JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager(Purple, Bule) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (2025)

The Lowest price of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager in Online , India is ₹ 325. The latest price for JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager was updated on 18 January 2025, the cost price of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager was ₹ 489 which is now available at 33% discount on Flipkart. The multiple payment options available to buy JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager in Online are Credit Card, Debit Card, Netbanking and Wallet Payment. The payment of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager on Cash on Delivery (COD) is available in Online . On shopping from Flipkart you will save ₹ 164 as this is the discounted rate. We also found that cheapest price for JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager in Online was available online on Flipkart. JKGrovv products at 33% discount is a great deal to buy online.

The Flipkart discount makes it possible to buy Massagers under 400 price range which is a good deal to buy! Generally, the Product at Flipkart is available with 1year warranty, No Cost EMI with Zero down payment, but we will advice to check the same before making a purchase at Flipkart. Flipkart assured is only available if you buy product from Flipkart but you can compare rate list of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager on amazon, tatacliq, paytm mall, snapdeal etc. Price Comparison of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager suggest that if you are looking to Buy JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager(Purple, Bule) in Online then shopping online will save you approximately ₹ 82 in comparison to buying through the local market. Review & Unboxing video of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager is available below.
The Price of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager is valid for sale in India & is dependent on external parameters like stock, time & area of delivery. The above price is slightly more than the Wholesale price of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager & at par with the market price of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager. Do check for Special price & additional offers like JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager from hdfc, sbi, citybank, axis bank offers which are also available from time to time at Flipkart. Be sure to check JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager Warranty information available on Flipkart.


JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager Specifications

Product Features:

JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager Features & Specifications stand apart in the Massagers category. The details about JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager(Purple, Bule) are given below as well. Unboxing JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager specs Type: Face, Power Source: NA, Massager Method: BENEFITS OF ICE GLOBES - Reduce Puffiness Under Your Eyes - Giving you cool treatments at optimal temperatures; Tighten Skin Pores - Roll on skin after moisturizer to improve the appearance of pores, smooth texture, and brighten skin., SAFE & EASY TO USE - It is easy to use the ice globes. Before a cool facial treatment, put the face globes properly in the fridge or a freezer (YES, you can keep our globes in the freezer for better effect at 14-40?( -10-4 ?) . It is not suggested to put them in the freezer more than 10mins., Color: Purple, Bule, & more details are given below

Product description Features: Rolling to massage skin, tighten skin, improve eye bag and canthus fine lines. Improve skin blood circulation, promote the removal of harmful substances from the skin. Soothe and repair skin, help to solve skin problems such as rough skin, coarse pores. Remove excess heat in moderation, relieve skin tension and fatigue, keep skin in good condition. Diminish inflammation and ease pain, suitable for improving pimple, color spots, dizziness, headache, fever, heat stroke, and so on. Specification: Condition: 100% Brand New Item Type: Massage Ice Ball Material: Glass + Carbonized Water Quantity: 2pcs Package Includes: 2 x Massage Ice Balls

Even though Flipkart offers wide range of Massagers in comparison to JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager. This JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager deal is the cheapest you can purchase in Online online. We have also included an Unboxing video of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager as well as video review. JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager is ideal for gifting Men & Women. Multiple JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager color options might also be available Online or in local store in Online be sure to check them before placing final order online. Exchange offers, Bulk discount, Special price, Promo Code, Coupon code, Cashback might also be applicable on JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager

JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager Specs


The latest price of JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager was obtained on 18 January 2025 from Flipkart

All the price given above are in Indian Rupees (INR) & are valid for Sale in India.

JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager is also be available in Online apart from Online availability on Flipkart, Amazon, Croma, Shopclues, InfiBeam, TataCliq, Snapdeal, PayTm Mall & other online stores.

This price is valid in all major cities of India and the Order can be placed online from Online or any top cities including Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune apart from Online

INRDeals may offer addition cashback on top of the existing offer offered by the merchant, signup at INRDeals to know more.

Discounts, Cashback and Coupons may be available on JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager for some banks like HDFC, SBI, ICICI, CITI, IDBI, AXIS and INDUSIND.

Images shown are for illustration purpose. Actual image/product may differ.

JKGrovv Ice Roller Globes for Face massager ball Reduce Puffiness Anti Ageing Wriknles Smart Cool Face Roller Ball Massager(Purple, Bule) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (2025)
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