How to Identify a Raw Diamond | BriteCo Jewelry Insurance (2025)

When we think of diamonds, we often envision dazzling, polished gemstones. However, these coveted stones start their journeys as raw, uncut rough diamonds.

Want to learn how to identify a raw diamond and differentiate it from other gemstones? Keep reading to unravel the art of identifying raw diamonds by their unique features, as well as learn more about the various methods and tools at your disposal.

How to Identify a Raw Diamond | BriteCo Jewelry Insurance (1)

What You Will Learn

  • What Do Raw Diamonds Look Like?
  • How to Identify Rough Diamonds
  • Recognizing Fake Diamonds
  • What to Do if You Find a Raw Diamond
  • FAQs
  • Protect Your Investment

Natural raw diamonds display distinct features that distinguish them from their polished counterparts. Understanding these features is important for proper identification.

  • Crystal Form:

Raw diamonds often exhibit a crystalline structure known as crystal form. This structure can take various shapes, including octahedral (two pyramids base-to-base), dodecahedral (twelve faces), or cubic (eight equal faces). This crystal form gives natural diamonds a unique appearance.

How to Identify a Raw Diamond | BriteCo Jewelry Insurance (2)

  • Color and Clarity:

Raw diamonds may appear cloudy, opaque, or translucent due to impurities and inclusions. The color can range from clear to brown, yellow, or even green. It’s important to remember that rough diamonds typically lack the spectacular brilliance of cut diamonds, which makes identification challenging.

  • Surface Texture:

Unlike polished diamonds with smooth, reflective surfaces, naturally occurring diamonds feature rough, unpolished exteriors. This surface texture reflects their natural state, directly extracted from the earth.

How to Identify Rough Diamonds

There are several common methods for identifying and differentiating rough diamonds from their geological counterparts.

1. Visual Inspection

Visual inspection is the first step in identifying raw diamonds. Here’s what to look for:

  • Unpolished Surface: Raw diamonds have an unpolished, rough surface that lacks the brilliant facets of cut diamonds.
  • Distinctive Shape: Look for natural crystal shapes, like octahedrons or cubic forms. These unique structures are a hallmark of most diamonds.
  • Inclusions: Raw diamonds often contain visible inclusions, such as small minerals or other crystals trapped inside. These imperfections can be seen with the naked eye and add to the raw diamond’s character.

2. Scratch Test

Diamonds are renowned for their exceptional hardness, making them resistant to scratching. You can perform a scratch test using common materials like corundum. Just try scratching the suspected diamond crystal with corundum (ruby or sapphire) and vice versa; if the uncut rough diamond leaves a scratch on the corundum, it’s a strong indicator that you might have a raw diamond on your hands.

3. Water Test

The water test exploits the unique properties of how diamonds break the surface tension of water. Place a suspected diamond on the surface of the water and, if it floats or doesn’t adhere to the surface, it might be a rough diamond.

4. Diamond Tester

Diamond testers are handheld devices that measure a gem’s thermal conductivity. Real diamonds disperse heat rapidly, while most other gemstones do not. A diamond tester can quickly confirm if a gem is a raw diamond, and these devices provide a straightforward and non-destructive method of identification.

5. Mineral Testing Kit

A mineral testing kit can help you identify raw diamonds. These kits typically contain a set of common minerals and tools to test hardness and other properties.

6. Professional Assessment

When in doubt, it’s advisable to consult a certified gemologist or professional. They have the expertise and specialized tools to accurately identify raw diamonds and can provide you with a definitive assessment.

Suggested Read: Types of Rough Diamonds | BriteCo Jewelry Insurance

To ensure you’re dealing with raw diamonds and not imitations like cubic zirconia or similar substances, learn how to recognize fake diamonds.

1. Cubic Zirconia

Cubic zirconia, often abbreviated as CZ, is a popular diamond simulant. It’s a lab-created crystalline material that mimics the appearance of diamonds but lacks their natural properties. CZ is less dense than a real diamond and tends to be flawless, lacking the inclusions and imperfections that are common in natural diamonds.

While the term “cubic diamonds” is not commonly used in the gemological world, it could potentially refer to synthetic diamonds or diamonds with a cubic crystal structure.

2. Quartz Crystals and Quartz Pebbles

Quartz crystals are readily available in nature and have distinct hexagonal shapes with pointed endings. Unlike diamonds, quartz crystals are transparent or translucent but don’t exhibit the same sparkle. Quartz crystals are softer than diamonds, making them susceptible to scratching.

Quartz is a common mineral, and small, irregularly shaped quartz pebbles can sometimes be mistaken for raw diamonds, especially by novice gem enthusiasts.

Tumbled quartz pebbles are quartz stones that have been polished and rounded through a tumbling process. While they may have a smooth and shiny appearance, they still lack the brilliance, hardness, and transparency of raw or faceted diamonds. The same issue arises with water-worn quartz pebbles.

How to Identify a Raw Diamond | BriteCo Jewelry Insurance (3)

What to Do if You Find a Raw Diamond

If you suspect you have a natural diamond in your possession, it’s important to handle the situation with care and consideration.

  • Avoid Unnecessary Handling: Limit your contact with the suspected diamonds to prevent damage or contamination.
  • Seek Professional Verification: When in doubt or if you want a conclusive assessment, consult a certified gemologist or professional.
  • Do Not Attempt to Cut or Alter: Never try to cut, shape, or alter a suspected raw diamond. Attempting to modify a rough diamond can reduce its value significantly.
  • A Scratch Test is Not Foolproof: While the scratch test can be informative, it’s not foolproof. Some other minerals can also scratch corundum, so it should be used in conjunction with other tests for a more conclusive result.

What does an uncut diamond look like?

An uncut diamond, also known as a rough diamond, typically appears as a naturally formed, unpolished crystal. It can vary in color, clarity, and size.

Does an uncut diamond look like a jewelry diamond?

Uncut diamonds may exhibit facets or crystal faces, but these are not as polished or well-defined as those of a cut diamond.

Protect Your Investment

Learning how to identify a rough diamond can be an immensely rewarding skill, whether you’re a gem enthusiast, a potential buyer, or simply curious about these sparkling gemstones. By learning about raw diamonds’ distinctive features and using the methods and tools discussed in this guide, you can confidently recognize these natural wonders within the comfort of your own home. Always exercise caution, seek professional verification when in doubt, and embrace the captivating world of uncut diamonds and their beauty.

Want to insure and protect your natural raw diamonds? At BriteCo, we offer comprehensive and cost-effective diamond jewelry insurance coverage. To learn more, use our convenient online tool to obtain a personalized insurance quote.

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Types of Diamond Clarity | BriteCo Jewelry Insurance
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How to Identify a Raw Diamond | BriteCo Jewelry Insurance (4)

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How to Identify a Raw Diamond | BriteCo Jewelry Insurance (2025)


How to Identify a Raw Diamond | BriteCo Jewelry Insurance? ›

Here's what to look for: Unpolished Surface: Raw diamonds

Raw diamonds
A rough diamond is a diamond that has not been cut or processed. They come in a variety of naturally occurring shapes, including octahedral (eight-sided bipyramid), cubic, and triangular (most commonly macles). › wiki › Rough_diamond
have an unpolished, rough surface that lacks the brilliant facets of cut diamonds. Distinctive Shape: Look for natural crystal shapes, like octahedrons or cubic forms. These unique structures are a hallmark of most diamonds.

How to identify a raw diamond? ›

5 Ways to Identify a Raw Diamond
  1. Crystal Form. Looking at the crystal form is a fast way to differentiate a diamond from many other minerals and gemstones that look similar. ...
  2. Fracture. When diamonds break, they will create smooth, flat surfaces. ...
  3. Use a Loupe. ...
  4. Hardness. ...
  5. Thermal Conductivity.
Aug 21, 2023

How to tell if a raw diamond is real with a flashlight? ›

When we shine a flashlight on a diamond, we're observing how the stone interacts with light. A real diamond refracts light in such a way that it sparkles with a gray and white brilliance, and can also cast rainbow colors onto a surface. The way a diamond reflects light is unique due to its high refractive index.

How do you value raw diamonds? ›

Carats or the weight.

Typically, for each category of rough diamond - low quality industrial diamonds, higher quality industrial diamonds, cuttable rough diamonds, and fancy rough diamonds - the higher the carat/weight, the more expensive the stone.

What do uncut diamonds look like? ›

Raw diamonds, or uncut diamonds, can have various shapes, colors, and sizes. They typically appear in irregular shapes, such as octahedrons or dodecahedrons, and have a rough texture. Raw diamonds can be transparent, translucent, or opaque, with colors ranging from white and yellow to brown and green.

What is the easiest way to identify a diamond? ›

The thermal conductivity test is a quick way to tell if a diamond is real. A thermal conductivity test measures the heat conductivity of a diamond and can quickly determine whether it's genuine. One method involves placing two or three drops of water on your diamond. If it sinks into the stone, it's likely not real.

Do raw diamonds sink or float? ›

Because loose diamonds are so dense, they should sink to the bottom when dropped in a glass of water. Many diamond fakes – glass and quartz included – will float or not sink as quickly because they're less dense.

How can you tell if a raw diamond is real with a mirror? ›

How to Identify a Real Diamond using a Mirror. This test, also known as a “scratch test” used to be considered the easiest way to test a diamond. The test is to simply scratch the loose stone against a mirror. The idea is that if the stone is hard enough to scratch the mirror, it's probably a diamond.

How to tell if diamonds are real without a tester? ›

Water Test

If you have a loose diamond to test, fill a regular glass about ¾ of the way full with water. Gently drop the diamond into the glass. If the diamond sinks to the bottom, it's real. If it floats at the surface or just underneath, it's likely a fake.

What is the fog test for diamonds? ›

One of the easiest methods to confirm a real diamond from home is the fog test. For the test, hold the ring up to your mouth and breathe on it with a puff of air. A light fog will quickly develop within the diamond due to the moisture and heat of breath. If the fog goes away immediately, that diamond is the real deal.

Can I sell a raw diamond? ›

It can be sold to any jeweler, jewlery wholeseller, or a diamond polisher. But the point is how to judge the market price of the rough.

Are uncut diamonds worth anything? ›

As clear as the differences between the two diamonds, the pricing of the two differs to a great extent. This is because of the process of making the cut diamonds. Uncut diamonds are cheaper per carat when compared to cut diamonds as they do not undergo complex and expensive processes.

How much is a raw diamond? ›

The price of natural raw diamond stones ranges from 25 to 21,000 USD per carat depending on the quality and size. Lab grown raw diamond crystals are cheaper than natural diamonds as the prices range from 8 to 9500 USD per carat.

How do I know if I found a raw diamond? ›

A diamond tester can quickly confirm if a gem is a raw diamond, and these devices provide a straightforward and non-destructive method of identification. A mineral testing kit can help you identify raw diamonds. These kits typically contain a set of common minerals and tools to test hardness and other properties.

How to tell a real diamond by eye? ›

Try the dot test for diamonds

Place the loose stone flat side down on top of that dot. If you look down at the stone and you can see a circular reflection of the stone, then it's a fake. As diamonds refract light, with a true diamond, you won't be able to see anything.

How can you tell the difference between a natural diamond and an uncut diamond? ›

While both are natural, uncut diamonds are unfaceted, whereas every facet of a cut diamond is enhanced by the jeweller to emit light, resulting in their high-shine brilliance. This is why uncut diamonds don't have the latter's sparkle, yet have a raw charm of their own.

What do raw diamonds look like in the dirt? ›

In this raw form, rough diamonds usually look like lumps of pale, colored glass. Although colorless or near colorless diamonds are a standard for cut, faceted, and polished diamonds, rough diamonds often carry some hints of color.

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