How to Play the Newlywed Game: Tips and Sample Questions (2024)

Have you heard of the Newlywed Game? This popular activity is all about quizzing the couple. From their favorite food and drink to their real first impressions of each other, it delves into a variety of topics and is a great way to spice up any wedding-related event. While it is most commonly played at the bridal shower, you can also enjoy it at the couple’s engagement party, at the bachelorette party, or even during the wedding reception.

If you’re thinking about playing it with the newlyweds, speak to them in advance to make sure they are comfortable doing this at any of their events.

30 Fun Wedding Reception Games and Activities

What Is the Newlywed Game?

Though the Newlywed Game is often played at engagement parties, bridal showers, and even wedding receptions today, that's not where it originated. The original iteration was actually a television show: The Newlywed Game premiered on ABC in 1966 and was initially hosted by television personality Bob Eubanks and was a play on The Dating Game. The show featured four couples who were married for less than a year, then took the wives off stage while husbands answered questions based on how they thought their spouses would respond; the wives then returned to the stage and gave their answers. Couples who had the same responses were awarded points.

The show has continued to air on and off over the years, but it's now most commonly played as part of wedding events. At a bridal shower, for example, the groom might come towards the end of the event and play against his bride-to-be. At a wedding reception, the newlyweds might answer questions before opening up the dance floor or cutting their cake. Ultimately, when you choose to play is up to you!

It's important to note that origins of this game were very focused on heterosexual couples, but it's a game that any couple can play and can be easily customized to any pair.

How to Play the Newlywed Game

There are different ways to play the Newlywed Game, so before planning to play it a wedding event, make sure you decide on your process. For instance, you may choose to ask the couple all of the questions and have them come up with answers on the fly. However, this approach can be tricky and slow since the couple will need time to think.

With that in mind, here’s a breakdown of how to play with some advance planning.

Step 1: Prep Ahead of Time

Send the couple your list of questions, from funny to sentimental, to answer about one another. Request that they send you their responses separately, without discussing them with one another! You can hold on to the answers until the big event when all is revealed.

Step 2: Run Through Basics

When it comes to playing the game, someone will need to act as the host. That person—usually a member of the wedding party—should start by introducing the game and explaining how it works. To kick off, read each question from your list and have the couple guess what their partner has said. For example, for the question "Describe what you first thought of them in one word," they should each guess what their partner said about them. Next, the fun begins when you compare those guesses to what the couple actually said about each other.

Step 3: Keep Score

Keeping score is relatively simple. For every answer each member of the couple gets right, they get one point. Someone should be assigned the task of writing the points down. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game knows their partner the best and is declared the winner.

65 Newlywed Game Questions

Ready to give it a whirl? If you’re scratching your head and wondering what questions to ask, we’ve got you covered. Here are some questions to get you started:

  • How did you meet your spouse?
  • What did they wear on your first date?
  • Where did you go on your first date?
  • Describe what you first thought of them in one word.
  • When did you know that they were "the one?"
  • Who said “I love you” first?
  • When and where was your first kiss?
  • Who is a better kisser?
  • Who is the tidiest?
  • Who is the funniest?
  • Who is their celebrity crush?
  • Which one of you is the better driver?
  • Who does most of the cooking?
  • Who is the best cook?
  • Who does the most cleaning?
  • What’s your spouse’s favorite TV show?
  • What’s their favorite movie?
  • What would be your spouse’s ideal date night?
  • What is their pet name for you?
  • What was the first movie you saw together?
  • What’s their favorite band and/or artist?
  • Do you have a song, and if so, what is it?
  • Which celebrity couple are you most like?
  • What is your partner's silliest fear?
  • What is their favorite junk food?
  • Which ice cream flavor do they love the most?
  • What is their favorite candy bar?
  • Name the best gift they ever gave you.
  • If your spouse was a Disney character, who would they be?
  • What is their star sign?
  • How does your spouse like their steak cooked?
  • How many cousins do they have?
  • How often do you go on dates together?
  • What was the name of your spouse’s first pet?
  • If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy together?
  • Name your spouse’s favorite restaurant.
  • If your spouse had a superpower, what would it be?
  • What would they say is your best feature?
  • What is your spouse’s best feature?
  • What is your spouse’s dream job?
  • Who has the worst handwriting?
  • Which one of you would win at Trivial Pursuit?
  • How does your partner like their eggs in the morning?
  • Who is more adventurous?
  • Who is more honest?
  • Which of you finishes your meals first?
  • Who would win in an eating contest?
  • What color are your spouse’s eyes?
  • What was their first job?
  • Who is the better listener?
  • Who is more emotional?
  • What is your spouse’s favorite color?
  • What was the last date you went on?
  • If your spouse needed a lift at 3 a.m., who would they call?
  • What high school did your spouse go to?
  • Who would play your spouse in a movie?
  • What is your spouse’s favorite book?
  • If your spouse were an animal, which would it be?
  • What’s your spouse’s best personality trait?
  • How many children does your spouse want?
  • What’s your spouse’s worst habit?
  • What’s their hidden talent?
  • How does your partner take their tea or coffee?
  • What is your spouse’s ideal vacation?
  • If money were no object, where would you live?

Funny Newlywed Game Questions

Want to make the Newlywed Game even more enjoyable? For an experience packed with laughter, add some of these funny questions to your list or use them to inspire your own prompts.

  • Who has the most exes?
  • Who would you say is the better catch?
  • How would they spend the day in an empty house?
  • Who has worse handwriting?
  • Who is most likely to steal food from your plate?
  • Who takes a longer shower?
  • Who is most likely to get lost?
  • Who hogs the covers more?
  • What is one thing they’d most likely end up in jail for?
  • What is one thing they’d most likely go viral for?
  • What is their guilty pleasure?
  • What was your worst date?
  • What is their most annoying habit?
  • What is the weirdest gift they've ever given you?
  • What’s one animal they’d willingly keep as a pet?


  • How many questions should there be?

    It depends on the amount of time you're willing to dedicate to playing the game. We suggest 15-20 questions for a fast-paced game that won't completely overtake the event.

  • How can I format my own questions?

    Start with who, what, where, and when style questions to keep things simple and avoid confusion. Throw in a few "Who is more likely to..." questions for a bit of competitive fun.

  • Can others play the game?

    Of course! The game can be modified to fit whoever is attending the event. We especially love it for a bachelorette party to see how well a bride-to-be knows her squad.

How Well Do You Know the Bride Game: Tips and Sample Questions

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How to Play the Newlywed Game: Tips and Sample Questions (2024)


How to Play the Newlywed Game: Tips and Sample Questions? ›

How to play the newlywed game is simple: Have one person from each couple leave the room. Ask the remaining partner a series of newlywed questions from this list and write down their answers. Once the questions have been recorded, invite the other partner back into the room.

What are some good newlywed game questions? ›

Funny Newlywed Game Questions
  • Who is your partner's celebrity crush?
  • What actor or actress (dead or alive) would play them in a movie?
  • Who has the worst handwriting?
  • If your partner was a wild animal, what would they be?
  • Who is most likely to steal food from your plate?
  • What is your partner's go-to karaoke song?
Jul 31, 2023

How do you play the newlywed game? ›

How to play the newlywed game is simple: Have one person from each couple leave the room. Ask the remaining partner a series of newlywed questions from this list and write down their answers. Once the questions have been recorded, invite the other partner back into the room.

What is the 20 questions game for married couples? ›

The 20-question game for couples is a fun way to get to know each other better. One person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and the other asks up to 20 yes-or-no questions to figure out what it is.

How many questions for newlywed game? ›

How to Play The Newlywed Game. Start by choosing a selection of questions from our list below. About 15 to 20 should do it! You can also add in some of your own, to make it more personal to the couple in question.

What is 20 interesting questions game? ›

Twenty questions is a classic game that can be played almost anywhere as players attempt to guess the secret person, place or thing – with only 20 questions to do so! This is a fun game to play on a road trip, one on one or with a group of kids (and adults) or all ages!

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Tiebreaker Questions

What's your spouse's shoe size? What's your spouse's pet peeve? What's the full name of your spouse's best friend? Were you your partner's first love?

How long does the newlywed game last? ›

The Newlywed Game
Running timeapprox. 22-26 minutes
Production companiesChuck Barris Productions (1966–1974, 1977–1980, 1984–1987) Barris Industries (1985–1989) Barris Productions (1987–1989) Columbia TriStar Television (1996–1999) Embassy Row (2009–2013) GSN (2009–2013) Sony Pictures Television (2009–2013)
17 more rows

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Best juicy questions for the 21 questions game
  • Where is your favourite place to be kissed?
  • And where is your favourite place to kiss someone?
  • Have you ever sent a nude photograph?
  • Have you ever received a nude photograph from someone else?
  • What attracts you to someone else?
  • What do you wear to bed?
Aug 20, 2024

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150 questions for couples to help strengthen your bond
  • How can I love you best in this season of life?
  • What activity makes you feel alive?
  • What is a dream you had that you were able to make come true?
  • What makes you feel refreshed after a long day?
  • What is something small that really makes your day?
Jun 6, 2024

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Bonus: Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What was your first kiss like?
  • What was your best kiss like?
  • What was your first impression of me?
  • Someone just asked you on your dream date. ...
  • What are three things you are looking for in a partner?
Jun 19, 2024

What are some good newlywed questions? ›

Here are some questions to get you started:
  • How did you meet your spouse?
  • What did they wear on your first date?
  • Where did you go on your first date?
  • Describe what you first thought of them in one word.
  • When did you know that they were "the one?"
  • Who said “I love you” first?
  • When and where was your first kiss?
Mar 25, 2024

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Meaningful “Would You Rather” Questions to Ask Your Partner
  • Would you rather your partner outlive you or you outlive your partner?
  • Would you rather have more time, or more money?
  • Would you rather lose the ability to see, or the ability to walk?
  • Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
Jun 28, 2023

How well do you know the couple question? ›

Let's see how good you are at remembering the following:
  • What's your partner's favorite TV show?
  • What's your partner's favorite book?
  • What food does your partner like to cook?
  • What's their favorite color?
  • Where did you two meet?
  • What color are their eyes?
  • What does your partner do at work?
Jul 5, 2023

What are some Q&A questions for couples? ›

Fun questions for couples
  • What meal are you best at making?
  • If you had to choose, would you pick cats or dogs?
  • Do you think AI will help or hurt us?
  • If you were to retire in a different country, which would it be?
  • Have you ever been anywhere you thought was haunted?
  • What's your favorite so-bad-it's-good movie?
Oct 3, 2023

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What's your favorite thing about married life so far? Name three things that make you proud of me. What do you think I most appreciate about you? How am I like my family, and how am I different?

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Spicy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
  • Are you satisfied in the bedroom?
  • What's something we've never tried together that you want to?
  • Do you wish we used more sex toys together?
  • What's a fantasy of yours we've never talked about?
  • Do you like to move fast or take it slow?
  • What's your favorite type of kiss?
Mar 26, 2024

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Best 21 questions to ask in a new relationship
  • What's your love language?
  • How did your last relationship end?
  • What do you value most in a partner?
  • Which city is at the top of your travel list?
  • What can I do that will always cheer you up?
  • Have you ever been cheated on?
  • Have you ever cheated on someone?
Aug 20, 2024

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.