The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER: WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1937 RAINBOW CALLS TO MONTAGUE Pots and Pots of Gold Await' 'Sphinx of Links' This is the third and final chapter of the story of John Montague, the massive mystery man and the marvel of the golf course, who for seven years has amazed the fascinated Hollywood. By JAMES LEE (Copyright, 1937, by Universal Service and Los Angeles Examiner) HOLLYWOOD, July Montague may America's wealthiest athlete. Regardless of the outcome Hollywood's Paul Bunyan is for the future. When, as he hopes, he clears up the New York State indictment charging him, under his true name, La Verne Moore, with participation in a roadhouse holdup seven years ago, he can start amassing the fortune that awaits him. And even if there is, due to the exigencies of the law, a delay, Montague still will be able to take the path of fame and gold.

For his career as a "Mystery Man" is over. "SPHINX OF LINKS" And he can begin cashing in on his amazing strength, his miraculous golfing prowess, his virile good looks, and the legend that has grown from his seven-year stay in Hollywood. Whenever Monty says the word, he can sign for: Golf exhibitions with celebrated professionals. Motion picture work. Tournament play, to prove his pals' contention that he is the world's greatest golfer.

And personal appearances before the lions desirous of seeing the "Sphinx of the Links" in the flesh. He is backed by a legion of notables. Among them are Bing Crosby, Guy Kibbee, Gene Tunney, Oliver Hardy, George Von Elm, and others. HEARING JULY 26. Montague is anxious to get rapid action on the New York matter.

His Hollywood friends are aiding him in his fight to ex radition. The case will escape come to a head July 26, when the hearing is he.1. Now that his mask of mystery has been dropped, some of his closest friends expect that the taciturn marvel will marry. His name has been linked with that of Mrs. Esther Plunkett, wealthy and beautiful Beverly Hills widow.

But the habit of mystery has become so much a part of Monty's makeup during his years in Hollywood that he still is unwilling to comment on that pleasant possibility. He is, he says, extremely desirous of "clearing up" the New York -in which he is accused of being one of four men who on August 5, 1930, held up the Kin Hanna roadhouse at Jay, N. and robbed the proprietor of $700. "BING" and "BABE." He says: 'Tm anxious to get back home and clean off the slate. I'd like to see the family and my friends back in Syracuse.

But Hollywood will always be my home. If it's within my power, I want to stay here with of his present difficulties, Bing and Babe Hardy and Guy Kibbee and other guys who have been so swell to me." The "folks back home" are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Moore, his two sisters, and his brother, Harold. The latter is a church organist and golf professional.

It was Harold who aroused Monty's interest in golf. But Harold never was able to beat him. And even before he left Syracuse, dropped the La Verne Moore identity, drifted into Hollywood and became John Montague, Monty was regarded as a golfing phenomenon. WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN. Ruminating on what mighthave-been, Montague remarked: "I had a tryout with the Boston Braves, and I could have been a big league pitcher.

"I could have gone to college and played football. "I could have become a professional fighter or wrestler. "But I'm glad I came to Hollywood and stuck to golf, and things turned out the way they did, for I've found out one important thing, and that is that there's nothing which will alienate real friends." With the barriers removed now, and no longer forced to dodge publicity, Montague wants to "go to When he does, it will be a field day for whoever handies his exploitation. Where else can you find a man who can play golf better with a rake, or shovel, and a baseball bat than most players can with a full set of clubs? FILM CAREER. Where else can you find a man who never saw a golf course he couldn't par, a foe he couldn't whip in a fair fight, or a friend who didn't idolize him? Monty still is enigmatic about the possibility of a screen career, but at Lakeside Golf Club, his headquarters, producer pals of the "mystery marvel" are anxious to sign him up.

Nearly 6 feet tall, weighing 215 pounds without an ounce. of superfluous flesh, handsome, curlyhaired, blue-eyed, deep-voiced, he is, they say, a "natural" for the films. There's a chance that the "Paul Bunyan of the fairways" will be replaced by of the movies." But whatever he does, Montague, by his exploits on the golf course, his demonstrations of super strength and his easy ingress into Hollywood's most exclusive circles, already has contributed an intriguing chapter to the lighter side of modern history. And, take it from him: "I'm not through yet. In fact, I've just started." Acid Burned Wife Refuses to Prosecute SHE ASSERTS; POLICE DISBELIEVE HER After ten weeks of torture, Mrs.

Agatha Cresci yesterday was faced by the husband whom police charge threw acid over her chest and arms. "I don't want him prosecuted," said Mrs. Cresci from the San Francisco Hospital bed where she has suffered agonizing pain since May 5. She lay under a metal shield. Her horribly burned body and arms could not bear the weight of blankets.

"It was an accident," said Mrs. Cresci. INDICTMENT CONSIDERED. Convinced that it was not an accident, Assistant District torney Paul Madden said he was considering asking. the Grand Jury to indict Vincent Cresci, 32, of 2222 Larkin street.

Cresci, arrested Monday after long police search, faced his wife during a strange hospital room session of Judge Thomas Pendergast's municipal court. From his wife Cresci won possible respite from prosecution, out no sign of forgiveness. When Cresci appeared before fudge Pendergast yesterday norning, John E. Megna stepped CAHILL RAPS M'SHEEHY, UHL TRANSIT PLANS: Market St. Purchase and Single Lane Bus Idea Not Practical, Says Utilities Manager Surface bus lines simply will not solve San Francisco's rapid transit problem.

Utilities Manager E. G. Cahill sent that message yesterday to two members of the Board of Supervisors that have beer, questioning the feasibility of Cahill's 000,000 subway scheme. PURCHASE HIT. In a letter to Supervisor James B.

McSheehy, Cahill dismissed possibility of purchasing Market Street Railways for $5,000,000 or any like figure by recalling the State Railroad Commission's evaluation of $24,000,000, placed on the properties during the recent hearings that resulted in awards of fare increases to the company. Cahill added: "Even though the company could be purchased for 000, $15,000,000 would not purchase enough buses, plus necessary machine shop and housing facilities, to render the same service the Market Street Railway Company's cars are giving now." REPLIES TO UHL. "Writing to Supervisor Adolph Uhl, Cahill took exception to the latter's recent argument that "London uses buses, so why can't San Francisco?" The utilities head wrote that, when a strike took buses out of service in London during the recent coronation week the only reaction was a welcome relief from traffic congestion. Cahill declared that at the same time subways carried 20,000,000 passengers during the week. Anyway, buses in London are double deckers, and experience has proved that San Franciscans do not like double deckers, he added.

Then a further argument: "A subway can be depended upon to carry four times as many passengers as a surface car line, and more than ten times as many passengers as a single lane of buses." Women's Right to Work Periled, Is Warning ATLANTIC CITY (N. July Gordon Holmes, British financier, said today employment officials throughout the world were anxious to join with certain European dictatorships in a movement to send women back into the home to wash dishes and make beds. "All the world," she told the National Federation of Business and Professional Women, "is today watching the gency legislation, which was passed during the crisis, being transformed into permanent restrictions against women. ARE ENVIOUS. "Almost every employment minister in the world looks with envy upon those European countries which solved their labor problems with comparative ease by sending women back to the home.

"American women may think they are safe, but they must remember that just across the border, in the neighbor country so friendly to our own, there are women without votes and defenseless against discriminations." She didn't name the country, but said the men in it had power "to recommend that women be no longer employed, or employed only when they can produce a certificate showing that no man can support them." Miss Holmes urged women's organization in the United States to support the International Federation of Business and sional Women in a fight against back-to-the-home propaganda. WORK FOR MEN. The women already had been told by Dr. Robert Hoppock, assistant director of the National Occupational Conference, that there was no good reason why women should have to stay home. "Marriage no longer means permanent removal from the employment market," said he.

"There is no sound psychological reason why women should cook meals, wash dishes, launder clothes and clean house. Housework more logically belongs to men, since it frequently involves physical strain which men are better able to endure." BIRTHS MARRIAGES DEATHS SAN FRANCISCO CITY AND COUNTY Births ADAIR-To the wife of Arthur W. Adair, 824 Brussels July 16, a son, BURSELL--To the wife of Valney W. Bursell. 441 Cole July 14, a daughter.

DOSS---To the wife of Curtis Doss, 195 Eureka July 14, a son. FISHSTROM-To the wife of Frank Fishstrom. 811 Hayes July 18, a son. GOHRANSON- To the wife of Bertram W. Gohranson, 174 Sadowa July 15, son.

HANKAL- To the wife of John E. Hankal, 1160 Taylor July 16, a son. To the wife of Robert G. Hettinger, 1985 Fulton July 13, a daughter. LEVY- -To the wife of Sidney Levy, 552 Lyon July 17.

a daughter. the wife of Donald L. Mann. 415 Irvington Daly City, July 18, a daughter. MARCUS--To the wife of David Marcus, Ross.

July a daughter. MERILL- To the wife of Richard C. Merrill, 668 Ivy July 19, a son. MORROW--To the wife of James Morrow, Lomita Park. July 14, a daughter.

the wife of Manuel Na590 Utah July 17, a son. REIDSTRA -To the wife of James Reidstra, 145 Twelfth July 17. a son. SALABERT-To the wife of Georges H. Salabert, 150 Cayuga July 19, daughter, SAUMER- the wife of Theodore R.

Saumer, 1223 Divisadero July 15, a daughter. SMITH- To the wife of Thomas E. Smith, 2801 Balboa July 16, at daughter. SULLIVAN--To the wife of John J. Sullivan.

742 Forty-sixth July 15, a son, ZWACK- To the wife of Leo F. Zwack, Pacific Grove. July 13, a son. Marriage Licenses Issued BALESTRIER I DeMATTEIS Salvatore Balestreiri, 22, 2260 Filbert and Lea DeMattels, 3103 Fillmore st. J.

Bawden. 24, Anaheim, and Evangeline G. Mitchell. 21 North Long Beach. BROWN-FEREM-Merle D.

Brown. 42, 334 Mason and Madeline L. Ferem, 1611 Haight st, BURR-GOULD---Eugene H. Burr. 22, 29 Camp and Dolores M.

Gould, 19, 1391 Van Ness av. South. HABERMAN-BROWN Raymond H. berman, 27. 961 Pine and Edna A.

Brown. Salina. Kan. J. Hill.

43. 2043 Pine and Bertha M. Hill, 29. Richmond. LONG-CLARK-Idus Long, 1624 Hayes and Margaret Clark, 18, 1639 Hayes street.

LOVE-LOVE-Hosea Love. 34. and Dolores Love. 36. both of 1737 Scott st.

MARTIN-LAMBIE-Henry F. Martin, 31, Oakland, and Velma M. Lambie, 31, Fremont. Neb. F.

McCready. 31, 443 Girard and Minerva V. Ambrosini, 28. 3117 San Bruno av, McGUIRE-SWIFT Edward B. McGuire, 49.

and Elma Swift, 42, both of Oakland. MEIGS-HALL-Oliver Meigs, 26, 929 Bush and Ferne Hall, 26. Los Angeles. H. Merritt 27.

Washington and Gertrude F. Weltner, 27, 840 Lake st. O'DAY JOHNSTON Francis N. 0' Day, 28. Vanderbilt Hotel, and Leona G.

Johnston, Crossen Hotel. ROSE BYRNE Leo Rose, 45. Travelers Hotel. and Josephine Byrne. 38.

50 Golden Gate av. -Marion T. Sime. 45, St. Raphael Hotel.

and Sadie M. Knights, 50, Piedmont. M. Taylor, 33. 1745 Haight and Reba Williams, 23, 748 Fillmore st.

Notices of Application to Wed Wilson 18, Portland. and Mary Loomis, McKittrick. 31. Portland, Ore. RUBIN-SEIGLER Peter Rubin, 97.

and Doris Seigler. 26. both of 5050 Geary st. po. 30.

2030 Fell st. and Alice J. Accamtolesi. 141 San Benito way. ALLEN-JI -Edward R.

Allen, 43, 1975 O' Farrell and Gertrude M. Jull, 28. 1275 O' Farrell st. 32. 1370 Utah and Ver Veronica F.

Mitchell, Hayes, 32, 481A 14th st. CATTANEO-GREGOIRE- Ernest Cattaneo, 26. 2126 Pine and Thelma Gregoire, 24. 900 Silliman st. EVANS-DICKSON-Kenneth -Kenneth F.

Evans, 170 Park and Ella H. Dickson, 19, 219 Sanchez st. Don T. Rademaker, 25, 1092 Capitol and Edith J. Murphy.

266 Brighton ave, EGERT-REDDICK-Rudolph S. Egert. 39. and Sara Reddick, 17. both of 3333 17th st.

WHEELER- WEINREICH Charles A. Wheeler. 27. 106 Presidio and Lucile D. Weinreich.

24. 2107 San Jose a BAKER-SILVA-William H. Baker, 07. Night's Landing. and Alzina S.

Silva. 25. 824 Hdye st. MOOTZ-TERRANO-John L. Mootz 779 Arguello and Dorothy R.

Terrano. 2040 Larkin st. JONES Jones, 28, 1040 Post st. Frances Johnson, 27. Menlo Park.

Calif. BUCKNER-HUCULAK-Bradley Buckner. 25. 630 Third and Margaret Huculak. 25, 137 Jules ave.

CARTWRIGHT-ROBINSON John Cartwright. 24. 3567A 20th and Ella Robinson. 18. 230 Lexington ave.

MASSONI-LANGSTON-Fred Massoni. 30. 540 Presidio and Virginia Langston. 25. 371 Third ave.

Jensen. 29. 516 O' Farrell and Alice Bradley, 26, U. Marine Hospital. Scheidt.

30. and Winifred J. Jenkins, both of Sunnyvale, RICHARDS-STILER-Dick Richards, 51. 2064 Sutter and Maida Stiler, 37. 1026 McAllister st.

ELLIS-TURNBULL- -Herbert Ellis. 44. 115 Market and Myrtle Turnbull. 33, Oakland, Callf. TUEN-YOKE-Chiao S.

Yuen, 23, And Chew M. Toke, 17, both of 871 Pacific ave. WERNER-JANISCH-Wilfred L. Werner, 00 328 Jersey and Maryellen Janisch. -0 Oakland.

S. F. Closes Purse To Communists San Francisco is definitely not extending the open hand of hospitality to Communists. City Administrative Officer A. J.

Cleary made that plain yesterday when representatives of the Workers' Alliance of California called on him with a request that the city provide food and lodging for some 300 of its members planning a protest march on San Francisco July 26. Subject of the protest will be recent curtailments in Works Progress Administration payrolls. A similar request, addressed to the Supervisors by E. M. O'Donnell, State secretary of the organization, was referred to Cleary through the Mayor's office.

Cleary sent the delegation away with the explanation that "certain investigations were necessary" before the request might be answered. Later, he explained: "If these people are worthy workmen gathering here to protest peacefully what they believe to be a wrong, that is one thing. Under those circ*mstances the city might help them. But if they are under Communistic domination, gathering here only to foment social strife, that is another thing. San Francisco's purse strings will be closed." Annulments Granted Mary Dolorous from Jerry Costas.

DEUTE-Lucile from Walter, from Mildred. Divorce Decrees Granted CUMMING- Orion Juanita from E. T. (BETTA--R from Lloyd, GOUVEIA-Frances from Charles, HINES- Margaret from John. KNOWLTON- La Vaune from Benjamin E.

REYNOLDS- -Agnes from Martin J. RUGGIERO--Leo from Rose. SALTER--Marian from Charles, SOMMERS- from Paul. THOMAS- from Lawrence Edward, Annulment Filed BROWN Kenneth Raymond vs. Patricia M.

Divorce Complaints Filed APARICIO--Patricia vs. Frank, BENEDICT-William P. vs. Ruby A. BURKE-Yolanda vs.

George F. CAPOCACCIA-Anna vs. Nello. CARTER-Isobel E. vs.

Norman H. CORNELL- E. vs. Walter F. DALTON-Millisia vs.

Jessie Thomas, DUBA--Anastasia vs. Alex. FEENEY-Irene E. vs. Laurence J.

GOMEZ-Carmen vs. Jose. GRANT-Lorraine vs. James Charles. HANco*ck Marjorie May vs.

Charles Henry, KRIPPNER- -Cecile vs. William, LA BADIE Marianne vs. Edwin Randolph. LUI-Kam Pun vs. Rita Tang.

McCARTE- vs. George. NESHTOR- -Edith E. vs. Reuben B.

NESTOR-Edith vs. Reuben B. PALMER- Vera vs. Richard, PIERCE-Aldanita Florence vs. Francis J.

ALAMEDA COUNTY. Oakland Births CARDOZA- To the wife of John Cardoza, 1505 102d June 30, a daughter (Charlene Gloria). DILLING--To the wife Ernest Dilling. 425 East Tenth July 9, a daughter (Joan Ellen), PAY- To the wife of Murry Newton Fay, 4034 Brown July 8. a daughter (Juanita Ellen) FEREA- To the wife of Charles Ferea, 1643 East Thirty-second June 29, a daughter (Diana Marie).

GA the wife of Raymond Gaxi. ola 519 Jefferson July 7. a daughter (Marle Elizabeth), GEISLER- -To the wife of Joe Geister. 1812 East Twenty-fourth June 24. a daughter (Joan Rosemary), GONZALES- To the wife of Frank Gonzales.

2016 -third July a (Frank Richard) JOHNSON- -To the wife of Edward Johnson, 1028 Market June 23, a son (David Richard), JEROM To the wife of John Jerome. 2139 Chestnut July 3, a son (Robert Anthony), JOHNSON-To the wife of Clarence ward Johnson, 4188 Park July 11, a son (Lowell Elliott), JOHNSON -To the wife of Howard L. Johnson. 5708 Merriewood July 8, a son (David Howard), KAWA-To the wife of Charles Kawa. 1038 Channing.

Berkeley, July 7. A daughter (Marlene Ann). LILJEDAHL- To the wife of Niles Lilledahl. 2118 -third July 2, Donald), LADYMAN- the wife of Thomas Charles Ladyman, 1436 Grove Berkeley, July 12. a son (James Edward), LUNDBERG- To the wife of Walter Lund.

berg, 1450 June 30, a son (Paul). MACKIN- -To the wife Ralph Mackin, 3245 Adeline June 29, a son (Dennis Clair), Notices of Intention to Wed. PERRY Edward Per. ry. 22.

1699 Seventieth and Evelyn Theresa Traverse, 19, 2314 Oakland, E. Twentieth SANTELMAN-ESPINOZA-Gordon Willard Santelman, 26. 1136 Tenth ave. Oakland, and Josephine Marie Espinoza, 21. 3825 Brookdale ave.

Oakland BRIAN-WALLACE Norman Wicker Brian 25. 1838 Eleventh ave. Oakland. and Carolyn Jeanne Wallace, 17, 1935 Cheanut st. Oakland, McCORMICK-SMITH--John -John Joseph McCormick, Livermore, and Elizabeth Mary Smith.

26. Livermore. WALKUP-LISHMAN-Francis -Francis Milton Walkup, 24, 455 Santa Clara Ala. meda, Mabel Doreen Lishman, 23, 1320 Park Alameda. DORISSE-NEUSCHUTZ-Reni ent Ernest Do.

risse, 27. 2421 Seventy-third land. and Esther Anna Neuschutz, 24, 1910 Thirtieth Oakland, David Joseph Denilli, 1788 Ninth Oakland. And Violet Eva Schmidgall, 18, 2789 Oakland, FAVIER Favier, 25, 2123 Santa Clara ave. Alameda, and Marion Dorothy Pratt, 23, 39 Crest road, Piedmont.

VASCONSELLOS-FARTA-Frank Vasconsellos, 24, 1328 Fifty-third Oakland, and Genevieve Gloria Faria, 26. 126 Castro San Leandro. N. D- Raymond Ed. ward McCracken, 99, 676 Geary San Francisco, and Jane Batsford, 19, 1238 Sunnyhills road, Piedmont, RYAN-BRANDES-Vincent Vincent Ryan.

30, Weaverville, and Marie K. Brandes, 29. 1710 Moreland drive. Alameda. THOMAS-SIMPSON-Dale Oliver Thomas.

21. Bellevue Hotel, Richmond, and Mary Jane Simpson, 17, 115 First street, Richmond. Spencer Cecil Redd. 28, 669 9 Eighth Oakland, and Elvira Perez. 26.

719 Fifth Oakland. ALEXANDER-ALEXANDER-Peter Grant Alexander, 39, 781 Fourteenth Oakland. and Helene Beret Alexander, 33, Spokane, Washington. RICUPERO-DEL -Salvatori Rieupero, 42, 920 Fifty-fourth Oakland, and Viola Del Sarto, 30, 920 Fiftyfourth Oakland. SCHWARTING -Fred Bernard Schwarting, 33, 681 Spruce Oakland, and Catherine May Badie, 31, 2015 E.

Twenty-third Oakland. JOHNSON-GODREY-Kenneth Alfred John. son. 24. 1042 Forty-seventh Emeryville.

and Rosa Elizabeth Godrey, 24. 1927 Fairview Berkeley, JOY-SNYDER-Irwin Eugene Joy, Portola, and Lois Mary Snyder, 860 Fifty-fifth Oakland. ELDER -JOHNSON-James A. Elder, 29. 1610 Broadway, Alameda, and Marie BYRNES RITES SET THURSDAY Funeral services will be held Thursday for Thomas E.

Byrnes, 77, pioneer resident and former postmaster of San Mateo. Stricken with a heart attack, he dropped dead in San Mateo Monday night while walking with State Senator Harry Parkman. Son of the late James D. Byrnes, former State Senator, he was postmaster from to 1895, and from 1899 to 1916. Surviving are two sisters, Miss Anne M.

Byrnes and Mrs. Dennis Mahoney. Sandman Special On First Flight United Air Lines last night opened its "sandman special" service to New York City with departure of its first sleeper plane from San Francisco at 7 p. m. Piloted by Grant Anderson, the giant "Mainliner" carried 12 passengers and two a half tons of air mail and express.

Wealthy Arcata Resident Dies EUREKA, July 20. -Stricken with a heart attack in the lobby of Eureka Inn, Peter Ferrera, Arcata business man and capitalist, dropped dead tonight, Florence Johnson, 30, Dayton, Ohio, -Irvin Nickolas Nelson, 29, 1940 Russell Berkeley, and Ruth Maybelle Watkins, 27, 35 Monte ave. Oakland. DIDIER -Emile John Didier, 1429 E. Seminary Oakland, and Aubrylee Seveigny, 34, a 1124 Barrett Richmond LOMELINO-LOB0-Manuel Lomelino, 25, 1317 Eighty-third Oakland, and Delphina Lobo, 18, 1634 Hayward.

Divorce Complaints Filed. M. V8. Harry cruelty, RILEY- E. Vs.

Eugene sertion. McKELLOPS-Byron L. Va, Geraldine cruelty, CARUSO- DAVIS--Jeanne -Bernice F. Vs. vs.

Philip, Orvilie MORRIS- vs. Marshall cruelty, Interlocutor Decrees Granted CONKLING- from Edward Paul, cruelty. AVAN L. from George cruelty, ROSS-Nellie from Don (also known as H. desertion.

SCHLOSSER-Pauline from 1 Milo. cruelty. from Joe. cruelty, -Tom Inglis from Edna Jessie, cruelty, SMITH--Alta Rebecca from Wilburn Owen, desertion. WILLIAM--Mary Roberdeau from Howel, cruelty.

NUSS-Eldridge E. from Virginia, cruelty. BAKER Maudie Lucille from John, cruelty, WILSON-Marian Harry, cruelty, DUCHAMP-Alice from Fred, desertion. from Boyd, cruelty, THOMAS--Eva Poulton from Norman, cruelty, STAPES- -Claressa Wemple from Frank Elden, cruelty, FRANKS- Eva from Antone, desertion. KATSOREW--Constantine A.

from Verna desertion. ROSE- -Elma Emma from John Garcia, desertion. BTACCO--Evelyn R. from Thomas cruelty. HINCKLEY W.

from Mary Sue, cruelty, RAPP- from Arthur, cruelty, WENDT- -Virginia J. from Roland cruelty. -Elizabeth John desertion. CLARK Virginia Charles, from WOODBURY-Clark G. from Dorothy, Deaths BOSTROM--In Oakland.

July 16, Anna M. Bostrom. axe 56 years. BICKFORD--In Oakland. July 16, John R.

Bickford, age 74 years, BARTLE--In Oakland. July 17. Martha K. Bartle. age 84 years.

CAMPBELL-In Oakland. July 19, Charlotte Tilk Campbell. age 87 years. -In Oakland, July 16, Albert Nathan Denison. age 73 years, HIDEN-In Oakland, July 17, Gustat A.

Hiden. age 74 years, KAMBICH-In Oakland, July 18. Matt Kambich, age 70 years. MAUK--In Oakland, July 15, Eliza Diantha Mauk, age 86 years. WATTS--In Oakland.

July 17. Margaret Ellen Watts, age 70 years. WILKES-In Oakland, July 16. Nellie Wilkes. age 70 years.

WILLOUGHBY---In Oakland, July 17. Ed- ward Willoughby, age 64 years, MARIN COUNTY Deaths JOHNSON- Jacob Mill Johnson, Valley. aged 17 July 19. PATOCCH -In I Patocchi, San aged 59 Anselmo, years. July years.

19. Births CREIGHTON To the wife of Stanton Creighton. Mill Valley. a daughter. To the wife of Charles Mushkind, Yolanda.

daughter. of Intention to Wed COTTON BEL Cotton, 24, Wil- 907 Borel San Mateo, and Annie liston Belden, 21. Pitchfork Park. WyomIng. MACKPODT- Jack Mackrodt.

21, 3007 Adams st. Alameda. and Betty Georgia Harder, 19. 41 Locke lane, Mill Valley SEELY VA -Harold Beckert Seely. and Frances Isabelle Vanhoute, 18.

both 3233 Ellis st. Berkeley, SAN MATEO COUNTY Notices of Intention to Wed ed LOMBARDI- -Louis from Louise. SANTA CLARA COUNTY Deaths JORDAN--In San Jose. July 19, Ida M. COOPER-OLSEN-Donald Donald L.

Cooper, 25. 1482 Sutter San Francisco, and Helen M. Olsen. San Mateo. HAWKINS-MALONEY-William E.

Hawkins 25, U. S. Coast Guard, Point Bonita. and Kathryn L. Maloney, 22.

Menio Park. Divorce Complaints Filed BORTOLUSSI-Conchita vs. Joseph, treme cruelty. CHRISTIE -Alice N. from Melville extreme cruelty.

HEROLD- June B. vs. Charles, failure to provide. Interlocutors Divorce Decrees Granted MeKENDRY--Inez from Ross, extreme cruelty, Final Divorce Decrees Granted BELTRAMO-Mario from Myrtle. Jordan, aged 79.

ARNOLD Eileen Marriage ARNOLD-McNALLY-Shirley McNally, Licenses 23. -Shirley both Issued Arnold. San Jose. 29, HENDRIX-TUGGLE- -George Hendrix, Jose. 25, and Frances Tuggle, 28, both San LAYNE BRANHAM Leon Layne, 45, Stockton, and Rosa Branham, 30.

Tracy. NORSWORTHY BUNDESON Walter Norsworthy, 22. Gilroy, and Nadine Bundeson. 20. Hollister.

JETTE-GESELL-Harmon Jette, 24, and Jean Gesell. 20, both San Jose, Notices of Intention to Wed CHRISTIAN MELLER Clarence Christian, 25, and Lottie Meller, 21, both San Jose, CONTORNO Rose CONTORNO-CUCCIARE-Ralph Cucclare, Ralph both Contorno, San Jose. FRAY- -Elbert Fray, 27, Folsom, and Mary Mills 25, San Jose. HOGARD-CURTIS-Romine Hogard, 00 San Jose, and Letha Curtis, 19, Exeter, JACOBAS-ROSENBERG-Robert Jacobas, 21, and Elizabeth Rosenberg, 19. both San Jose.

MILLER-PASSERINO William Miller. 21. and Elsie Passerino, 20, both Santa Cruz. MI Sebastian Munoz, 93, Sunnyvale, and Josephine Garcia, 20. Monterey.

PURA-PISONI-Francis Pura, 27. San Jose, and and Pauline Pisoni, 26, San Lucas. Divorce Complaints Filed FROST -Jessie R. J. TULLY--Mary T.

vs. Charles E. Separate Maintenance Filed -Lulu vs. Frank. Divorce Decrees Granted BRISTER- from Ruby; interlocutory, CONROY-Ann from Edward Interlocu.

tory. SAHM- -Phyllis from Robert: interlocutory, -Hazel from William final. RENO (By Associated Press) Divorce Suits Filed CHURCHILL-Florence Rowe vs. Walter cruelty, NORMAN-Sophie C. vs.

Oscar, cruelty, COYLE-Marguerite Lapp Phillip non-support. DALY -Bernard Emmett vs. Mildred Joseph, separation. SHEPARD--Josephine A. Shepard vS.

David C. Jr. cruelty, MOORE- C. Jr. VA.

Helen Rose, desertion. Marriage Licenses Issued SCHUBART-GATCHELL-Henry -Henry A. Schubart, 48. Reno. and Fannie K.

Gatchell, over 21. Ossining. N. Y. QUILLEN-KING-R.

Edward Quillen. 30. Indianapolis, and Mary Catherine King, 30. San Francisco. McKEE-HAYES-Donald Vaughn McKee, 21, and Eugenia E.

Hayes, 24, both Oakland. ROGERS-AUSTIN-Albert Ernest Rogers, 26. and Josephine Frances Austin, 18, hoth Westwood. KISTLE-LEWIS-Norman Selby Kistle, 41. and Dorothy, Agnes Lewis, over 21, both MacPHERSON-ROSSI Hector MacPherson, and Helen F.

Rossi, 37, both San Francisco, MILTON-TETZLAFF-Samuel A. Milton. 43, and Georgea Mae Tetzlaff, 36, both Merced. SKEFICH-PERLENDO Silvia Skefich, 29, and Marie Perlendo, 26, both Oakland. WOLFES-LOEBENSTEIN-Ernst Wolfes, 37.

and Charlotte Loebenstein, 33, both San Francisco. Theodore Osborn. 34. and Gladys Crawford, 19, both Balboa Beach. HARKER-HALI-Harvey Harker.

over 21. and Eva Hall, over 21, both Martinez. MOODY-OSTMAN-Russell Moody, 25, and Annette Ostman, 24. both Oakland, SKEELS -Orville W. Skeels, 28.

Marysville, and Percele Rogers, 27. Oroville. MARTIN Lena Smith. both Shasta. Martin, 33.

and FINLAY-ANDREWS- -Everett E. Finlay, 49. Santa Barbara, and Winona Andrews, 35. Alameda. POPE-HELLER-Robert Pope.

33, Los Angeles, and Virginia Heller, 24, San The Examiner will gladly send you free of charge their booklet which contains, many appropriate forms for of These cards are Dow being published extensively in place of sending out individual letters. The booklet also contains "In Memoriam' verses and correct wording for Notices" and "Tombstone Dedications." Call, write or phone Miss Ford, SUtter 4124. The Examiner, for a Free Copy of this heipful booklet or for further information. A FREE BOOKLET Francisco. CRAWFORD-WILSON-Oliver Crawford, 24.

and Marguerite Wilson, 24, both Los Angeles. -Daniel Cook. 30. Santa Maria, and Dessa Kehl. 28.

Carmel. DOLINAR-CHERNOH-Frank J. Dolinar, Grass Valley, and Mildred Chernoh, 19, Sacramento. BARNET, GRACE BONAVIA, AUGUST-46 years BOYLE, JOHN H. BROTHER U.




Flesher and the late Herman, Zach. Emanuel, Bertha and Emma Barnet. daughter of the late S. and R. Barnet; a native of Santa Cruz.

Services 4 p. Thursday at Santa Cruz. BONAVIA--In this city, July 19th, 1937, August Bonavia, dearly beloved son of Giuseppe and Rosa Bonavia, loving brother of Edward Bonavia and Pauline Morgan; a native of Italy, aged 46 years 7 months 23 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday, July 21st, at 9 a. from the Home', of Valente, Marini, Perata 4840 Mission thence to Corpus Christi Church.

where a mass will be said for the repose of his soul, commencing At! 0:30 a. m. Interment, Italian Cemetery. BOYLE--In this city, July 20. 1937, John beloved husband of Nora Boyle.

beloved son of the late Lawrence and Catherine Boyle, loving brother of Lawrence and William Boyle, and step-brother of Mary Hunter; a native of San Francisco, Calif. Friends may call at the Chapel of the United Undertakers, 1096 Van Ness AV. South at 24nd st, Notice of funeral later. BROTHER U. VIVIAN (William J.

Melody) -In this eity, July 19. 1937, beloved brother of Mrs. H. B. Thomas; a native ot San Francisco, Friends may call at Sacred Heart College.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral Thursday, July 22nd. at 9:30 R. from Sacred Heart College; thence to St. Peter's Church, Alabama near 24th where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 a. m.

Interment at Mount La Salle. ST. PETER'S BOY SCHOOL ALUMNI -Members are requested to view the remains of the late Brother Vivian at SaHeart College Wednesday eve at cred 8 o'clock. (Signed) E. RAYMOND MURPHY.

President. BURNETS, H. Burnett, Burnett, this wife city, mother of July the of 20, late Douglas Har- 1937. H. and Nancy E.

Burnett. and Mrs. Kelsey Beck. daughter of Ellen A. and the late Henry C.

Tabrett. sister of Mary, Amy and Charles F. Tabrett, Mrs. M. M.

Dickey, and the late Mrs. Ellen Keefe, a native of England. Notice of funeral later. (Gray's.) BYRNES-In San Mateo, California, July 19, 1937, Thomas E. Byrnes, beloved son of the late James D.

and Margaret Byrnes, loving brother of Annie M. Byrnes and Mrs. Dennis Mahoney, Friends are invited to attend the funeral Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock, from the Chapel of Geo. W. Sneider 15-19 North Ellsworth San Mateo, thence to St.

Matthew's Catholic Church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. Interment. St. John's Cemetery. EBERLE--In San Rafael, July 20, 1937.

Joseph Eberle, beloved son of John and the late Agnes, loving brother of John Eberle and Mrs. Bertha Buehler; a five of Switzerland, aged 41 years, member of Independent Order of Foresters, Court of San Francisco No. 10. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Friday, July 23. 1937, at 8:45 o'clock a.

from the mortuaries of Keaton Dusel, San Rafael, thence to St. Raphael's Church, where mass will be held for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock m11. Interment, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, EWING-1 this city, July 18, 1937. Calvin Elsie Emma.

dearly beloved wife of J. Ewing, loving mother of William S. and J. Calvin Ewing Jr. and Mrs.

Edith Schneider, devoted sister of Earl and Alva Young and Mrs. Etta Wills. Funeral Wednesday at 9:30 a. from Gantner. Felder, Kenny Chapel, 1965 Market st.

at Duboce thence to St. Cecilia's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated at 10' a. m. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery, LEGGE--In Berkelev, July 2.

1937. Anna Spelljes Legge of San Francisco, beloved mother of Dr. Robert T. Legge and the late John William Legge; a native of Germany, aged 88 years 8 months 20 days. Friends are invited to attend funeral services Wednesday, July 21st, at o'clock p.

at Chapel of Edward E. Niehaus Grove at Derby Berkeley. Interment, Cypress Lawn Cemetery. LEHMAN-In this city, July 20. 1937, Elsie, dearly beloved wife of Max Lehman.

and loving daughter of Margaret Tobin. Funeral Thursday at 2 p. from Gantner. Felder, Kenny Chapel, 1965 Market st. at Duboce ave.

Inurnment, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. LEHMANN- this city, July 19th. 1037, Theodor beloved husband of the late Edith L. Lehmann, father of Priscella and the late Dorothy E. Lehmann, and brother of Mrs.

Minn Heinz; member of Fairmont Lodge No. 435, F. and Golden Gate Camp No. 64. W.

O. U. S. Grant Council No. 19, Jr.

Order United American Mechanics and Local No. 36, International Jewelry Workers' Union. Funeral Wednesday at 1 p. at Ashley and McMullen's, Geary blvd. at 6th under the auspices of Fairmont Lodge No, 435.

F. and A. M. rest. July 90.

1937, Enid. beloved wife of Edwin, loving mother of Ara, Kenneth, George and June Leitch, sister of Forest Leek, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Ira G. Leek.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral Thursday, July 22. 1937. at 3 P. from the mortuary of Julius S. Godeau.

41 Van Ness ave. McCARTHY-In this city, July 20, 1937, Betsy McCarthy, daughter of Bessie and the late Andrew G. McCarthy, sister of Mary Louise Sutro and Andrew G. Me. Carthy, granddaughter of Mrs.

T. T. Dargie; a native of San Mateo; Calif. A requiem mass will be offered for the repose of her soul at 11 o'elock Thursday morning. July 29.

at St. Catherine's Church. Burlingame. Interment private. (Gray's, Divisadero st.

at Post.) MeCULLOUGH-In this elty, July 19, 1937. May, dearly beloved wife of the late Robert McCullough. loving mother ot Robert McCullough, grandmother of Robert. Peggy and Dolores McCullough, and great-grandmother of Robert McCul. 1937, lough, sister of Mra.

Agnes Seike and Mra. Emma Paris; a native of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Wednesday, July 21, at 9:15 a.m., from Duggan's, 3434 17th thence to St. Anne's Church, where solemn requiem mass will be offered for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10 m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

O'BRIEN In this city, July 19, 1937, Mary E. O'Brien. beloved wife of the late William J. O'Brien, loving mother of Thomas. William, John, Frank, George, Joseph and Kathryn O' Brien and Mrs.

A. Sibley and the late Richard O' Brien; a native of New York. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Thursday), July 22. 1937, at 9 o'clock a. from the Memorial Chapels of Carew English, Masonic at Golden Gate thence to St.

John's Church. where requiem mass will be offered for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery, OLSEN In this city, July 18th, 1937, Katherine F. Olsen, a native of County Kilkenny, Ireland, aged 77 years.

A member of the Third Order of St. Francis of St. Bonitace Church, Funeral Thursday, Announcement of time later. Friends may call at the Chapel of J. C.

O'Connor 455 Vas lencia st. REILLY-In this city, July 19, 1937, Ruse beloved wife of the late John Reilly, and loving mother of Mrs. Alyce Eng lish and Mrs. Elizabeth Baggenstos, Mrs. Marion Imhot.

idolized grand. mother of James English; a native of Co. Caven, Ireland. The funeral will take place today (Wednesday), July 21, 1937. at 10 o'clock from the Memorial Chap.

of Carew English, Masonic at Golden Gate thence to St. Agnes Church, where a requiem mass will be offered for the repose of her soul. commencing at 10:30 o'clock, Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, RICCI-In Petaluma, July 17. 1937. Eugenio, dearly beloved husband of gela Ricci, loving father of Renato and Yolanda Ricci, brother of Edoardo and Angelo Ricci of Petaluma: a native of Sconia.

Com. Sesta Godano, Italy, aged 39 years 23 days. A member of anza Lodge No. 219, F. A.

partner of Royal Tallow Works, Friends are invited to attend the neral services on Wednesday, July 21, 1937. at 1:30 p. from the chapel of Valente. Marini, Perata 649 Green thence to Masonic Temple, Van Ness ave. at Oak where services will be held under the auspices of Speranza iana Lodge No.

219. F. A. commencing at 2 p. m.

Entombment, Italian Cemetery, Bertha Oakland, July 20th. 1937, CHUTTAdler Schutt, beloved mother of Elsie Clancy, loving grandmother Francis and Edwin Clancy Jr. of Friends are invited to attend the serve ices at the Cathedral Chapel of The Grant D. Miller Mortuaries, 2850 July Telegraph 22nd. avenue.

Oakland, Thursday, 1937. at 11 o'clock m. Interment, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale. California. TIEDEMANN-In Oakland, July 20th, 1937.

Martin Tiedemann, loving brother of Mrs. Etta L. Kleeman, Mrs. Martha B. Lee and the late Mrs.

Martina P. Hinz. Adolph and Erwin Tiedemann; a native of San Francisco. Friends may call at the Chapel of the Oaks, Oakland Mortuary, 3007 Telegraph Oakland, until Thursday, July 22nd, at 9 a. m.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral services at the Oakland Crematorium. Howe and Mather Thursday, July 22nd, at 10 a. -In this city (of Sonoma), July 19, 1937, Mary, beloved wife of Jacob and loving mother of Mrs. Vivian Blecker of San Francisco, Bernice. Raymond.

Lorraine and Myrtle of Sonoma, sister of August and Joseph Ducroux of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Thursday. July 22. at 1:30 p. from the mortuary of Julius S.

Godeau, 41 Van Ness ave. Interment, Olivet Memorial Park. VERGEZ--In this city, July 20. 1937. Salvador Raymond Vergez, loving brother of Mrs.

Marie Lapachet and Mra. Jeanne Dupuy, brother-in-law of Eusebe Dupuy, beloved uncle of Mrs. Rose Guilhamet, Alfred Lapachet and Louis Winkler. grand uncle of Frances Lapachet. Richard Winkler, John Guilhamet, cousin of Mrs.

Anna Hour and Edward Vergez: native of France. A member ot Sem. inole Tribe No, 54 and Council 68. 0, and Hesperian Grove No. 15.

U. A. 0. D. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral Thursday, July 22, 1937, at 8:30 a.

from the mortuary of Julius S. Godeau. 41 Van Ness thence to Notre Dame des Victoires, 566 Bush where mass will be said for the repose of his soul at 9 Inter. ment, Holy Cross. WEIKERT-In Mountain View, July 20th.

Frederick Weikert. husband of Louisa Weikert, father of Emil Weikert and Mrs. Anne Dodson of Mountain View. brother of George Weikert of Oakland. uncle of Fritz Balzhauser, grandfather of Raymond Dodson; a native of many, aged 69 years.

Friends are invited to attend the serve ices Thursday, at 2 p. at the gler Mortuary, Mountain View. tion, Alta Mesa. WILLOUGHBY-In Oakland, July 19. 1937, Richard dearly beloved husband of Mabelle Willoughby, father of Julia Willoughby, son of Elizabeth and the late Mathew Willoughby, brother of Mrs.

Julia Ganzanhuber, Mrs. 0, B. Hitchco*ck. Mathew J. and Arthur 0.

Willoughby: a native of Virginia City, vada, aged 61 years. Friends are invited to attend the servIces Wednesday, July 21. 1937. at 11 o'clock 8. at Truman's residence chapel.

Telegraph avenue at 30th street, Oakland. Cards nt Thanks DANLY-We desire to thank our friends for their kindness, words of sympathy and floral offerings in our late bereavement. Mrs. ANNETTE DANLY AND SON. In Memoria EBERLE- loving memory of our dear husband and father, Anton "Tony' Eberle, who passed away two years ago today.

The lowly stream of life rolls on. And still the vacant chair Recalls the form, the voice, the smile. Of one who once sat there. The flowers we place upon your grave May wither and decay. But love for you sleeps beneath Will never fade away, Sadly missed by WIFE AND CHILDREN.

loving memory of my hus. MORRIS Robert who passed away three years ago today, HIS WIFE. forward, said he was Cresci's cousin and a former city prosecutor of Milwaukee. With Attorney Eugene Megna presented an affidavit in which Mrs. Cresci swore she was bathed in acid accidentally when she tried to wrest a bottle from her suicide threatening husband.

On the night of May 5, Mrs. Cresci told Inspector Al Carrasa that Cresci threw the acid over her in a rage provoked by her insistence that she intended to leave him. Judge Pendergast adjourned court to Mrs. Cresci's bedside. There she confirmed the affidavit, refused to sign a complaint.

She said pain had obliterated any recollection of a statement made to police, accusing Cresci, the night she was burned. DELAY GRANTED. "This case involves intimida tion of a witness and every thing in the book," snapped Assistant District Attorney Madden. A two day continuance was granted by Judge Pendergast to permit Madden to decide whether or not the case will go to the grand jury, We Believe OUR POLICY OF GIVING THE MAXIMUM OF QUALITY AND SERVICE ATA MODERATE COST, HAS SELDOM BEEN EQUALED H. F.

SUHR COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS 2919 MISSION ST. MISSION 1811 HALSTED -THOUGHTFUL CARE Perfected by 54 years of superlative service to a criminating clientele. siderate, all-inclusive costs. The Original HALSTED CO. funeral rectors 1123 Sutter ORdway 3000.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.