back their bearings, they all open fire on The Twins, dealing 48,000 damage to it!

The Relic Bearer gives Good History to the Ample Seating, causing it to gain much more healing power! The Artificer Degree Two gives the Stasis Array the histories of the Iron Ball, which empower it significantly!

THE CULMINATION OF MY BEING attacks The Twins, dealing 150,000 damage! The Stasis Array stuns the Memory of Fire and Wax!

Budge the Overloaded attacks The Globe, dealing 150,000 damage as it fights against the false Memories!

The World's Smallest Pride of Lions distracts the Memory of Electricity Abandoned! The Memory of a Regent is stunned!

The Shadow Pawn advances!

The ELEVATOR RADIO distracts the Chaos Morpho! The Ample Seating provides ample seating - and there's enough left over for it to heal itself and its allies back to full HP! The Refreshments Stand similarly begins curing status afflictions, especially from the Memory of a Regent!

Heather attacks The Twins, dealing 15,000 damage, and then undergoes Total Immersion! She then acts again, activating Volt Tackle to deal an additional 75,000 damage and taking 25,000 damage as recoil! Pizzahead returns to life! The Noise attacks The Twins, dealing 120,000 damage!

Genny Robotics and the Blaster Warrior Robot attack The Cog, dealing 110,000 damage!

THE FALLEN MOTHPIRES, IN THEIR RAVENOUS FURY, FEED ON THE CHAOS MORPHO, DEALING TEN THOUSAND DAMAGE. THIS IS NOT WHAT THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO DO, BUT THEY WERE JUST SO HUNGRY, CAN YOU REALLY BLAME THEM? <![if !ie]> The Idea <![endif]> finds itself suddenly short a weapon... <![if !ie]> The Process <![endif]> moves the Shadow Pawn an additional space, then heals its allied entities to full HP. A Puppy and an Animated Bespectacled Mannequin and The Bingus Bungus Mecha Mark II! sit there, unsure of what to do...


Aspera [GM]: 2/50 HP, Godmodder


AG: Destroy Aspera!
AG: Defeat the Chaos Morpho!

N: Seek out your personal objectives.
N: Defeat or assist the Chaos Morpho!

PG: Protect Aspera!
PG: Defeat the Chaos Morpho!


CHAOS REIGNS: Caused by the presence of the Chaos Morpho. The Chaos Morpho ignores bodyguarding, Dodge, Armor, and Damage Reduction. The Chaos Morpho's entities do not.
Sandstorm: A sandstorm obscures visibility in the area. All attacks have a 10% chance to miss, except the Chaos Morpho's. Can be dispelled with an action. Fleeting.

Morale: If Morale is equal to the affected entity's Attack and Healing combined, that entity immediately acts again after acting (and advances its cooldowns), and that much Morale is lost. Can trigger multiple times in one turn. Entities with special abilities may need more Morale, applied at my discretion.

Decay: Deals damage at the end of each turn until it's dispelled or the afflicted entity dies. Can be dispelled by actions.
Stun: If Stun is equal to the afflicted entity's current HP, all Stun is removed and that entity does not act or reduce cooldowns this turn.
Bleed: Deals damage at the end of each turn. If Bleeding is not applied on a given turn to the afflicted entity, it is dispelled entirely after the entity takes damage.
Fear: The afflicted entity deals reduced damage each turn equal to total Fear. If the entity has more than one attack, this effect still only applies once, although it can apply to more than one attack if it is higher than the damage dealt by one of the attacks.
Distraction: The afflicted entity deals reduced damage each turn equal to total Distraction. If Distraction is not applied on a given turn to the afflicted entity, it is dispelled entirely after the entity attacks.
Insanity: Each turn, the entity has a random chance, based on the total amount of Insanity and that entity's Attack, to attack an allied entity instead of its intended target.


Chaos Morpho

[<0>]: HP: 44,692,500/50,000,000, ACCURSED, VENGEFUL, INESCAPABLE, Distraction: 2,500

ACCURSED: The Chaos Morpho has inflicted twelve Adventurers with Curses, which interfere with those Adventurers' Destinies, and may cause them to act strangely. Curses can be dispelled by destroying their physical representations on the Chaos Morpho's zodiac. In addition, all Adventurers inflicted with a Curse cannot attack any Curses other than their own.
VENGEFUL: Each turn, the Chaos Morpho will spawn a Vengeance, an entity that seeks to work against the abilities of a specific Adventurer.
INESCAPABLE: Despite not having an HP point to seal the floor with, the Chaos Morpho is preventing any attempts to leave the room. Additionally, the Chaos Morpho counts as a boss.

WARNING: These are not the Chaos Morpho's only abilities.

The Twins [<0>]: HP: 734,500/3,000,000
The Globe [<0>]: HP: 1,602,500/3,000,000​

Memory of Fire and Wax [<0>]: HP: ∞/∞, Attack: 100,000, Healing: 100,000, Stun: 495,000
Memory of Ice and Fog [<0>]: HP: ∞/∞, Healing: 100,000, Applies 400,000 Stun
Memory of Electricity Abandoned [<0>]: HP: ∞/∞, Attack: 50,000x4, Distraction: 32,500​

The Telescope [<0>]: HP: 252,500/3,000,000
The Glove [<0>]: HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000
The Notebook [<0>]: HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000
The Car [<0>]: HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000
The Torch [<0>]: HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000
The Pokéball [<0>]: HP: 2,202,500/3,000,000
The Crown [<0>]: HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000
The Microphone [<0>]: HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000
The Cog [<0>]: HP: 1,392,500/3,000,000​

The Light In The Darkness, Vengeance Against Mischief [<0>]: HP: 1,500,000/1,500,000, Armor: 640,000, Attack: 100,000, Inescapable Light: Ignores Dodge, Disassociation: Entities hit by The Light In The Darkness lose all resources (e.g. Focus, Power, etc); Purge The Void: Entities hit by The Light In The Darkness take 1,000,000 additional damage if they are made of darkness

<![if !ie]> The Cycle of Violence <![endif]> [<0>]: HP: 825,000/1,025,000, Summons 2 Violence per turn, Regeneration: 50,000, unspent Regeneration is converted into Attack
Violence [<0>](x5): HP: 10,000/10,000(x2), Attack: 2,500, summons 1 Begets Violence per turn
Begets Violence [<0>](x7): HP: 1,000/1,000(x7), Attack: 1,000
Variable Entity [<0>]: HP: 300,000/300,000 (can be sacrificed to spawn 1 Moth (600 HP, 100 Attack, invades the afterlife on death, Crowd) per 5,000 HP sacrificed) + 0/405,000 (spawns a Variable Pizza every 2,500 HP lost) + 195,000/195,000 (Dodge: 50%) + 250,000/250,000 (Sues any entity that damages it), 1,205,000/1,205,000, Regeneration: 1,000 per healthbar, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 12,500 (II), EXPLOSION TAGS: 0, Current Form: Cake Guy's Cake (OPEN), Cab Ejector: Armed, Painful Healing: Attacking entities may choose to instead heal the Variable Entity, Safety Net: IF THE THIRD OR FOURTH RULES OF MASTER THIEVERY ARE BROKEN, THIS ENTITY WILL SUFFER IN THE PLACE OF THE OFFENDING MASTER THIEF

Cake Guy's Cake: Spawn a Cake entity worth 0.5 Charge. Also spawn a BIACAR (does not apply to copies of this entity). Additionally (on this entity only and not any copies), if this form is taken at the end of the turn, at the start of the next turn ANY PLAYER may use their action to bake a cake which scales in power with their action power. If a large number of people bake cakes at once, the Variable Entity may take damage from fatigue. This will never kill it.
MOTH PALADIN NOVICE: Generate 8,000 EXPLOSION TAGS. 1,000 Attack. 1,000 Healing.
PizzasMcPizzas Storefront: 30% chance to spawn a Pizza entity worth 1.5 Charge. Additionally (on this entity only and not any copies), if this form is taken at the end of the turn, at the start of the next turn ANY PLAYER may use their action to order a pizza which scales in power with their action power. If a large number of people order pizza at once, the Variable Entity may take damage from fatigue. This will never kill it.

Madness Pizza [<0>](x16): HP: 10,000/10,000(x16), Attack: 2,500
Madness Cake [<0>]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Attack: 1,000
Chaos ©: HP: 90/100, Action Power: 77,000

THE ROD [©]: HP: 4,500/5,000, Obscurity, Pull: Move any entity up by up to 3 spaces, is affected by that entity's movement restrictions

Void Given Focus [Mischief - AG]: HP: 642,500/675,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 70,000, Focus: 520,000 (+10,000/turn); Can choose to not attack to gain an additional 70,000 Focus; Focus may be spent to strengthen the Void Given Focus's attack for the turn, and is also spent as Deathrattle when Void Given Focus dies

SOUL of the GUARDIAN [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 317,500/350,000, Attack: 25,000, Applies 50,000 Morale divided between any number of allies
ACE [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 38,500/40,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 30,000, Morale: 20,000
PRIME [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 227,500/250,000, Attack: 50,000, Power: 0 (+30,000/turn); Can choose not to attack to gain an additional 50,000 Power; Power may be spent to strengthen PRIME's attack for the turn
LAST [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 1/1, Deathrattle: Until the end of the next turn, no entities may go below 1 HP
V2 [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 507,500/507,500, Dodge: 75%, Attack: 100,000 + 750,000 (III), Cannon Shot: III, will take less damage from the next successful hit
DEE [Pol and Kirby - AG](x2): HP: 200,000/200,000(x2), does tasks

Heavy Artillery [Core Block - AG]: HP: 47,500/50,000, Attack: 12,500, Regeneration 5,000
Tiny Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/2,500, Attack: 1,250, Armor: 2,500
Tiny Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 500/500, Attack: 1,250, Dodge: 90%
Fighter Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Dodge: 75%, Regeneration: 1,000, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 7,500, Accuracy: 200%, Cab Ejector: Armed
Supply Truck [Core Block - AG]: HP: 20,000/20,000, Allies in Range 2 have +2,500 Attack, Speed: 4
Bomber Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Dodge: 60%, Regeneration: 2,000, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 10,000, ignores armor, Cab Ejector: Inactive
Propeller Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Dodge: 90%, Regeneration: 100, Attack: 2,500, Cab Ejector: Armed
Buggy [Core Block - AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Dodge: 75%, Dodge Exhaustion, Regeneration: 1,000, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 2,500, Cab Ejector: Armed
Repair Mech [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 2,600/22,500(x2),

Healing: 7,500, Status-Curing: 10,000, Regeneration: 2,500, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn,

Cab Ejector: Inactive(x2)
Loader Mech [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,600/50,000,

Buffs defensive or support stats,

Cab Ejector: Inactive
The Cube [Core Block - AG]: HP: 101,500/110,000
Armor Block Container [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 5,000/5,000(x2), spawns an Armor Block for each 500 HP lost
Turret Block Container [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 5,000/5,000(x2), spawns a Turret Block for each 500 HP lost
Turret Block [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 500/500(x2), Attack: 250
Armor Block [Core Block - AG](x7): HP: 1,500/1,500(x7)

Some of the Core Block's machines come equipped with a Cab Ejector. If an entity with an Armed Cab Ejector reaches 0 HP, it will regain 100 HP and the Cab Ejector will become Inactive. While the Cab Ejector is Inactive, the entity has no abilities. When an entity with an Inactive Cab Ejector reaches max HP, the Cab Ejector will become Armed again and the entity will regain its abilities.

The Relic Bearer [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 146,500/160,000, Keeper of Histories: Can either debuff an entity by sapping their history or buff an entity by strengthening its history, lasts 3 turns; Obscurity: Easily missed and not likely to be attacked unless it has debuffed its attacker before
Artificer Degree Two [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 605,500/670,000, Maker of Histories: Can consume items to upgrade entities further

Shadow Pawn [Krill13 - N]: HP: 110,500/120,000, Speed: 2, will be promoted if it reaches the top of the Battlefield, much harder to forcibly move

THE CULMINATION OF MY BEING [Toby - AG]: HP: 560,500/620,000, Attack: 150,000, Your Power: 400,000 (+50,000/turn, unleashed in a single powerful blow on death)
Stasis Array [Toby - AG]: HP: 245,500/270,000, applies 500,000 Stun per turn

Budge, the Overloaded [Ian - AG]: HP: 400,000/400,000, 400,000/400,000, 400,000/400,000, 400,000/400,000, Damage Reduction: 10%, Regeneration: 20,000 per healthbar, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 30,000 per Healthbar above 50%, Debugging: Using the Exalted God's Horn on Budge will only exhaust one of its healthbars

The World's Smallest Lion [Fasto - AG](x5): HP: 20,000/20,000(x5), Dodge: 50% (+10% for all Lions when one dies), Apply 7,000 Distraction each
Memory of a Regent [Fasto - AG]: HP: 297,500/300,000 + 295,000/300,000 + 295,000/300,000, Armor: 10,000, Regeneration: 25,000 per Healthbar, unspent Regeneration is converted to Attack, Attack: 50,000x3, Mana: 0 (+128/turn), Painful Healing, Actualized: For 1 turn, the Memory of a Regent cannot die, Stun: 140,000

THE GROUPIE [One Hit Wonder - AG]: HP: 70,000/70,000, helps out the One Hit Wonder
ELEVATOR RADIO [One Hit Wonder - AG]: HP: 120,000/120,000, applies 5,000 Distraction split among any number of entities, Morale: 5,000
COOL LIGHTS! [One Hit Wonder - AG]: HP: 112,500/112,500, Confidence: No target, Stage Fright: The Cycle of Violence

Confidence: The target of Confidence gains an additional 50,000 Attack, or 50,000 Healing if it has Healing. If Stage Fright doesn't have a target set, this effect is doubled.
Stage Fright: The target of Stage Fright loses up to 50,000 Attack, or 50,000 Healing if it has Healing. If Confidence doesn't have a target set, this effect is doubled.

Ample Seating [One Hit Wonder - N]: HP: 100,000/100,000, Healing: 2,500x50, heals as many different entities as possible each turn, starting with [AG] entities, Good History: Seats twice as many people for 2 more turns
Refreshments Stand [One Hit Wonder - N]: HP: 125,000/125,000, Status Curing: 5,000x25, heals as many different entities as possible each turn, starting with [AG] entities

Heather, Totally Immersed Pikachu Cosplayer? [Tazz - AG]: HP: 100,000/125,000, Attack: 50,000, Dodge: 20%, Volt Tackle: Can deal an additional 25,000 damage, but also takes 25,000 damage as recoil; Discard Humanity: IIIIII; Boon of the Crystal Gardens: The first two attacks each turn that would deal less damage than Heather's max HP are nullified, With SOUL: Heather acts twice per round
Pizzahead [Tazz - AG]: HP: 75,000/75,000, Attack: 50,000, Extra Lives: 1 (+1 after each boss), heals to full HP when a boss dies
The Noise [Tazz - AG]: HP: 250,000/250,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 60,000x2

Genny Robotics [Pricey12345 - AG]: HP: 202,500/500,000, Attack: 35,000
Blaster Warrior Robot [Pricey12345 - AG]: HP: 700,000/700,000, Attack: 75,000

<![if !ie]> The Idea <![endif]> [Krill13 - N]: HP: 666,666/666,666, Attack: (100x666)x0, Ethereal, Mark of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, The Impending

Ethereal: The Idea's attacks ignore Armor (including negative Armor), Dodge, and other defensive abilities. They also do not trigger Thorns, Reaction Fire, or any similar abilities.
Mark of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If The Idea uses 666 of its attacks on a single target, it follows up with a finishing attack against that entity. This can have varying effects beyond damage.
Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If any entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ would die, it stays at 1 HP and another entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ takes the remaining damage.
The Impending: Something good will happen if The Idea has exactly six sets of attacks.

<![if !ie]> The Process <![endif]> [Krill13 - N]: HP: 2,000,000/2,000,000, RAM: 2,000,000, Word of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, The Pentultimate

Chess Drive: HP: 100,000/100,000, moves the Shadow Pawn up 1 if allocated at least 250,000 RAM (does not stack if 500,000 or more RAM is applied)
AoE Healing Drive: HP: 600,000/600,000, applies AoE healing relative to RAM allocated at a ratio of 1 Healing to 6 RAM
<Empty Drive Slot>​

RAM: The Process can allocate RAM to any of its installed Task Drives. Task Drives can have varying functions allowing The Program to do different thigns depending on how much RAM is allocated. They can be equipped or unequipped, but there can never be more than three equipped at a time. Additionally, Task Drives have their own HP bars, and can be attacked and destroyed to prevent The Program from taking actions.
Word of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If all RAM is spent optimally, The Process randomly distributes buffs to allied entities. RAM is considered to be spent optimally if it doesn't go over any limits, i.e. no overhealing, no overkilling, and no overspending (or underspending) on Drives that have effects at specific RAM amounts.
Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If any entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ would die, it stays at 1 HP and another entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ takes the remaining damage.
The Pentultimate: Something good will happen if The Process has exactly 9,999,999 RAM.

There aren't any Task Drives here right now.

A Puppy and an Animated Bespectacled Mannequin [Krill13 - N]: HP: 160,000/160,000, Attack: 37,500, St. Destin's Pen: +50,000 HP, +12,500 Attack, does not actually exist
The Bingus Bungus Mecha Mark II! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 250,000/250,000! Dodge: 25%! Armor: 2,500! Thorns: 2,500! Attack: 2,500x25! Good History: Dodges a lot better for the next 2 turns!


LapisLazuli': Vortex [AG]
Firewing: Just Flask [AG]
Champion Greninjoid: Reese [AG]
Esther: Narrator [AG]
Layn: Layn [AG]
O.R.I.G.I.N.: Decil [AG]
6FootDeep: Swarm of Zachs [AG]
Zparks: Sblib [N]
Whimsythescholar: The Lady In Violet [N]
Master of Infinity: The Master of the Infinitum [AG]
ChrysalisM: Adaptoid #001 [AG]
little1133: Birdie [AG]
Kitnight: ?
W32Coravint: W32Coravint [AG]
Noctis-X: Noctis [AG]
Dragonwolf73: Niyr [PG]
rush99999: The English Muffin [N]
Genhack: Grimcloak [AG]
the secret of life is 42 [AG]
Spacelover1: Kita [AG]
KitRougard: Xorm [PG]
Torix: Firestorm256 [AG]
DreadKnight22: Mischief [AG]
Splashcat: The Pendulum [AG] | CREATION: 490,000 | DESTRUCTION: 250,000
EndTower: steve uchiha [AG]
_The Reaper_: Bob [AG]

Sylveone46: Dan D. Daniels [<0>] | Dead, final resting place marked by a double pendulum

JOEbob: JOE Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE [AG] | carrying the power of Inscryption and the injuries of the Variable Entity
Robot #207: Core Block [AG]
DragonAegis: Tom Sawyer [AG] | FOUNDRY: 708,500 | Weapon: Belenoth (Deals reduced damage, accumulates Magic; Magic: 0; Durability: 100%) | carrying three Scrap Buckets (spend to deal 10,000 damage to a target and nullify their Armor, if any), two Robotic Spider Cookies (prevent one item theft attempt each), and a Glass of Water of Water (Made of water and full of water)
Crimtane Shovel: © | TRAVELER'S TREE:
Banana-Fish: Pol and Kirby [AG] | TYPOGRAPHY: DDEGIKNNQST
tzaoray [PG] | TORQUE: 50,000
Toby Faux: Toby [AG] | BEACON: 213,000
Razor_Typhoon: Ian [AG] | ELEMENT: 2 Wax, 3 Fire
Dinfinity: Wafer [AG] | Constellation: The Butterfly
Krill13: [Billions Of Names At Once] [N] | PLANE: The End | carrying a capital "I"
FastoDash: Fasto [AG]
The_Nonexistent_Tazz: Tazz [AG] | STAB: 600,000
Alastair Dragovich: Lawrence "Law" "One-Hit Wonder" Plainton [AG] | LAST SONG: READY!
Pricey12345 [AG]

Destiny: Mastery of Tactics
High-Conductivity Skin

+ Your action power is doubled!
--- You must give out two charges each turn, and they must both go to [AG] players!​

Destiny: Spawn Point
Ocular Implants

+ Your actions have a 50% chance to be 3x as effective!
+ All of your actions have their power reduced to 0.5x before all other multipliers!
+ Entities with dodging capabilities cannot dodge your actions!
± This augmentation does not affect attacks against Godmodders.​

Monkey Wizard's Staff: +2,000 Action Power.
Chuck Norris's Ten-Gallon Hat: +1,000 Action Power.
Octopus King's Crown: You are very confident.
A Page of Chartreuse Ink: +2,000 Action Power, +1 Charge/turn.

Destiny: Bookkeeper
Curse: The Twins
Oryx's Greatsword: +50% Base Action Power.

Crimtane Shovel:
Destiny: ©
Understanding the Nameplate: Depth

+ Copies you summon have more interesting and varied abilities!​

Understanding the Nameplate: Advanced Capabilities

+ For your action, instead of summoning a new ©, you can transform an existing © into a more powerful form!
- The abilities of the more powerful form are likely to be at least a little different.​

Destiny: Fog Missing Piece
Curse: The Globe
The Flutter Titan's Wing: +1 Charge/turn.

Robot #207:
Destiny: Core Control

Destiny: How Did We Get Here?

Destiny: Astromancer
Curse: The Telescope
The Carnivore's Jawbone: +5,000 Action Power.

Curse: The Glove

Destiny: Strength
Curse: The Notebook

Destiny: Baptism By Fire

Destiny: Auto Insurance
Curse: The Car

Toby Faux:
Destiny: Birdhouse In Your Soul
Curse: The Torch

Destiny: Creation

Destiny: 235
Curse: The Pokéball

Destiny: Green
Curse: The Crown

Alastair Dragovich:
Curse: The Microphone

Destiny: Beryl

Destiny: Hands of Shadow

Curse: The Cog

Spoils of War:
Misery/The Doctor:


. Owner: Tom Sawyer [AG]. A strange gun with a star scratched into the stock. Each turn, this item passively accumulates Charge. When fired, it expends all of its Charge, dealing a varying amount of damage per Charge. At 1 Charge, it deals 25,000 damage per Charge; at 2-3 Charge, 50,000; at 4-6 Charge, 75,000; and at 7+ Charge, 100,000. Charge: 1, Cooldown: NO COOLDOWN
The Teletubbies: Tubby Custard Machine. Owner: Pol and Kirby [AG]. A whimsical machine with two large spires for storing Tubby Custard. Once every 4 turns, it can be used to heal 5,000 HP to any entity. This healing can bring entities over their max HP, if they're not already above their max HP. Additionally, the Tubby Custard Key may be used one time to revive any entity that died the preceding turn, with full HP. THE TUBBY CUSTARD KEY MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE THROUGH THE ENTIRE GAME. Cooldown: IIII. Tubby Custard Key: Available
Fortegreen Crewmate: Emergency Meeting Button. Owner: JOE Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE [AG]. A red button that can be used to assemble everyone in the area. Once every 5 turns, it can be used to summon a Crewmate, who the owner will be able to direct to various tasks. Its effectiveness will vary. Cooldown: IIIII
Kabula/King Dedede (second fight): King Dedede's Rocket Hammer. Owner: Tazz [AG]. A large hammer that fires rockets. More useful for rocket-firing than actually bashing things, on account of being very hard to hold. How did Dedede ever manage it? Once every 3 turns, it can be used to deal 100,000 damage to five different entities. For the purposes of this Spoil, Crowd entities are counted as a single entity. Cooldown: III
Cyber End*r Dr*gon: Cyber Dr*gon Egg. Owner: Niyr [PG]. Somehow, turning the End*r Dr*gon into a technological terror passed the property on to this egg. The egg appears to have no function, but there is a green button on the back. The longer you look at it, the brighter it gets. You get the feeling you can only press this button once... Green Button: Unavailable
King Dedede (first fight)/Norm: Norm's Heart. Owner: Robot #207 [AG]. The squirrel that's in charge of providing power for Norm. Never tires. Norm's Heart may be given to an entity, granting it either an additional 50,000 Attack or doubled Attack, whichever is the larger bonus, until it dies, at which point Norm's Heart will become available again. Status: Available
Shaggy: The Sandwich Of Oblivion. Owner: [Billions Of Names At Once] [N]. A sandwich of unfathomable power, made of the finest ingredients one can find in the thousand universes. This sandwich may be fed to an NPC a total of three times across the entire game, with an indeterminate and plot-linked cooldown. Eating the sandwich will cause a major plot disturbance or critical interference. This will not always work out in the favor of the owner. Status: Available, uses left: 1
The Spamtanic/Spamton NEO: Pipis Cannon. Owner: Mischief [AG]. An arm cannon, ripped off of Spamton NEO. It contains an invasive species of detonating freshwater clam. EACH TURN, the Pipis Cannon may be fired at a target of your choice. A pipis will appear on the battlefield with 20,000 HP, and you may use actions to protect it from attacks. The turn after it is summoned, it will detonate, dealing 50,000 damage to its target. If the target dies, the pipis will instead change its target and detonate on the next turn after that. Cooldown: NO COOLDOWN
Overcharged Mob Spawner/Oryx the Exalted God: Exalted God's Horn. Owner: Ian [AG]. Upgrade of the Debug Stick. A golden horn, liberated from Oryx's helmet. Contains a fragment of Oryx's Curse. Once every three turns, it can be used on an entity you control, or someone else's entity with permission, to kill it, dealing its max HP as damage to a target of your choice. At the end of the turn, that entity is then revived, but at 1 HP. Cooldown: III
Helkite Overlord: Shotgun. Owner: None [AG]. A shotgun made of distressingly black metal and distressingly white wood. It seems to have been passed down through many owners. The initials "DK," "GB∞," and "JQA" are carved into the stock. There is only one bullet inside. When fired, this shotgun will instantly kill any one target of your choice. With the exception of Godmodders and other Adventurers, this can target anything on the battlefield and it will not fail. It may only be used once. You could use it more if you found more ammo. You will not find more ammo. Status: Empty
THE LORDE/The Evil Wizard: UNDEFINED BLADE. Owner: ©. A sword that seems to be incapable of deciding what kind of sword it wants to be. Once every four turns, it can be used to summon three random entities from the first few chapters of the game. Some entities, like bosses, cannot be summoned by this. Cooldown: IIII
Fawful & Midbus/Overtuned Mob Spawner: The First Spawn Egg. Owner: Toby [AG]. A spawn egg. Unlimited potential rests within. Once every three turns, it can be used to spawn four entities of your choosing from a limited selection of Vindicator, Evoker, Blaze, Piglin, or Pillager. Cooldown: III
P03: Leshy's Camera. Owner: Fasto [AG]. An old-looking camera with a roll of film in it. Once every two turns, it can be used to kill an entity with 10,000 (current) HP or less and convert them to an item in your inventory. This item can be used later for damage or healing based on the entity's stats. Cooldown: II
Ink Sans: Inkbrush. Owner: tzaoray [PG]. A paintbrush covered in various colors of ink. Once every four turns, it can be used to summon a copy of Sans with 10,000 HP, 5,000 Attack, 75% Dodge, and Dodge Exhaustion. Cooldown: IIII

Permanent Upgrades:
Chapter 1: The Great K.A.T.E. A strange red bucket that contains a weather machine. What does K.A.T.E. stand for? Your guess is as good as mine! The Great K.A.T.E. provides many forms of weather information, explaining environmental effects and attack boosts given by the current area. Weather can be changed by a sufficiently creative action and/or the influences of various entities.
Chapter 2: Crossroads of Destiny. A portion of Shaggy's power, specifically dealing in one's "destiny." At an indeterminate time, the Crossroads of Destiny will appear to a player character, giving them a large number of choices for a permanent augmentation that can shake up how they play the game. (Indeterminate time means I'll offer you a crossroads whenever I think I have enough cool ideas for your character.)
Chapter 3: The Dubious Friendship of a Mirror-Entity. Spending time on the other side of the mirror seems to have made you stronger. The mirror-entity's influence? It seems likely, but you're not sure why. If an attack against a Godmodder is sufficiently creative, it has a chance to deal an additional point of damage.
Chapter 4: OLD_DATA. A block of strange code related to the foundations of reality itself, coalesced into a chunk of black material. Standing near it makes you feel more real. Powers up all players' Destinies, and makes Destiny acquisition quicker.
Trial ε: Exaltation. An inversion of Oryx's already-inverted curse, granting you power for slaying an immense foe. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial Θ: Sacred Black Gun. A gun made of an unknown black material. Shots fired from it never miss, and damage the target conceptually as well as literally. Just being near it makes you feel stronger. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial λ: Sacred Black Wand. A wand made of an unknown black material. It passively absorbs power from nearby allies, and protects the user from harm. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial μ: Sacred Black Cog. A cog that can be inserted into any machine to make it think and run faster. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial π: Time's Commendation. It turns out that if you resolve enough time loops and prevent enough paradoxes, time itself gives you a formal recognition, complete with certificate and a 10% discount at supermarkets. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial Σ: Sacred Black Rod. A rod that allows its user to inhabit multiple bodies at once. As a weapon, it can be extended to any point its user can see, making it useful for attacking at long range. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial ϕ: Sacred Black Hammer. A hammer that influences local reality to make things turn out in its holder's favor. In other words, it turns you into a perfect protagonist. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)

Base Action Power: 1,280,000
Base Charge Count: 128

Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PSI) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)
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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.