What Fruits Can Hedgehogs Eat? [The Only Guide You Need] (2024)

If you are looking to feed a hedgehog, pet, or otherwise, you’ll want to know that you are doing so appropriately. Fruit is regularly recommended- but what fruits are safe or best? Here is what you should know.

So, what fruits can hedgehogs eat?Hedgehogs can eat most fruits, although they should do so in minimal amounts and in moderation. Preparing the fruit first (cutting it up into smaller pieces, washing, cleaning, and removing any pits or seeds) is advised. Low sugar fruits, such as berries, are typically best.

There are certainly better fruits.

Not all are the same. Just like most foods, really.

In fact, the type of fruit you offer can have a big impact on how a hedgehog responds.

So without further ado, let’s look at the best options before turning to how to feed them!

Table of Contents

Best Fruits For Hedgehogs

The best fruits for hedgehogs are those that are low in sugar, soft, ripe, and free from any harmful pesticides, chemicals, or compounds that could prove toxic if consumed in excess.

So, what options do we have here:

The safest fruits for hedgehogs are as follows:

  • Berries of all varieties –Including blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries.
  • Kiwi– without the skin, seeds are okay.
  • Apples– without the skin, remove the seeds too.
  • Cherries– be sure to remove the pit first.
  • Melons of all varieties– including watermelon and cantaloupe.
  • Pear,
  • Banana– of course, peeled.
  • Plums
  • Mangos –skin, and pit removed,
  • Peaches
  • Nectarines

Of course, fruits are rich in various different vitamins and minerals which can support the health of a hedgehog.

Just remember, though, the most important thing is how you source and prepare the fruit.

We’ll look at preparation a little later.

But for now, it’s important to note that you want to source organic fruits wherever possible.

Particularly with those fruits subject to spraying with pesticides, herbicides, and other fertilizers.

This is most commonly seen in berries – so source those organic as much as you can, or wash them first.

Fruits with skins are a little safer here, although there is certainly the argument that organic fruits may contain more nutrition.

Growing in richer soils is the reasoning behind this statement here.

At the end of the day, it comes down to what you can afford and how much time you have.

But that doesn’t change the fact that organic is generally best.

What Fruits Can Hedgehogs Not Eat?

The two different types of fruits that hedgehogs should never eat are dried fruits and citrus fruits. Both of these are problematic, even if they are for different reasons.

In regards to dried fruits, they’ll generally not safe.

Dried fruit is ultimately fruit that has had all the water removed and preserved in some particular way – usually with an artificial preservative.

The result is highly concentrated fruit, particularly high in sugar. Far more so than what you would have with regular fruit.

And sugar must be controlled in the diet of a hedgehog.

Too much can result in weight gain and other adverse side effects – both associated with weight and mutually exclusive too.

And the preservatives can be problematic for a hedgehog too.

The idea is that they extend the shelf-life of the fruit. But remember, hedgehogs are much smaller than us and have a much more difficult time breaking down and processing them.

So dried fruits are out.

But why citrus?

Well, citrus fruits are very acidic.

And hedgehogs do not have the digestive capabilities to handle them.

Take pineapple, for example, which also contains a lot of enzymes that are known to boost digestion.

In hedgehogs, who have a digestive system geared towards consuming large amounts of chitin (insect exoskeletons), they are simply not used to it.

And it can cause diarrhea and other digestive distress if consumed.

Even in small quantities.

And the same goes for various citrus fruits, including:

Dried fruit should be avoided

  • Pineapple
  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Limes

Other than citrus, the other fruits to avoid are:

  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Avocados

Grapes and raisins are actually toxic to hedgehogs – so they need to be avoided for obvious reasons.

Avocado, even though it is a fruit, is very high in plant fiber and fat. Both of which are challenging for a hedgehog to digest and break down.

How Often Should Hedgehogs Eat Fruit?

Hedgehogs should eat fruit rarely and in moderation. A small serving every 2-3 days is a good general rule of thumb to follow.

Of course, the fruit you are looking to give and the hedgehog’s age and size need to be considered.

For instance, a baby hedgehog should eat a lot less mango than an adult consuming raspberries.

It does come down to context.

That being said, fruit should be seen as and offered as a treat.

Not a dietary staple.

A very small amount – 5-10grams at a time – given every few days.

And, if you do not have any fresh fruit available – do not worry!

They do notneedto eat fruit.

They can get their nutrition in other ways.

In fact, they should.

It’s just a nice food to offer every now and again should you see the right opportunity to do so.

How To Prepare Fruit For A Hedgehog

Preparing fruit for a hedgehog is one of the most important things you can do. Cleaning, washing, cutting up, and removing any inedible parts are all part of this process.

And it all begins when you buy or look in your fruit bowl.

You need to only offer fruit that is ripe.

And what is ripe for one fruit may not be ripe for another.

Essentially, it needs to be soft and sweet – without showing any signs of or areas of discoloring or mushiness.

Once you have identified ripe fruit, you’ll need to prepare accordingly.

In the case of a banana or mango, for instance, you’ll need to remove the skin.

For the mango, though, you’ll also need to take it one step further and remove the large pit.

For fruits without skin – it’s advised to wash them thoroughly.

You can do this with plain water – in a bowl that you then drain. This water will be carrying debris and potentially some toxic chemicals used in the growth of the fruit (e.g., pesticides).

So discard this water.

From there, you need to cut the flesh of any fruit up into small and manageable chunks. Very small cubes here.

This is true whether you are offering apples, strawberries, or peach.

And, you’ll need to put a small amount in a serving bowl. The rest you can either eat yourself or store away for another time (such as in the fridge).

Berries are, of course, the one exception where seeds can be offered.

When it comes to the actual offering and feeding, you can offer the fruit alongside your hedgehog’s staple dry food and insects.

Some people like to mix the fruit in with the food, and this supposedly helps a hedgehog take to the fruit – or can be used to get them eating a dry food they may not be overly keen on.


Hedgehogs can eat fruit. But, not all fruit is the same.

As such, when it comes to offering fruit, you will need to consider the context.

The type of fruit, the age and size of the hedgehog, and the rest of the diet.

This will tell you how much and how often you can generally feed it.

Berries, for instance, can be fed more often and perhaps in higher amounts than, say, ripe and much more sugar-dense mango.

Nevertheless, fruit should never become a staple.

It should be seen and treated as a treat.

And it should be prepared accordingly.

You don’t want a hedgehog to choke on a piece that wasn’t prepared properly.

You’ll never forgive yourself, and it’s generally not worth the risk!

Related Questions

Can Hedgehogs Eat Apples?

Hedgehogs can eat apples, so long as you remove the skin, seeds and cut the flesh into small and manageable chunks. Apple should not be fed any more frequently than every 2-3 days due to the high natural sugar content.

Can Hedgehogs Eat Blueberries?

Hedgehogs can eat blueberries, and these are one of the best fruits to offer. They are lower in sugar, soft, easy for a hedgehog to consume, and simple to portion control. Blueberries can be fed more regularly, but as with any fruit, should never become a staple nor fed at every meal. Every other day is advised.

Can Hedgehogs Eat Pineapple?

Hedgehogs should not eat pineapple, even in very small amounts. Pineapple is very acidic, and this can cause a lot of digestive upset to a hedgehog should they consume some.

Can Hedgehogs Eat Grapes?

Hedgehogs should never eat grapes in any variety. This includes raisins. There are toxic compounds in grapes that can be life-threatening to a hedgehog. Immediate veterinary attention will be likely required in any event they are to consume some.

Can Hedgehogs Eat Strawberries

Hedgehogs can eat strawberries, and they are generally one of the better options. They are, however, often carrying a lot of pesticides and a lot of other harmful toxins. So, sourcing organic or washing them thoroughly prior to serving is advised.

Wondering what else a hedgehog will, can, and cannot eat? My following feeding guides may be of help:

  • What Do Baby Hedgehogs Eat?
  • Can Hedgehogs Eat Chicken?
  • Can Hedgehogs Eat Dog Food?
  • Can Hedgehogs Eat Cat Food?
  • Can Hedgehogs Eat Bread?
  • Do Hedgehogs Eat Their Young?
  • Do Hedgehogs Eat Their Own Poop?

What Fruits Can Hedgehogs Eat? [The Only Guide You Need] (1)

Jeremy Williams

I am an experienced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets, from traditional pets like dogs and cats, to the more exotic like reptiles and rodents. I currently own a co*ckapoo (pictured) called Bailey. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site dedicated to sharing evidence-based insights and guidance, based on my vast pet ownership knowledge, experience, and extensive research.

What Fruits Can Hedgehogs Eat? [The Only Guide You Need] (2024)


What fruits can a hedgehog eat? ›

For fruits, you can offer bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, honeydew, mango, papaya, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, apple, and watermelon. Some safe veggies include asparagus, bell pepper, cucumber, green beans, zucchini, and radishes. You can also offer small amounts of corn and peas on occasion.

What can hedgehogs eat? ›

The most important invertebrates in their diet are worms, beetles, slugs, caterpillars, earwigs and millipedes. As well as these, they also eat a wide range of other insects. More infrequently, they will take advantage of carrion, frogs, baby rodents, baby birds, birds' eggs and fallen fruit.

Can hedgehogs eat avocado? ›

Grapes and avocados are toxic to hedgehogs. While some people give crushed peanuts to their hedgies, nuts and raisins are generally considered a choking hazard as they get stuck on the roof of their mouth. Avoid giving your pet hedgehog insects you've caught yourself as they might have digested toxins.

Can hedgehogs eat bananas and apples? ›

This means hedgehogs might eat bananas, strawberries, pumpkins, apples or any other fruit or vegetables, but they can not digest them, so they are useless to them. Indeed, these foods may give hedgehogs an upset tummy, which can cause dehydration.

Do hedgehogs eat soft fruit? ›

Hedgehogs will eat strawberries, apples, bananas, blueberries, watermelon and pears. They're also partial to mangoes, peaches and cherries. However, fruit does not make up any substantial part of the hedgehog diet. Dried fruit such as raisins and banana chips should be avoided as it has a much higher sugar content.

Can hedgehogs eat dry fruit? ›

As for sweet treats like raisins, sultanas, currants, dried berries and the like: go easy. Better still, leave them out completely. Hedgehogs will take any chance they get to gnarf down food with high sugar content, giving them serious tooth decay and further digestion issues.

Can hedgehogs eat oranges? ›

Hedgehogs should avoid ingesting or anointing with anything acidic because it causes upset stomach, mouth sores, and ulcers. The items to strike off your hedgehog's food list includes, but is not limited to: Oranges. Lemons.

Can hedgehogs eat rice? ›

Bread, cakes, pasta, rice.

These are high carbohydrate food, and the hedgehog's natural diet is high protein, low carb. Hogs will happily snaffle up many of these foods. They will get full and feel like they don't need to forage and eat anymore when they haven't had the nutrition they need for the night.

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Hedgehogs have an excellent sense of smell and may be put off by (or attracted to) strong odours, and fish, of course, have a strong odour. Consumption of a lot of fish protein will travel through a hedgehog's digestive tract very quickly, resulting in fishy-smelling hedgehog poo.

Can hedgehogs eat pear? ›

Provide some fruits, such as apples, plums or pears, and nuts, such as unsalted peanuts or brazils. Leave out root vegetables like carrots, along with some cooked potato. If food isn't eaten overnight, remove anything that will go off and replace it with fresh offerings in the evening.

Can hedgehogs eat peanut butter? ›

Sunflower seeds, peanuts, or other seeds and nuts shouldnt be given to hedgehogs do not have a beak, specialized tongue or the use of their front paws to help them crack and eat seeds and nuts also they are serious choking hazards.

Can hedgehogs eat celery? ›

What should I NOT feed my pet hedgehog? Avoid lettuce and celery, which are low in nutritional value.

Can hedgehogs eat applesauce? ›

I do not recommend feeding fruits or vegetables, with a few minor exceptions, the following are beneficial and can aid in digestion (they can correct diarrhea and constipation) those are sweet potato, pumpkin, butternut squash, baby applesauce or banana in scant amounts only.

Can hedgehogs eat spinach? ›

Offer your hedgehog beta-carotene-rich veggies in addition to small amounts of fruits, which hedgehogs love. Avoid starchy vegetables, as hedgehogs prefer dark and leafy greens. Some produce options to feed a hedgehog include: Spinach.

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Hedgehogs can also have cooked salmon, chicken, or turkey, as well as select fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, peas, apples, beans, corn, carrots, watermelon, pears, papaya, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries.

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What should I NOT feed my pet hedgehog? Avoid lettuce and celery, which are low in nutritional value. Do not feed avocados, as they are toxic to your hedgehog. Do not feed raw meats or raw eggs to your hedgehog.

What should you never feed a hedgehog? ›

Leave out foods like tinned dog or cat food and crushed cat or dog biscuits. Supply good quality, meaty hedgehog food from wildlife food suppliers. Never feed hedgehogs milk or bread - milk can cause diarrhoea and bread isn't very nutritious.

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Lots of things, including cereal, are a source of protein. But you need to be able to digest that source, to absorb the protein. There's 28% protein in grass, but we can't digest grass so can't access that protein, or any of the other nutriments it contains. Hedgehogs can't digest cereal.

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Weevils (Curculionoidea) have been recorded in stomach contents, as have ladybirds (Adalia), although some authors suggest hedgehogs generally avoid the latter.

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