How Do You Buy A Diamond Based On Clarity And Price?
The best way to buy a diamond based on clarity and price is to book an appointment with a VRAI Diamond Expert. They will help you determine what clarity grade is best for your preferred diamond shape and budget.
Overall, there is some flexibility when choosing a diamond clarity grade since inclusions aren’t always visible. Opting for a slightly lower clarity grade will usually lower the price, but the difference in appearance may not be noticeable. Certain diamond shapes with step-cut facets do look best at higher clarity grades, such as Emerald cut, Asscher Cut, or Princess cut diamonds.
Some diamond shapes, however, tend to hide inclusions better than others, like Radiant cut diamonds. This makes it possible to choose a lower clarity grade and lessen the total diamond price. A higher clarity grade isn’t always necessary for certain diamond shapes to still look brilliant and clear.