Why You Should Add Vanilla Bean Paste To Your Cookies - Mashed (2024)

Why You Should Add Vanilla Bean Paste To Your Cookies - Mashed (2)

Why You Should Add Vanilla Bean Paste To Your Cookies - Mashed (3)

Why You Should Add Vanilla Bean Paste To Your Cookies

Why You Should Add Vanilla Bean Paste To Your Cookies - Mashed (4)

Eva Orlova/Shutterstock

ByCeara Milligan/

There are very few activities more delightful than baking homemade cookiesto satisfy your sweet tooth. The luscious aroma that fills the atmosphere and the succulence of every fresh-out-of-the-oven bite creates an instant sense of nostalgic bliss. Thankfully, there exist countless styles of cookies around the world, including the ever-classic chocolate chip, jam-filled thumbprints, buttery shortbreads, spicy-sweet gingersnaps, and crispy Moravians, just to name a few.

The majority of traditional cookie recipes call for a handful of basic ingredients such as butter, flour, sugar, and vanilla. Vanilla, for one, is commercially available in a few different forms — extract, pods, and paste — all of which yield a rich and sweet fragrance. But have you ever tried adding vanilla bean paste to your cookies? Vanilla bean paste is praised by professional and home bakers alike due to its versatility, affordability, and overall effectiveness.

If you want the beloved characteristics of pure, wholesome vanilla to take center stage in your next batch of cookies, here is why you should consider stocking up on jars of vanilla bean paste.

Take your traditional cookie recipe up a notch by adding vanilla bean paste

Why You Should Add Vanilla Bean Paste To Your Cookies - Mashed (5)


Vanilla bean paste is a simple, viscous, delicious swap for vanilla extract in virtually any dish, from cookies to cakes to ice creams and everything in-between. Cupcake Projectshares that vanilla bean paste can be used as a 1:1 substitute for standard vanilla extract. For example, if a recipe calls for one tablespoon of vanilla extract, you can use one tablespoon of vanilla bean paste instead without altering the finished product — other than enhancing the taste, of course.

Vanilla bean paste is traditionally made from a mixture of vanilla seeds and natural emulsifiers to create a thick, smooth consistency. Nielsen-Massey, one of the world's bestselling vanilla brands, explains that paste is ideal for bakers who wish to achieve an intense vanilla flavor in their cookies, in addition to featuring the iconic tiny, dark-colored specks throughout the dough.

Vanilla bean paste is also the economical choice for many, as it costs significantly less than buying whole vanilla beans and has a shelf life of approximately three years, according to Bake Per Scratch.


Why You Should Add Vanilla Bean Paste To Your Cookies - Mashed (2024)


Why You Should Add Vanilla Bean Paste To Your Cookies - Mashed? ›

Nielsen-Massey, one of the world's bestselling vanilla brands, explains that paste is ideal for bakers who wish to achieve an intense vanilla flavor in their cookies, in addition to featuring the iconic tiny, dark-colored specks throughout the dough.

Is vanilla bean paste good for cookies? ›

Vanilla bean paste can also be used in baked goods! Try using vanilla puree in white and yellow cakes, shortbread, and sugar cookies!

When to add vanilla bean paste? ›

It is best to use vanilla bean paste when you really want vanilla to be the star of the recipe. Craving those creamy vanilla bean specks? Use vanilla bean paste. This bit of visual flair adds a level of elegance and gourmet feel to classic treats like crème brûlée, pastry cream, or French vanilla ice cream.

What does adding vanilla do to cookies? ›

Vanilla extract and how important is it for the baking process. The primary purpose of vanilla extract is to add flavour to baked goods. Lacking it, baked goods tend to have a bland and boring taste. Vanilla extract can also contribute moisture to create a soft and fluffy texture.

What does vanilla bean do in baking? ›

But vanilla beans return the favor by providing us with such rich, intense aromas and flavors in our baked goods. They're a special ingredient, but worth it.

What does vanilla paste do? ›

Chefs love vanilla paste for creme brulee and other custards because they don't need to scrape vanilla beans and it has such a rich flavor that it carries well in the dessert. Candy makers love it because it is concentrated flavor and doesn't add much liquid.

How much vanilla bean paste to use? ›

Vanilla bean paste is an excellent substitute for expensive vanilla pods in baking as it provides those vanilla seeds that you don't get from extract or essence. Normally one teaspoon of vanilla bean paste is a good substitute for one vanilla pod. You can use vanilla paste in cookies, cakes, ice cream and icing.

What happens if you don't add vanilla to cookies? ›

If you don't have any on hand, you can almost always omit the vanilla without impacting the final texture of your baked goods; although the rich flavor extract—or any form of vanilla—brings will certainly be altered. Just remember one thing: flavor comes first.

What is a substitute for vanilla bean paste? ›

To substitute vanilla bean paste you could use equal amounts of vanilla extract or use a whole vanilla bean split with the seeds scraped out in a liquid-based recipe. You could also use Vanilla powder, but this would need to be as per your personal taste.

When to add vanilla when baking? ›

Vanilla extract is typically added to sweet dishes and baked goods to enhance their flavor. It is usually added toward the end of the recipe after other ingredients have been combined.

What effect does vanilla bean have? ›

Vanilla bean will help to increase neurotransmitter function, which will allow your brain to produce serotonin and dopamine - the feel good hormones. The aroma of vanilla bean and vanilla extract also has an anti-depressant and mood-lifting effect on the brain.

Is vanilla paste better than extract? ›

Because of its intense flavor payoff, vanilla paste is best suited to being the star of the show; mixing it with other strong flavors can make the vanilla taste muddled. This is unfortunate given the flavor of the vanilla paste is superb, and it comes with a higher price tag than extract.

Can you use vanilla bean paste in place of vanilla? ›

If you need to swap one vanilla flavoring for another, we've found that 1/2 vanilla bean is the same as 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract or 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste.

What type of vanilla is best for cookies? ›

Vanilla beans, paste, and extracts have more depth of flavor than imitation vanilla, but many of those flavor notes break down at the high temperatures used during baking. For this reason, imitation vanilla is preferred by some bakers for cookies and cakes.

Which is stronger vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract? ›

Because vanilla extract contains no physical vanilla, the flavor is slightly lighter and less robust than vanilla paste.

Does vanilla paste need to be refrigerated? ›

Vanilla extracts, flavors, whole beans, pastes and powders should be stored in an airtight container at room temperature, away from direct heat and sunlight. Refrigeration or freezing will speed up the natural separation of the vanilla essence from the liquid base in extracts.

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