Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


MARION, INDIANA, TUESDAY. MAY 30, 1899. PRICE 8 CENTS. There is a whole lot in it for you The exceptional store news on page 7. READ IT Goldthait Sons.

The Satisfactory Store, Established 1836. Northwest Oorner Sauare. QUICK LOANS. EASY PAYMENTS. confidential.

Two private offices. Marion Loan Co. Money loaned on Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Horses, Wagons, Store Fixtures, without removal; also on Watches, Diamonds, Rings, Bicycles and Musical Instruments. Advances made to people employed, on their salaries or wages. Loans can be arranged to run from one to ten months' 8.

time, payable in small weekly or monthly installments. We charge 8 per cent interest and a reasonable commission for preparing papers, examining records and appraising property. No other charges. All businesa strictly Over Prina' Clothing Store. Money to Loan; On Furniture, Teame, at the lowest possible rates, longest time and easiest payments.

Also on Jewelry, Wheels, Machines. eto. And when you want fine Jewelry of any kind at about half the price you pay other Jewelers, Call and see my stock I have more fine watches, ladies and gents, than any three jewelers in Marion, also Kings, Brooches, Hearts, Bracelets, Ohains, Clocks, Lamps, Buckles, eto. Diamonde pure white, $90.00, 2 $147.50. All business strictly private.

Two private offices Open 8 a. m. to p. m. J.

H. BABER, 1 Rooms 3 and 4 over Willson's Bank. 1, SEE Stewart Bros' a Special ad. today, Page 5. 4..

118 West 3rd St. A Pretty Display. A very pretty And seamonable window display is the "Decoration window" at Goldthait Sons. It ropresents a comotery scone, A soldier's grave decoratod with frosh flowers. On one aide of the gravo stands a soldier in uniform, with a muskot; on the other a young woman in widow's woods leading a little girl by the hand.

little group is very aug. gostive of Docoration day thoughta. From Training School. Louis Darter, who has boon attending the Chicago Y. M.

C. A. training school returned to the city Monday. After visiting his parenta, Mr. and Bire.

L. D. Darter, and other relatives be will leavo in about a wonth to attend 8 summer school at Milwaukce. Ball Game Today. The fromhmen of the high Achool and guine the of "Blue base ball Ribbons" play a on Spencer bill today, The game will be called at 10 o'clook.

BLACKSMITHSDESIRE TO RAISE The Price of Shoeing HorsesAdvance In Shoes and Nails LEAVES LITTLE PROFIT For the Man Who Does the Work -Suggestions From the Trade Invited. There is a feeling among the blacksmiths of the city that they are; as poorly paid as any craftsmen for their work in shoeing horses. In fact there is said to be 80 little in the horse-shoeing business at present that the blacksmiths would rather do other work and let the horse-shoeing go altogether. The blacksmiths of the city have no union. They have attempted organization at times, but the scarcity of journeymen and the predominance of bosses is said to have resulted disastrously to the union.

W. W. Wade is a blacksmith whose shop is at North Washington street. He believes that the smiths of the city should raise the price of horse directly to The the reason advance he in assigns the price of materials which the blacksmith a shoes haa. advanced from $3 50 per cwt.

The freight and dray. age raises the cost still more. Nails have advanced 8 and 4 conte with prospects of going higher. Thisleaves too small a margin of profit for the price a charged for shoeing horse horses $1 all around and it is understood that some smiths have established the custom of giving liverymen 10 per cent. off.

It is, stated that the profit of shoeing was none too great when shoes and nails were cheaper, and that now there is nothing it it for the smith other than the holding of his customers until conditions are changed. Mr. Wade is of the opinion that the blacksmiths should get together and discuss the question of shoeing and see what can be done. He is in favor of raising the price of shoeing. Any suggestions that the sho*rs of the city may have to make will be given I publication cheerfully in THE NEwS.

Will Study Spanish. Miss May Serviss will leave about the middle June Durango, Mexico, where she will be the guest of an aunt and study the Spanish language. Miss Servisa is already quite a linguist, speaking different languages fluently. Shemay possibly he accompanied by Mrs. Stephenson and daughter, Mary.

Fight in West Marion. Two men engaged in a fight noar the Canton glass factory last evening. The names of the belligerents were not disclosed to the police. TO DEFY STRIKERS WORK WILL BE RESUMED By the Contractors WednesdayCarpenter and Brick tractors Talk. At least two of the contractors will resume work tomorrow in spite of the strike.

They are Philip Patton and Frank Gordon. All efforts to get together to confer with the carpenters have come to naught, and it is believed now that the atrike will not be settled at an early date. Mr. Gordon stated last night that he had work to do and that he proposed. to commonco it Wednesday morning.

Asked if he would employ non-union carpenters, Mr. Gordon stated that he would give the union men a chance, and if they refused, he would get whomsoever be could. Mr. Patton" said he bad made up his mind to proceed with his work. If the trouble is not adjuated with- in the next few days, a number of carpenters may leave the city.

One man said yesterday that was fered work in another city at better wages than he had been receiving here, but be had not yet decided to accept it. Speaking of the probability of carpenters being brought in from other cities, one man said that it WAS pot reasonable that men should come! here when they could make more money elsewhere. It is pointed out that the wage scale other placos is much higher than in Marttheir at that their gervicos are worth morel cents per. bour, they have never consented to pay the The story that other contractora mAy come to the city and sign the scale is discrodited. There is greator liklibocd of the carpenters thomsolves forming an association for tho purpose of taking contracts on tho plan.

A brick tractor in authority for the statement that the brick masons are not bound by their rules to continue sympathy with the carpoutors. He claima that a sympathy strike is pot legal and may be terminatod at tany itime the members lit to return to work. Should any part of the membership of the local union decide to rusume work, it ie maid that the brick masons will be induced to call off the strike. Trades unionists state that the plan of building while a striko is in prowith dianatroua roaulta; that it is a gross hand beon tried in other cities mile of Trades' councila to give any business gone into such A build. lug a wide birth, withdrawing from it the patrouago of organized labor; Bargains at W.

J. Rowe's will al: be kone ROOD, Try a lomon phosphate at tho Spencer House drug storo, 2803 SOLDIERS' PRAISES SPOKEN FROM THE PULPITS. Program of Today's Exercises at the Home 0. 0. F.

Cemetery. Memorial services in honor of the dead heroes were held at the Christian Temple, Sunday morning under the auspices of the G. A. R. 3 Members of the G.

A. W. R. C. and S.

of V. and Ladies' Aid participated in the parade, which formed at the A. R. hall and marched to the church. The members of these patriotic orders, together with other visitors, filled the church to overflowing.

Rev. S. S. Newhouse delivered a felicitous address, which was well received by the veterans. A memorial service in honor of the victims of the late Spanish- A American war was conducted at the Baptist church Sunday morning.

Rev. Gregor delivered an able memorial sermon. Special music WAS given by the choir. Mins Elsie MacGregor 8aDg a solo, and John Sohn, sang a bass solo entitled, "The Mariner's Grave, with tarp accompaniment by Kent Gage. A number of the Co.

A boys were in attendance. Sunday evening several members of the G. A. went to Van Buren and attended a memorial service in the M. E.

church at that place. The pastor preached a special sermon in honor of the day, There will be a Decoration day service at the Soldiers' Home today at 9:30 a. m. Besides the inmates of the Home, a large number of visitors from without are expected to attend. The graves of the fallen heroes who are buried in the I.

0. 0. F. cemetery will be decorated at 2 m. day.

The street parade, which is usually a feature of Decoration day exercises, will be omitted this year, but all citizens and patriotic orders are invited to assemble at the cemnetery at 2 p. m. The following program has been prepared for the Rev. E. Myers Quartet Speaker.

Rov. W. D. Weaver Music. Roading Prosident Lincoln's George I.

Miller Reading names of decoased Quartet (, A. R. ritual at mound and decorating graves NOTES ON SOCIETY. Miss Hazel Williams pleasantly entertained her classmates at her home On South Washington street Saturday evening in honor of their teacher, Miss Patterson. The evening WAR spent at games and daneing.

The prize in the game, "A Flower Love Story," was wou by Mian Mary Hiatt. Light refreshments were served. Those present were: Misson: Mary Hiatt Anna Osborn Sadie Rood Nollio Darios Alice Fannie Alexandor Mario Corbett Hazol Lillard Patterson Mastore Hoary Kinloy Goorge Parrish Alfred Pyle Harvoy Rogors Hiram Work Blame Long Earle Groor Wilbur Yatag George Forlor Robert Hollinger (trover Steele An enjoyable occasion WAR the Smith-Smelser family reunion at Banquo 'Surday. A -large number were present, representing four erations, In the afternoon those present wore grouped and photographed by W. Marquart: The shower given by tira.

Ralph Whislor at her home on North Washington street for Miss Lucy Fitzgerald Monday afternoon proved a very pleasant social event. A number of useful articles of kitchenware were received by MiAR Fitzgerald Refreshments were nerved the guests and kodak views were taken of the party assombled on the lawn. The following, were the guosts: Charles Jap Whistor Walter Woavor Byrou Gorby Charlos Arnold Missogie Lizzie Lone Wall Maude Wilsou Loulso Fling Roso Michaela Mary Clothier Rungs Harnard Alico Koouts Donna Fling Nellie Wobster Mand Burk More 011 at Van Buren. A big oil well was atruck last Saturlay ou the Pat Kiley farm pear Van Buron, which was recently mold to the Standard Oil Co. It is ported to bu one of the best oil wella in tho stato.

A good well was struck Sunday on an ad joining form which is owned by Joba Kiloy. Work in the Van Buren oil. field was never more active than it in at present. To be Drink red tame chorry phomphuto, bad only at the Spencer House drug store. 2803 FIRST HUSBAND 11 MADE THREATS I Whereupon Husband' No.

2 Spent the Afternoon In Marion. TRIALS OF A MINISTER A Who Had Planned a Short Visit to His Bride In 'Lafontaine. If all reports are true, a jealous man and a big gun prevented Indianapolis husband from visiting wife at Lafontaine. Saturday. The woman is a daughter of O.

P. Logan and was recently divorced from her husband. A short time ago she was married to the Rev. Mr. Bailey, a Scotchman of the capital city.

Mr. Bailey arrived in the city at noon Saturday and called at the city building. He was apparently laboring under great excitement, since it is said his entire frame shook, and it with truly pathetic story to the Mr. Bailey stated that he WAS about to travel westward on 8 lecturing tour. He had landed in this country from Scotland only few weeks ago unfamiliar with American and Americans.

He had joined his fortune with the young widow of Lafontaine and bad planned a visit to her before taking his departure for California. The reverend gentleman, true to his convictions, appreciated the connubial blessing and indulged in sentimental -love messages announcing his arrival. These messages were in every way worthy of the proud husband and would have culminated in a happy denouement, but for the interference of the former husband, who got "wind" of the minister's proposed visit. Upon learning of the intentions of. husband No.

2, it is paid that husband No. cleaned his gun and sat down to await developments. Before sitting down, however, he outlined the program of exercises which were to mark the home-coming of the Indianapolis man. These threats were given auch publicity as to reach the ears of Mr. Logan, and that gentleman took the matter up and notified the Rev.

Mr. Bailey. The latter, knowing little of the idiosyncracies of Americaus, determined to take no chances in the present case and left the train in this city, With ten long miles between him and danger he could communicate with his wife and be riek, HO the bride was asked to could here, which she did and the meeting WA8 an afectionate one. Mr. Bailey spent the afternoon viewing the interesting aights in Marion.

INTERNATIONAL DIETING of Y. M. C. A. at Grand Rapids Closes Sunday.

G. A. Morris, secretary of the Y. M. C.

returned from Grand Rapids Monday night, where he attended the thirty- third biennial convention of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion. The meeting began Thureday afternoon and closed Sunday erening. Y. M. C.

A parts workers were pres; ent from all of the United States and Canada. There were visitory Ag res, Cape Towny vert otta Gov. Mount of Indiana spoke Saturday evening on "The Promotion of Civic Righteousness Among Young Men." The next meeting will be hold at Boston in 1901. TWO NEW CLERKS PROVIDED Post Oilice Forco Will Be Reinforced Soon- -Welcome News. master Bradford received the welcome intolligenco Monday' from the post ollice department at Washington that tho office in this city has been allowed two' additional clerks.

The new clerks will be determined by a special examination under the civil service law to be hold soon. The salarion are named 88 $000 8 year ouch. See the fine china at W. J. Rowe's at cont.

The orange phosphate or noda in. Marion in At the cer House drug store. 2803. We sell and guaranteo One Day Daudruff euro at 60 conta per bottle. John Davis, druggist.

830d1 In NEWS OF THE COURTS: NO NEW THIAL FOR HINES. 0 County Offices To fle Closed Today -New Trial Calendar' Posted. In the circuit court Monday the motion for a new trial in the case of George Hines was overruled and septence was passed. Hines will be taken north in a few days. The superior court held abort session Monday morning, the day being the first of the term.

Some cases were set for hearing and an ment was taken till Wednesday, The circuit' court was adjourned Monday for one week. Judge Paulus will go' to Blufton Wednesday on invitation to fill the position on the bench there, the judge being sick. Both courts and all county offices at the court house will be closed today owing to it being Decoration day. The following calendar for the circuit court was posted Monday. TRIAL CALENDER.

Deer Creek Ditch, eighth Wednesday. Overman Guardianship, eighth Wednesday. Keller, receiver, vs. Matter, receiver, ninth Tuesday. Quigley vs.

Wilson. ninth Tuesday. Hensel vs. Freeland, ninth ninth Tuesday. Panhandle Co.

78. Riley, ninth Wednesday. Kemp vs. Kemp, ninth Wednesday. No.

3, Building Load, Asen. V8, Heaton et al, ninth Wednesday. Commonwealth Building Loan Co. V8. Reynolds et al, ninth day.

Fenstemaker V6, Holman et al, ninth Wednesday. Willis vs Willis, ninth Thursday. Hartzell vs. Pember et al. ninth Thursday.

Overman va. Overman, ninth Thursday. Steel vs. Steel, ninth Thursday. Hovey vs.

Hovey, ninth Thursday. Davis vs. Davis, ninth Thursday. Taggart ve. Taggart, ninth Thursday.

Sheldon Foster Co. V8. Crapewine, ninth Friday. Black v8. Clover Leaf, ninth Friday.

Brown v8. Macy et ninth. Friday. Kelley vs. Hinton, ninth Friday, Mock vs.

Mock, ninth Friday. Am. B. L. Asa'n vs.

Overman et Friday: BA PL ASS A YE ninth Friday. Hasty 78. Cochran et ninth Friday. Long v8. McKee, ninth Saturday.

Shiveley vs. Shiveley, ninth Saturday. Giddis vs. Giddie, ninth Saturday. Heaton vs.

Overman, ninth Saturday. Seale V8. Overman et tenth Monday. Havey ve. Havey, tenth Hawkins VA.

Hawkins, tenth Don- day. A BULLET IS FIRED INTO YOUNG MAN'S BREAST Accidental Shooting of Will Troyer at His Rooming Place' Monday Morning. William Troyer accidentally shot himself at 6 o'clock Monday morning it his room at 112 South Boots street. The bullet entered the right breast an inch and a half above the nipple and ranged upward, shattering the shoulder blade. Dr.

Francis located the ball, was from a 32 calbre revolver, an inch below akin on the back of the shoulder and extracted it. Although the wound is 8 serious one, it is not believed that it will prove fatal unless complications set it. It was rumored that Troyer bad attempted suicide, but he correcled that impression by stating that the shooting was accidental. Troyer stated that he is accustomed to sleep with the revolver under his pillow. After dressing Monday says he attempted to withdraw the weapon from beneath the pillow with the intention of placing it in a drawer for the day.

As be drew it forth by the wuzzle, the bammer caught on the pillow and the gun was discharged, the bullet taking effect as was stated above. is a member of the firm of McKennett, Troyer, grocere, of Washington street, north of the square. Before purchasing an terest in the grocery, which he" did prietor of "the Model cafe, corner of Fourth and Branson streets. His mother resides three miles east of the city. They Were Soon Parted.

A man giving his name AS Leon Warren complained to the police Monday that he had been robbed of $100 in Belle resort in North Washington street. He claimed that some member of Madam DoHaven's family took the money while he was asleep Sunday night. An davit for the woman's arrest WAR procured and officers detailed to arrest her. She will be required to appear in the mayor's court to answer to the chargo of keeping a house of ill fame. Marriage Licenses.

Marriage licensos have been issued to William Pottiford and Mary Ellis Shorlie Folly and Cora Dugan. Teacher Mina Minnie Tremaler, teacher of English in the high school, has resigned her position, and, it is understood, Franklin. will return to her bowo in a Clothing heard on all sides now, and the advice of good dressers is to come and choose from our superb stock of fashionable clothing, if you would be well and stylishly dressed Our fancy cheviot suits, serges and worsted in all the newest novelties in patterns, and in the latest cut and recherche style, we have in a large variety of styles. A Prins' Clothing Store, :13 West Side Publio Square, Marion, Ind. An elegant line of new novelties in Neckwear just in.

Look in our show window. clearance shoe saleWe are having the cheapest shoe sale in Fine Shoes ever held in Marion. Hanan and Stetson's $5 $448 Many $3 shoes shoes for. $198 for Many $4 shoes $298 for Many $2 shoes $1 28 Many $1.50 shoes 88 Come and see us while they are going cheap. Cory Bros.

Co. Low Priced Shoe Merchants. South Side Square. Fastidious Critic. Pronounces our Parlor Furniture UP.TODATE: Fancy Chairs, Divans, Parlor Suits--the acme of elegance and good taste in fine furnishings, R.

H. FRANK Northeast Corner Square. WILLIAMS SON 4 HON bu I No: 18 Berkshire Stanhope. A See Our I Both Phones, Will Move to Marion. Rev.

E. N. Tucker, pastor of the Central Christian church, left last nigat on the Clover Leaf for his home at Greenville, Ille preparatory to moving his family here to make this his future home. He expecta to arrive here with his family about Thursday. Memorial Day.

The Woman's Relief Corps and Rohool children will at Third ward achool building Turnday, May 80, promptly at 8 a. monta have boon with the MArion City Stroot Railway Co. to take them to the Home and return. 1. HI.

O. HEIOHEAT, Chairman Committee. W. J. Rowe in closing out his tire stock at coat, You are sure to be pleased with the Acla at the Spoucer flouso drug atore.

4 11 2803 A popular verdict: the chocolate at the Spencer Louse drug store is the In Marion. 2803 Golf Wagons, Belmont Light Surrey, English Stanhope Spiderette Phaetons 1 tea You all know 118 for quality. Prices guaranteed to be as low as the lowest. No trouble to show goods. Come early.

Special prices on barness all this week. 1 7 Williams Son Repository, 218 E. Fourth St. Ware room, 'Cor. Second and McClure Sta.

Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.