Figs Benefits and Nutritional Values - What is the Right Time to Eat it? | Marham (2024)

It is unimaginable how much everyone loves dry fruits. Without a variety of dry fruits, a celebration or special occasion is not complete. They are incredibly healthy, which strengthens this delightful relationship even more. One of these royal dry fruits is fig. They are nutrient-dense and have a number of potential health advantages. They might help you control your blood sugar levels, encourage good digestion, and lower your risk of heart disease.

This article is covering the nutrition of figs, their advantages, the best time to eat figs, and how to include them in your diet.

Table of Content

What are Figs (انجیر)?

Figs are the fruit of the ficus tree, a member of the mulberry family. They have a distinct, sweet flavor, a soft and chewy texture, and are packed with edible seeds that are somewhat crunchy.

Due to their fragility and short shelf life, fresh figs are frequently dried. This results in a dried fruit that is sweet and healthy and can be consumed all year round.

There are numerous kinds of figs, and each one has a unique color and feel. Their distinctive characteristic is a tiny bud-like opening at the top of the plant called an ostiole that aids in fruit development.

Because of their inherent sweetness, they were frequently employed as a sweetener before the advent of refined sugars.

Nutritional Properties of Figs

Figs are a great addition to a healthy diet because they are nutrient-rich and low in calories. 100 grams of fresh fig fruit contains the following nutrients.

Nutritional Values inside 100g Fig Fruit

  • Energy – 74 Kcal
  • Folates – 6 µg
  • Niacin – 0.400 mg
  • Carbohydrates – 19.18 g
  • Protein – 0.75 g
  • Total Fat – 0.30 g
  • Dietary Fibre – 2.9 g
  • Pantothenic acid – 0.300 mg
  • Thiamin – 0.060
  • Pyridoxine – 0.113 mg
  • Riboflavin – 0.050 mg

Minerals inside 100g Fig Fruit

  • Sodium – 1 mg
  • Iron – 0.37 mg
  • Magnesium – 17 mg
  • Potassium – 232 mg
  • Calcium – 35 mg
  • Copper – 0.070 mg
  • Manganese – 0.128 mg
  • Zinc – 0.15 mg
  • Selenium – 0.2 µg

What are the Amazing Figs Benefits for your Health?

Figs have a number of health benefits and here you go with the details.

1. Figs help to maintain good digestive health

Constipation is a typical digestive condition. Fig fruits have long been used as a natural medicine or at-home therapy for constipation. The high fiber content of fig fruits can help with digestive health.

  • According to research, fiber acts as a prebiotic, or a food source for the good bacteria in your stomach, and helps soften and thicken feces. So the fiber in figs helps to reduce constipation.
  • Another study raises the possibility that fig fruit pastes or extracts could speed up the digestion of food. It consequently helps to treat constipation and lessens the signs and symptoms of digestive illnesses including ulcerative colitis.
  • In another study, 150 participants with IBS-C (irritable bowel syndrome with constipation) consumed about four dried figs twice a day. Pain, bloating, and constipation symptoms were significantly less severe for them.
  • Similar research found that eating 300 grams of fig fruit paste every day for eight weeks dramatically reduced constipation.
  • It is evident that fig fruits significantly enhance your digestive health.

2. Figs help you to have a healthy skin

The skin may benefit from fig fruits as discussed below.

  • Studies show that eating dried fig fruits is effective for healthy and young-looking skin.

On 45 kids, researchers applied a lotion with dried fig fruit extract. For two weeks, it was done twice daily, and the outcomes showed that in treating the signs and symptoms of dermatitis, the dried fig fruit cream performed better than the other simple skin cream.

  • Figs are mostly used for dry, itchy skin or allergic dermatitis.
  • A combination of fruit extracts, including fig extracts, may have antioxidant effects on skin cells, according to another study.
  • Figs assist in preventing collagen deterioration and minimizing wrinkles.

3. Figs help you to achieve your weight loss targets

Figs are a great snack if you are trying to lose weight because they are high in fiber and low in calories.

  • High-fiber foods like figs can make you feel full between meals and help you eat less when they are a part of a balanced diet. As a result, they might facilitate weight loss.
  • Dietary fibers are said to aid in weight loss, according to numerous research and figs contain a high amount of dietary fiber.
  • Dried figs that have been soaked are easier to digest.
  • Some people claim that rehydrating fig fruits in water increase their fulfilling capacity, which lowers calorie intake and promotes weight loss.

You may consult a nutritionist to get a diet plan for figs intake in your regular diet at very affordable rates.

4. Maintain a Healthy Pregnancy with Figs

Let us discuss the benefits of figs for pregnant women now.

  • Studies have suggested that the high alkalinity of figs can help reduce certain cravings associated with pregnancy.
  • A proteolytic enzyme found in figs helps with digestion, which slows down naturally during pregnancy.
  • Figs may assist to reduce hypertension brought on by preeclampsia (hypertension disorder that can occur during pregnancy) because of their high potassium level.
  • Among all common dried fruits, figs contain the most fiber. They are a great source of both soluble and insoluble fiber and help reduce constipation during pregnancy. You may ask a gynecologist for help if you are experiencing this issue in your pregnancy too.
  • Compared to other common fruits and vegetables, figs have a greater mineral profile. They are especially rich in minerals that are essential for a healthy pregnancy, such as calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc. Also, the mineral composition of figs closely resembles with that of breast milk.

5. Figs help to boost sperm count and increase male fertility

Zinc is really important for the production of testosterone. Men who are zinc deficient may therefore have lower testosterone levels. But do you know that figs are a good source of zinc? So they can become a great natural approach to increasing your testosterone levels.

Figs contain a lot of antioxidants, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. These compounds can therefore aid in enhancing sperm motility and quantity. So in this way, figs are extremely helpful in raising sperm count. Many researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of fig leaf extracts in boosting sperm count.

Moreover, if anyone of you is facing any issues regarding your sperm count and production, you may take a consultation with the best sexologists in your city.

6. Figs help to promote cardiovascular health

  • You can improve your cardiovascular health and lower your risk of heart disease by eating more figs.
  • According to a study, fig extract decreased blood pressure in mice with normal and high blood pressure.
  • Additional research reveals that fig leaf extracts may raise levels of healthy cholesterol and triglycerides.

7. Figs have anti-cancer properties in nature

  • Several studies have shown that fig leaves and the natural latex produced by fig plants have anti-cancer capabilities. They support the reduction of human colon, breast, cervical, and liver cancer cell proliferation.
  • Additional research suggests that Fig Fruit Latex (FFL) contains considerable polyphenolic chemicals. Consuming FFL can therefore be an antioxidant source.
  • FFL has a negligible impact on normal cells while exhibiting strong cytotoxicity against some human cancer cells. It prevents cancer cells from making DNA, causing them to go into apoptosis, and stopping their cell cycle.

8. This fruit helps in the maintenance of blood sugar levels

The consumption of fig leaf tea with breakfast may reduce the need for insulin, according to a study including ten individuals with type 1 diabetes. They drank fig leaf tea for the duration of the experiment, which lasted a month. They needed to take 12% less insulin as a result. It demonstrates how fig extracts can keep blood sugar levels stable.

Additionally, a recent study found that drinks with high fig fruit extract concentrations had lower Glycemic Indexes (GI) than other beverages. Therefore, figs may have a more positive impact on blood sugar levels.

Caution: Because of their high sugar content and tendency to be dried, fig fruits may briefly sometimes raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, you should stay away from consuming dried figs if you struggle to control your blood sugar levels.

Furthermore, we would suggest you take a piece of advice from a diabetologist to maintain your blood sugar level in a very healthy manner.

9. Figs are anti-inflammatory in nature

  • Figs include antioxidants that shield cells from free radical damage and reduce inflammation.
  • Figs are also a rich source of phytochemicals. These phytochemicals aid in reducing inflammation and guard against the onset of new inflammation by scavenging free radicals.
  • Additionally, numerous studies demonstrate the existence of flavonoids and polyphenols in dried figs. So, it aids in the treatment of osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and periodontal bone loss.

What is the Best Time to eat Figs?

The optimal time to consume this incredibly healthy dried fruit is in the morning. Consuming figs on an empty stomach may produce the best effect on weight loss and overall heart health. Moreover, they are high in fiber and help you to deal with constipation if eating on an empty stomach.

The best approach to eating figs if you have stomach or digestive problems is to soak them first. For this;

  • Soak 2 or 3 figs overnight in milk or a little water.
  • Eat these soaked figs as soon as you wake up.

Eating figs at night

It’s not like you cannot take figs at the night. We have told you that you should consume it in the morning to get its maximum benefits. But eating figs at the night may produce some beneficial results for you. These are

  • Magnesium, a mineral that has a direct impact on sleep duration and quality, is abundant in figs.
  • Because they are high in fiber, they aid in preventing midnight cravings.
  • Figs also aid in metabolism regulation, which lessens sleep disorders including insomnia.

How can you include figs in your diet?

Now, the next important thing to know is how you can add figs to your diet. Following are some ways through which you can use figs in your diet.

  1. Figs can be consumed raw, however, always wash them beforehand.
  2. They can also be grilled, baked, or cooked in water.
  3. Figs can be included in fruit salads too.
  4. Figs with cheese, pine nuts, and honey make a delectable combo.
  5. You can also add figs to a smoothie.
  6. You may incorporate fig syrup (a pharmaceutical product to reduce constipation ) by pouring it on ice cream, fruits, or waffles.

Contact a nutritionist right now to get an effective diet plan having figs in it.

Can you eat figs raw?

Typically, fresh figs are eaten raw. In fact, they are at their tastiest level when picked fresh from the tree.

  • Simply split them in half, top them with some feta cheese or soft goat cheese, and eat.
  • But if they are underripe, boiling them can bring out their sweetness and make them juicier.
  • To caramelize the sugars in cut figs, you can either place them directly onto a hot grill or under the broiler.
  • When baked with chocolate and comforting spices and stuffed with nuts, they can make a terrific appetizer.

Can you eat fig skin?

Although some individuals do not enjoy the texture of fig skin, it is nonetheless edible.

  • Figs in the early season have thin, delicate peels, while those in the late season have thicker, more robust skins.
  • Use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin if eating the peel is not your thing. If not, simply twist off the stem and consume the entire fig.

What are the potential side effects of figs?

Consuming figs could have negative repercussions too. Look at the list below:

1. It may interfere with blood thinning medications

  • The body needs vitamin K to generate clotting factors, which are molecules that aid in blood clotting.
  • Vitamin K-rich meals can counteract the effects of blood-thinning medications if you are taking anticoagulants.
  • Prunes, kiwi fruit, and figs should all be avoided if you are using blood thinners.

2. Figs can have a laxative effect but don’t overdo it

  • Diarrhea and stomach ache might result from eating too many figs.
  • Two medium-sized figs should be consumed daily at most.
  • A maximum of 4-5 dried figs per day is one portion size.
  • If taken in these recommended doses then it will not cause any potential harm.

3. Excessive amounts of figs may be related to kidney stones

  • Oxalates, which can crystallize in urine and cause kidney stones to develop, are another compound abundant in figs.
  • Figs might cause kidney or gallstone development if consumed by individuals with kidney or gallbladder issues.

You may talk to a urologist to get an effective treatment for dealing with kidney stones in your body.

4. It can cause some food allergies

  • Figs have been linked with rare instances of acute anaphylaxis (skin reactions, nausea, difficulty breathing).
  • But this may be more common in people who already have a latex allergy.

Final Notes

The enormous amount of vitamins and minerals in figs (انجیر) makes them a superior food source. Due to their high antioxidant content, figs are considered a superfood with important health benefits like anticancer and blood pressure-reducing effects.

Figs help with digestion. They are abundantly rich in fiber and a great natural food option for treating and preventing constipation because of this. Moreover, they are high in vitamins and minerals and low in calories and promote weight loss.

Consult a nutritionist to add figs to your diet plan

As you are completely aware of the wonderful benefits of figs, we know that you must want to include them in your daily diet plan. For this, we would suggest you take an expert’s help so that you may get maximum benefits from it. Book an appointment with one of the best nutritionists in Pakistan available on Marham’s platform.


1. What happens if you eat figs every day?

Eating figs every day can give you many beneficial results. As they are an excellent provider of potassium and calcium. Together, these minerals may increase bone density, hence reducing the risk of diseases like osteoporosis. A potassium-rich diet, in particular, may improve bone health and minimize bone turnover, according to studies.

2. How many figs should you eat per day?

It is advised to keep serving sizes to no more than 2–3 figs per day.

3. Can we eat figs on an empty stomach?

You can consume figs on an empty stomach to obtain their optimum benefits. As figs are high in fiber, doing so will aid in easy and quick digestion of food and lower your risk of developing constipation.

4. Are figs good for pregnancy?

Figs are a great source of minerals like zinc, potassium, calcium, and iron, all of which are crucial for the mother’s and the unborn child’s health. Additionally, they also help to combat fatigue and anemia during pregnancy because of their high iron content.

Figs Benefits and Nutritional Values - What is the Right Time to Eat it? | Marham (2024)


Figs Benefits and Nutritional Values - What is the Right Time to Eat it? | Marham? ›

You can consume figs on an empty stomach to obtain their optimum benefits. As figs are high in fiber, doing so will aid in easy and quick digestion of food and lower your risk of developing constipation.

What is the best time to eat figs? ›

Soaked Overnight: To reap the many dried fig benefits one can also soak them overnight in either water or milk and eat them first thing in the morning. It is believed that dried figs can aid weight loss.

How many figs should I eat a day? ›

Eating 2-3 figs a day is generally recommended to enjoy their nutritional benefits without overconsuming sugar. What figs do to your body? Figs provide a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, promoting digestive health, heart health, and overall well-being.

Is it okay to eat figs at night? ›

Figs are rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron, making them a powerful sleep aid. These minerals all help with blood flow and muscle contraction which are crucial for falling asleep. They also contain high amounts of fibre, keeping you full through the night and preventing midnight cravings.

What happens if you eat figs every day? ›

Figs are often recommended as a traditional remedy for various health problems. They act as a natural laxative because of their high fibre content. The fibre they provide also has prebiotic properties, feeding the gut bacteria and promoting a healthy gut environment which, as a result, improves digestive wellness.

Should you drink water after eating figs? ›

Water should be avoided after eating fruits because this combination can interfere with the absorption and digestion process in the stomach, resulting in acidity. This is why some people feel queasy after eating fruit. It is suggested that you drink water for at least an hour after eating fruits.

Why soak figs in water? ›

Soaked figs are a good source of iron, a crucial mineral for preventing and alleviating iron deficiency anaemia. Including these in your morning routine can aid in maintaining healthy iron levels and preventing fatigue.

Are figs better than bananas? ›

It might surprise you to know that ounce-for-ounce figs have more potassium than bananas or oranges, fruits often recommended as good sources of potassium. So 100g of figs provide 609mg potassium, bananas provide 257mg and oranges provide 181mg. If you look at common serving sizes, it changes a little.

How do you eat figs for maximum benefits? ›

You can also use dry figs as a sweetener for other sweet recipes like oatmeal making your sugar intake nutritious. However, to get the most out of dry fig, it is best when consumed after being soaked in water overnight. Throw out the water the next day and eat the dry fig on an empty stomach to get the best results.

Do fresh figs raise blood sugar? ›

It's worth noting that you'll often see figs listed as a “top pick” or “best fruit” for people with diabetes because of their low to moderate glycemic index. This means that they should not raise blood sugars as rapidly as high glycemic index foods.

When should you not eat figs? ›

However, if you're on blood-thinning medications, be careful to consume figs in moderation because they're rich in vitamin K, which can interfere with your prescription. Additionally, if you have an allergy to latex, know that fig trees naturally produce latex and thus you may want to be cautious about their fruits.

Are figs good for eyesight? ›

Figs are also rich in vitamins and minerals that help maintain eye function, protect the eyes from harmful light, and prevent the onset of age-related degenerative eye diseases. Continue reading to see how figs can help preserve eye health and prevent vision loss.

Is fig good for high blood pressure? ›

Reduce High Blood Pressure

One factor that leads to high blood pressure is a potassium imbalance caused by eating too much sodium and not enough potassium. Figs are a potassium-rich food and can help correct that imbalance. Meanwhile, high levels of fiber in figs can help to flush excess sodium from the system.

What are the side effects of figs? ›

Are there any side effects of eating figs? The side effects of eating figs are: Because figs contain a lot of fiber, eating too many of them can cause diarrhea. Figs are high in calories, so eating a lot of them will not help lose weight.

Are figs good for cholesterol? ›

Figs are packed with all the good things: Fiber to support healthy digestion, relieve constipation and improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Essential nutrients like copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium and vitamin K.

Do you eat figs with the skin on or off? ›

Fresh figs are usually eaten raw. They taste best eaten straight off the tree, ideally still warm from the sun. The entire fig is edible, from the thin skin to the red or purplish flesh and the myriad tiny seeds, but they can be peeled if you wish.

Should fresh figs be peeled before eating? ›

The best way to enjoy figs is raw, with the skin and seeds intact. You can also remove the peels and scoop out the seeds, if you like, or cook figs by baking, broiling or grilling them. But, the quickest and easiest way to enjoy these gems is by removing the stem and taking a bite right out of the raw fig.

Can we eat figs in an empty stomach? ›

It is recommended that you consume figs on an empty stomach so that you may get the most benefit from them. The ingestion of figs will not increase body weight. Because of their high fiber content and low-calorie count, figs help you feel full more quickly.

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