Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (2024)

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Pankaj Das, Anand MannuErythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (2), Biju Vasudevan, Lekshmi Priya Krishnan, Silky Priya

Department of Dermatology, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Corresponding author: Dr. Anand Mannu, Department of Dermatology, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

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© 2024 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology - Published by Scientific Scholar

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How to cite this article: Das P, Mannu A, Vasudevan B, Krishnan LP, Priya S. Erythrodermic scabies in systemic sclerosis patient. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. doi: 10.25259/IJDVL_384_2024

Dear Editor,

A 22-year-old female presented with salt and pepper pigmentation scattered across her body for the past one year associated with moderate itching. Over the last 6 months, she experienced bluish discolouration of her fingers upon cold exposure, diffuse tightening of the skin, which progressed from her digits to the entire body, restricted mouth opening, swallowing difficulties, and a history of breathlessness on exertion. Pallor, positive Barnett neck sign and Ingram sign could be elicited. Her body mass index (BMI) was 15. Investigations revealed elevated Anti Nuclear Antibody Anti nuclear antibodies (ANA) titres, positive Anti-SCL-70 and Anti-SS-A antibodies and a restrictive pattern on spirometry. Her electrolytes, ECG and 2D Echo were normal. She was diagnosed as a case of systemic sclerosis and was started on nifedipine, methotrexate, folic acid, bosentan, pantoprazole and domperidone, along with lifestyle modifications. During the hospital stay, she developed gradually progressive pruritis associated with scaling initially over the legs which progressed to involve all parts of the body (>80% body surface area) resulting in erythroderma [Figures 1a, 1b and 1c]. While evaluating for the causes of erythroderma, we found the attender developed recent onset itching in the finger web spaces which clinched the diagnosis of crusted scabies. A skin scraping from the patient revealed scabies mites when examined under a microscope [Figure 2, Supplementary video]. Both patient and attender showed improvement on treatment with topical permethrin and oral ivermectin.

Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (3)

Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (4)

Figure 1a:

Extensive scaling over the trunk and flexures.

Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (5)

Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (6)

Figure 1b:

Thick crusting, scaling and hyperpigmentation over left axilla.

Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (7)

Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (8)

Figure 1c:

Crusting, scaling and excoriations over waist and thigh regions

Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (9)

Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (10)

Figure 2:

Scabies mite in liquid paraffin under microscope (10x)

Supplementary File 1


Norwegian Scabies (NS) or Crusted Scabies (CS) is a rare and extremely infectious condition caused by Sarcoptes scabiei. The name “Norwegian” was derived from the description by Danielssen and Boeck of a type of scabies in which a huge number of mites were present in lepers.1 CS is characterised by an infestation of up to millions of mites and extensive hyperkeratotic plaques with yellow-green crusts, most commonly on the flexures, torso, extremities, face and scalp. Itching varies from asymptomatic to severe itching in a few patients. The mean incubation period is 3–4 weeks and crusted plaques appear after 8–12 weeks.2 Conventional scabies differ from CS by harbouring less than 15 mites, clinically by the presence of burrows and papules with intense itching at night. Immunologically, it differs by immunity switch from Th1 to Th2 with predominant CD8+ T cells, minimal CD4+ T cells and absence of B cells in the dermis. Also, IL 1β, TGF β, IL 4, IgE, IgG, IgG1, IgG3, IgG4 and IgA levels are elevated while IRAP, IL-10 and TNF-α levels are found to be reduced.3 CS are typically found in immunocompromised patients with HIV, human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV), adult T-cell lymphoma, leprosy, epidermolysis bullosa, IgA deficiency, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, neutropenia, myelodysplasia, pregnancy, debilitated individuals with dementia, malnutrition and mental retardation.4 In our case, the patient’s immunocompromised state from medication and malnourishment raised her likelihood of developing CS.

CS is commonly misdiagnosed as psoriasis, adverse drug reactions, hyperkeratotic eczema or contact dermatitis and is generally diagnosed after a median of 3–7.8 months (range 16 months) after the initial symptoms. Diagnosis is by examination of scrapings under a microscope. Treatment includes oral ivermectin (200 ug/kg on days 1, 2, 8, 9 and 15) and topical 5% permethrin applied every 2–3 days for 1–2 weeks or till cure.5 By the end of the first week of treatment, our patient’s symptoms had improved. As in our case, there is a markedly higher chance of transmission to other individuals in contact since there is an enormous mite load and the patient should be isolated till cure. In hospital settings, the diagnosis of CS necessitates increased vigilance and once confirmed, stringent control measures to stop the spread of the disease need to be ensured.6


The authors would like to thank Dr Senkadhir Vendhan for taking the images and video.

Declaration of patient consent

The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent.

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

Use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for manuscript preparation

The authors confirm that there was no use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for assisting in the writing or editing of the manuscript and no images were manipulated using AI.


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Erythrodermic scabies in a systemic sclerosis patient - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (2024)


What are the systemic complications of scabies? ›

Scabies can lead to skin sores and serious complications like septicaemia (a bloodstream infection), heart disease and kidney problems. It is treated using creams or oral medications. Scabies is contagious and spreads through skin-to-skin contact.

Which is the classic clinical manifestation of scabies? ›

Classic scabies typically manifests as an intensely pruritic eruption with a characteristic distribution. The sides and webs of the fingers, wrists, axillae, areolae, and genitalia are among the common sites of involvement.

What's the difference between scabies and crusted scabies? ›

Crusted scabies, also known as Norwegian scabies, is a more severe form of scabies. This means thousands or even millions of scabies mites are present. Normal scabies can develop into crusted scabies after a skin reaction. The condition affects all parts of the body, including your head, neck, nails and scalp.

What are the dermoscopy findings for scabies? ›

Dermoscopy is a noninvasive and convenient examination method that has been widely used in the diagnosis of many skin diseases. The use of dermoscopy in patients with scabies reveals a sinuous burrow with a brown jet-shaped triangular structure composed of the pigmented head and anterior legs of the mite.

Can scabies cause organ failure? ›

Scabies commonly leads to impetigo (skin sores), and severe skin and soft tissue infections and sometimes even invasive bacterial infection and life-threatening toxic shock syndrome can follow. The body's immune response to Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria can cause kidney damage and possibly rheumatic heart disease.

Does scabies weaken your immune system? ›

If your immune system is constantly being forced to produce these chemicals, it will eventually become fatigue and sluggish. The scabies mite will then be able to overwhelm your immune system and your body will struggle to build up a resistance, with recurring episodes becoming more and more frequent.

What diseases can mimic scabies? ›

Howell says that unfortunately many rather common skin conditions can be mistaken for scabies such as: hand, foot and mouth disease, eczema, bedbug bites, varicella, folliculitis, hives, molluscum, psoriasis, impetigo and herpes.

What are the red flags of scabies? ›

The common symptoms of scabies are: intense itching, which may be worse at night, or after a hot bath or shower. a pimple-like itchy skin rash (bumpy red rash); itchy skin may become thick, scaly, scabbed and criss-crossed with scratch marks.

What kills scabies the fastest? ›

The only way to get rid of scabies in 24 hours is to use a prescription cream or oral ivermectin . 1 Known as scabicides because they kill scabies, these creams contain: Ivermectin. Permethrin 5% cream.

What does advanced scabies look like? ›

The scabies rash looks like blisters or pimples: raised bumps with a clear top filled with fluid. Sometimes they appear in a row. Scabies can also cause lines on your skin, along with discolored bumps. Your skin may have scaly patches.

Can you feel scabies crawling on you? ›

No, you can't feel the mites crawling on you because they're tiny and crawl slowly. The only thing you can feel is the itchiness or inflammation they cause to your skin.

Can vaseline remove scabies? ›

Scabies treatment should be done in the evening.

Sulphur vaseline is applied to the skin on three consecutive evenings and left on the skin for 12–24 hours. The treatment is repeated one week later. In blended families, both of the children's homes must be treated at the same time.

What is the hallmark diagnosis of scabies? ›

A tiny dark papule—the mite—is often visible at one end. In classic scabies, people usually have only 10 to 12 mites. Secondary bacterial infection commonly occurs. A pruritic, pustular rash in the webbing between fingers is the hallmark of classic scabies.

Can a dermatologist tell if you have scabies? ›

A dermatologist can often diagnose scabies by visually examining a patient's skin from head to toe. To make sure that a patient has scabies, a dermatologist may remove some skin. This is painless. Your dermatologist will put the skin on a glass slide and look at the slide under a microscope.

What are the hallmarks of scabies? ›

Scabies symptoms include:
  • Itching, often severe and usually worse at night.
  • Thin, wavy tunnels made up of tiny blisters or bumps on the skin.
Jul 28, 2022

What are the secondary effects of scabies? ›

Scabies can cause complications like:
  • Painful skin sores.
  • Septicemia (infection in your blood).
  • Heart disease.
  • Kidney disease.

What are the symptoms of long term scabies? ›

Without treatment, scabies can be a long-term infestation that can spread to other people. During the course of the illness, persistent scratching can lead to chronic crusting of the skin, or to painful secondary skin infections caused by bacteria.

Can scabies make you unwell? ›

Scabies has three basic clinical presentations: classic, crusted, and nodular. Classic scabies is the most common form with notable symptoms of severe pruritus, which is often worse in the evening, irritability, fatigue, and, in some patients, fever from aforementioned secondary infections.

What are the immunological complications of scabies? ›

Hosts infected with S. scabiei are often particularly susceptible to 2ry bacterial infection, being undernourished and immunologically disarmed. As a result, complications like cellulitis, lymphangitis and acute glomerulonephritis could occur. Death may occur in severe cases (Kemp et al.

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