What’s the Most Expensive Diamond Shape? - Diamond & Design (2025)

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What’s the Most Expensive Diamond Shape?

What’s the Most Expensive Diamond Shape? - Diamond & Design (1)

Most people know that the 4Cs of diamonds-- diamond cut, clarity, color, and carat-- will affect a diamond’s price. The larger and more high quality a diamond is, the more expensive it will be. So, most people consider the 4Cs when weighing a diamond’s price. But did you know that there’s something that has absolutely nothing with carat weight or quality that can drastically affect a diamond’s price? Though it’s often overlooked by those shopping for diamonds, diamond shape can have an enormous impact on the price of a diamond.

Diamond shape is the shape a diamond was cut into, such as round, princess cut, or oval. And a diamond’s shape can affect its price by as much as 30%. Two diamonds can be the exact same carat weight and have the exact same qualities, but one could cost 30% more than the other if it’s the most expensive diamond shape. Wondering what the most expensive diamond shape is? It’s the beautiful, classic round diamond.

Round brilliant cut diamonds are easily the most expensive diamond shape. In part, that’s because round is the most popular diamond shape. More than half of all the diamonds sold today are round diamonds. This incredible popularity means that diamond miners and retailers can charge more for such an in-demand shape. But popularity isn’t the only reason round diamonds are more expensive. When diamond cutters create a round brilliant cut diamond, they have to discard more rough stone to create this specific shape. So, essentially, you have to pay for a larger stone than the one you actually end up with when you purchase a round diamond.

Whether or not you think round cut diamonds are worth spending more on all comes down to personal preference. Round cut diamonds are timelessly beautiful and incredibly brilliant, so some people think their higher cost is well worth it. But if you don’t like the idea of spending more just to get a round cut diamond, you have plenty of options in the fancy shaped diamond category.

The fancy shaped diamond category includes every diamond shape that is not round. Some examples of fancy shaped diamonds include oval shaped diamonds, pear shaped diamonds, cushion cut diamonds, radiant cut diamonds, marquise cut diamonds, emerald cut diamonds, asscher cut diamonds, heart shaped diamonds, and princess cut diamonds.

Fancy shaped diamonds may be less popular than round cut diamonds, but they’re equally gorgeous. Then, fancy cuts offer quite a bit more style variety than round brilliant cut diamonds-- and, of course, they can cost up to 30% less. Wondering if a budget-maximizing fancy shaped diamond is for you? Take a look at a few of our favorite fancy shapes and see if one resonates with you.

Cushion Cut

Cushion cut diamonds are quite similar in shape to round diamonds, yet they’re one of the most affordable of all the fancy shapes. This beautifully brilliant diamond shape looks like a square with rounded corners and it has a soft, classic look. Cushion cut diamonds also have a somewhat vintage style, since they’re technically a modern version of an antique diamond shape, the old mine cut. With their timeless shape and romantic vintage appeal, cushion cuts are one of the most lovely of all the fancy shaped diamonds.


Oval cut diamonds are brilliant, sophisticated, and quite traditional. This is another diamond shape that is very similar in style to round diamonds, yet costs much less. And, on top of that, oval cut diamonds have a size advantage. Oval diamonds carry much of their mass on their table (their top), so they look larger per carat than most other diamond shapes, including round. So, if you opt for an oval cut diamond for your engagement ring or another diamond piece, you can save money and get a larger-looking diamond-- what’s not to love?


Moving on to a fancy shape with a decidedly unique style, we have the gorgeous emerald cut diamond. Emerald cut diamonds feature long, step-cut facets that create glamorous flashes of light. This endlessly elegant diamond shape is absolutely stunning, but tends to cost around 25% less than a round brilliant would. And, like oval cut diamonds, emerald cut diamonds have a size advantage. This elongated shape looks larger per carat than round cut diamonds, so an emerald cut diamond can help you maximize your budget and your diamond’s size.

Looking for more diamond shape inspiration? Browse the to view our wide selection of diamond jewelry, which includes diamond engagement rings, diamond wedding bands, fashion diamond rings, diamond studs, diamond pendants, and much more. Whether you love the classic look of a round diamond or you’d prefer a fancy shape, such as an asscher cut diamond or a marquise cut diamond, our expansive selection of diamond jewelry has your perfect fit.

What’s the Most Expensive Diamond Shape? - Diamond & Design (5)

What’s the Most Expensive Diamond Shape? - Diamond & Design (2025)


What’s the Most Expensive Diamond Shape? - Diamond & Design? ›

The most expensive diamond shape is by far, the round brilliant cut

A gemstone desired to be used in jewelry is cut depending on the size and shape of the rough stone, as well as the desired piece of jewelry to be made. As a general rule, a cut gemstone will reduce the mass (in carats) by about 50%.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Cut_(gems)
diamond. This cut has 58 facets to reflect the maximum amount of light, making it the most sparkly and brilliant of all the diamond cuts. The round cut diamond requires a lot of skill and precision to cut correctly, which adds to its high cost.

What shape of diamond is most expensive? ›

Round brilliant cut diamonds are easily the most expensive diamond shape. In part, that's because round is the most popular diamond shape. More than half of all the diamonds sold today are round diamonds. This incredible popularity means that diamond miners and retailers can charge more for such an in-demand shape.

What is the most expensive diamond form? ›

Topping our list of the most expensive diamonds in the world is the legendary Koh-I-Noor. Weighing in at a massive 105.6ct, the most expensive diamond in the world is oval-shaped. Steeped in mystery and legend, the stone is believed to have been mined in India in the 1300s.

What is the most expensive diamond kind? ›

The most expensive diamond with a monetary valuation is The Cullinan Diamond. Only The Kohinoor diamond is considered more valuable, but it has no price tag and is simply considered “priceless.”

What shape diamond holds the best value? ›

Popularity On The Market

For example, because round diamonds are the most popular and desired diamond shape, a round diamond will fetch a higher price on the secondhand market than, say, a marquise diamond with the exact same attributes. The more popular the diamond shape, the more those diamonds will fetch.

What diamond shape gives the most sparkle? ›

Round Brilliant Cut

The round cut is the most brilliant or the most sparkling diamond cut. Fifty-eight facets (including the culet) are cut into brilliant round diamonds to allow light to pass through and reflect off each facet.

Which cut of diamond looks biggest? ›

The marquise diamond shape has the largest appearance of any shape. It has a similar elongated look as the oval and pear shapes, but both ends form tapered points. The marquise shape will always look the largest because those tapered points create the largest surface area of all the shapes.

Which cut of diamond is the least expensive? ›

Ranking number one as the most affordable diamond shape, cushion-cut diamonds are a great choice for an elegant yet price-conscious purchase. Price-savvy brides adore cushion cut diamonds and this elegant shape has been experiencing a serious revival in popularity over the last few years.

Which diamond shape is the rarest? ›


This diamond shape is exceptionally rare, and it impresses due to its unique design and stunning sparkle.

What letter diamond is the most expensive? ›

The most valuable and rarest color grade is a D color diamond, which is fully colorless.

What is the prettiest diamond? ›

1. ROUND BRILLIANT DIAMOND. By far the most popular cut is the Round Brilliant, with it's fifty-seven perfectly aligned facets it's brilliance really does out-shine the others. Total internal reflection is the key here; light travels through the stone giving optimum sparkle and scintillation.

Which color diamond is most expensive? ›

Red diamonds are the most expensive colored diamonds. Currently, only about 20 to 30 exist in the world. These diamonds derive their red shade during the mining formation. The process is uncommon, explaining why red diamonds are rare and extremely small in size.

What is the rarest diamond in the world? ›

5 World's Rarest Diamonds
  1. Koh-i-Noor. Koh-i-Noor is one of the rarest diamonds on Earth. ...
  2. The Cullinan. The Cullinan diamond is one of the rarest and most valuable diamonds in the world. ...
  3. The Hope. ...
  4. De Beers Centenary. ...
  5. The Pink Star Diamond.

Which diamond cut is most expensive? ›

The most expensive diamond shape is by far, the round brilliant cut diamond. This cut has 58 facets to reflect the maximum amount of light, making it the most sparkly and brilliant of all the diamond cuts. The round cut diamond requires a lot of skill and precision to cut correctly, which adds to its high cost.

What is the least popular diamond shape? ›

The three least known diamond shapes
  • Ashley Bean. Pear.
  • Emerald.
  • Gray Box Studios. Emerald Halo Ring.
Mar 10, 2021

What diamond shape is trending now? ›

For 2024, the trendiest diamond shapes are round brilliants and elongated cuts such as oval, pear and emerald. Round diamonds are still the most popular of all, but 2024 will see additional shapes continuing to shine.

Does the shape of a diamond affect the price? ›

How Do Different Diamond Shapes Affect The Price? The Diamond cut price difference for diamonds with the same cut quality and carat weight often comes down to the diamond shape. The more popular and rare the diamond shape, the more it will cost.

What type of diamond shape is the best? ›

Round-cut diamonds are the most popular diamond shape. They're also a universally flattering shape, no matter what your hands look like. You should also choose a ring that suits your tastes as well as your lifestyle.

What cut of diamond is the rarest? ›

The Royal Asscher cut is an updated version of the Asscher cut (an octagonal design with 58 layered facets). However, the Royal Asscher cut has 74 facets and a higher crown, and has exceptionally high clarity. It's said that the number of jewelers who can craft a Royal Asscher cut is less than 100 worldwide.

Which diamond is more expensive round or square? ›

Round brilliant cut diamonds tend to top out at the most expensive. This is because of the large amount of rough diamond that must be cut away to make one. They're also the most popular which drives their price up too.

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