Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

PACE 2 THE Theatrical "Driven From Home" was the new melodrawa offered at the Grand theater yesterday afternoon and night by the Burleigh Cash Stock company. The idea of the piece was obtained from the well known poem. "Over the Hill to the Poorhouse." and 16 a most pathetic story, Mr. Cash was seen in the principal -masculine role, that of WIll Walling, A black sheep, And he portrayed the character tho satisfar. tion of every one.

The other roles were well assumed and the play pleased immensely. New vaudeville stunts were introduced aud proved even better than. those siren Monday. Thu Cash Comedy: Quartettte making a big bit as 18 also 12 Mille and Billie Miller in their specialty Today "Dad's Girl" will be the It is Alled with good clean comedy of the kind that keeps the audience laughing from start to Anish. Thursday Afternoon and night another comedy will be riven called Sapegrace." and Friday the feature bill of the week, "The Count of Monte Cristo," will.

be seen. The musical comedy success. "Giria Will Be will be seen at the IndiAna theater this evening. aud although the piece has been played for seasons. this is ita first visit to our city.

The attraction offers 10 problem to solve, but was built solely for amusem*nt purposes. However. it has A clean consistent plot. and the situations. whtle very funny are logic.

al. The aunt hits number a score and include "Dowdy Do." 'Good Morning Teacher, "Dora Lane from Bangor Maine." "Abou Bon All." "My and other catchy aira. The CAst is headed by Will C. Mandeville, former leading comedian of "Flodora: Anita Arliss for several seasone; prima donna soprano with the Savage Opera Compary. Ian Marble of "Babes land" and number of other musical comedy people of note besides the original Three Rosebuds and the Dancing Dolls who have been big features in vauderille for a number of years.

The Cost of Carelessness Neglect of a "common" cold is so often the direct cause of dangerous disease that medical men cannot understand why mo many people allow a cold, with its attendant cough. to run course unchecked. Aside from the unpleasantness and annoyance, the resulting Irritation of the mucous membrane in the throat, lungs and bronchial organs leaves them sore aud very suscepuble to attack. With the first indication of a cold, take steps to check it at once. A simple, inexpensive remedy can be prepared at home by mixing two cunces of Glycerine, ounce Virgin Oil of Pine compound.

pure, and eight ounces of pure whieky. You can buy theme in any good drug store and easily mix them in a large bottle. 1t is claimed by the Leach Chemical Co. of Cincinnati, who prepare the genuine Virgin Oll of Pine compound pure, that 8 spoonful of this mixture four times a day will break a cold in twentyfour hours and cure any cougb that 13 curable. HASKELL CALLS TAFT TO RESCUE I United Press Guthrie, November "An honest jury could not be found in the United States that would And a rerdict of guilty against any of the defendants in thene cases if the whole truth were presented," declared Governor Haskell of Oklahoma today, commenting on the action of the federal court in refusing to dismiss the indictments against Haskeli and other prominent Oklahomiaus for alleged fraud in: connection with Indian lands at Muskogee.

"I am sure if President Taft knew. the truth relative to these cases they would be instantly dismissed by his direction," he declared. Walter's Famous Pennsylvania Buckwheat Flour leads the World for quality. At your grocer's. FOR SALE-40 acres 10.

miles wast of Star City, 9-room house, good barn, $1,800. Part time. Address 108 South Branson street 11-17-d tp A Badge of Honesty Is printed on the outer wrapper of every bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and sold it by is the only medicine for woman's peculiar ailments, druggists, the makers of which feel fully warranted in thus taking the afflicted into their full confidence The more known about the composition of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the more confidently will Invalid women rely upon it.

to cure their peculiar weaknesses and derangements. There's no secrecy about Its make.up--no deceptive Inducements held out to the afflicted. It's simply a good, honest, square. deal medicine with no alcohol, or Injurious, habit drugs in its compo. sition.

condition Made wholly from roots. It can do no harm in any of woman's organism. Devised and put up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of maladies. Its ingredients have the indorsem*nt of leading physicians woman's all schools of practice. in The "Favorite Prescription" is known everywhere as the for diseases of women and has been so regarded for the past 40 standard remedy' KNOWN Accept no secret nostrum in place of "Favorite medicine OF years and more.

COMPOSITION, with a record of 40 years of cures behind it. medicines It's foolish and often dangerous to experiment with new or -sometimes urged but slightly tested upon the afflicted as "just as good" or better than "Favorite Prescription." The dishonest dealer sometimes insists that he knows what interest the that proffered substitute is made of, but you don't and it is decidedly for your pecting it you should know what you are taking into your stomach and system exinsist on to having act as Dr. a curative. To him its only a difference of Therefore, Send 31 one-cent Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Common Sense stamps to pay cost of mailing only on a free copy of Dr.

Pierce's Medical Adviser, 1008 pages cloth-bound. President, World's Buffalo, Dispensary N. Y. Medical Association. Proprietors, R.


1609 STORE I FIXTURES For Sale al We move Nov. 23 to our new room on South Side of Square, Having a good many store fixtures which ive will in the able to use in our new location, we will name a very low price on the following articles Seven large clothing tables; three small outside show cases; one fine oak triplicate. minor; one small mirror; clothing and furnishing, goods window display fixtures in both brass and nickel: one 18-foot hat case with sliding glass doors (3 sections). Also 185 yards of finest inlaid Linoleum, worth $1.25 when now, will sell at 50c per yard in any quantity. If you are interested in any of the above, we will quote you a most interesting price, Price Clothing Co.

DR. HERBI: VINE, Nature's Greatest Gift to Suffering Women. Herbi- Vine 1: not a cure all. bat in ita field of discases- of- -women tt takes rank among the greatest medicines known to science. It is A purely.

taken vegetable tie remedy, weakest and can invalid. ho safely by Herbi-Vine has special mission or amnity for the uterine organs and their functions. One of the ingredients regulates the menstrual reriods, another relieves congestion and inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, a third strengthens And soothes weak and painful nerves. while fourth acts 86 a general tonic, and gives strength and ton.c to every tissue, cell and nerve in this important group of organs. Try one bottle and be convinced of Its great merits.

For sale by Bradley Bros. at $1.00 per bottle, containing sufficient for a full month's treatment. DAVY'S CUBS DEFEATED The Blumenthal players, were unable to hit the king last night. and dropped two out of three games played Aldenbagen. on the Fred alleys of Watkins, Mautz the Club Cafe team bowled high 194, and he was tied with Baugher for high average, 168.

Suminary. CLUB CAFE. 1. 2. 3.

Watkins 125 Aldenbagen 140. 128 155 Doyle 118 186 I Mautz 180 160 194 Baugher 181 169 154 Brooking 129 123 -Total 714 736 766 BLUMENTHAL. 1. 2. 3.

Williamson 122 128 166 Farr 139 134 135 Neal 187 -141 136 Fulkner 186 107 103 Macey 192 161 124 Total 796 G71 674 PERU IS A DRY TOWN Peru, November -The last saloon Peru and Miami county is on its last legg today, and tonight will witness its closing. Peru at one time had more than seventy saloons. This number was reduced to about fifty before enactmer.t of the county local option law, and In March the saloons were roted out. Mra George Carter of Sweetser was a Marion vieltor Monday. Ladies'" Ladies'.

sample coats from ple coats now on sale. Special sale of ladles' Store Over 200 ladles' sardSample Coats Sample Coats Bus Boston La Vogue and, Turkle WASH MART A Choose your winter coat now. Prices about oneand Felstolu sample. third less than 700 exrooms. Marion's Greatest Department Store 'pected to pay, 3 CAPES Are very much in demand just now.

More and more women and girls are calling for them, buying them, wearing them every day. We foresaw this weeks ago and had the courage of our convictions and placed liberal orders for the hardest of all garmenis to obtain. We have them; they are on our racks TODAY. They are not coming next week, next month, next year, sometime, maybe. They are here now in liberal style, size and price assortments.

Eu the best part of all, the one that will please you most, is our little bits of prices. Note the prices we quote: 0 $5.00, $8.50, $10.00, $15.00, UP TO $27.50 0 Thanksgiving Our full page in the Monday's Chronicle tells you of the many good things we have at Bargain Prices for Thanksgiving needs, We ask you to again look these best at the items over. You will find that no matter what your wants are you'll do BUSY BOSTON STORE MR. BORRIS RENDERS PROGRAM SPLENDIOLY i 'PI 7. of the most delightful musical treats ever offered to the music lovers of Marion was the recital sivn by Mr.

Aurele Borriss, the renowned German baritone, in the recital hall of the Marion Conservators of Music Tuesday evening. Although Mr. Borriss has been a resident of Marion for several months, few Marion people had ever. heard his voice, and to. the Judione Tuesday evening Mr.

Borriss' performance A a8 a revelation, and demonstrated the reason that the finger has won laurels in Europe as well as in America. The program of Tuesday evening was a most comprehensive one, as it did the various forms of music from the highest form of operatic selections to the simplest folksong. a and Mr. Barrigs was as delightful in one style as in the other. His operatic numbers were given with a dramatic fire and expression that thrilled his hearers, and, although mANY in audience could not understand the German and Italian words, they could feel aud understand the meaning from the splendid manner in which the selections were rendered.

In the ballads and songs Mr. Borri9s WAS delightful. His rich voice was handled in a perfeet manner, his pianissimo passages beicg as sweet As the music of the flute. Mr. Borriss has a magnificent stage presence.

and this added to the charm of the recital. The program Tuesday evening was a most exhaustive one. Bry. Minnie Murdon-Kimbail was to have assisted in the recital with two numbers on the piano, but unfortunately missed her train at Indianapolia, and was unable 10 appear. Mr.

Borriss announced this and carried through the heavy program of seventeen numbers with only one short intermission, Mrs. Meta SteelePoindexter acted as accompanist for Jr. Borriss, and much of the delightful success of the soloist must be given to There are few people who are real accompanists and Mrs. Poindexter is surely one of them. program rendered Tuesday was as printed in Tuesday's Chronicle, except for the omission of Mrs.

Kimball's numbers. DR BALDWIN IS BETTER. Dr. M. F.

Baldwin, who has been sick for a number of days, is improving. He WAs threatened with pneumonia, but he has now passed the danger point. Miss Alma Circle of South Nebraska street left Monday for Oklahoma City, where she will make her future home. PAID IN FULL Novelized From Eugene Walter's Great Play By JOHN W. HARDING Copyright, 1908.

by G. W. Dillingham Ca. The caller, however, was only Smith. "Come in, but make your business short." Williams' blunt expecting an important visitor." "All right.

captain," responded Smitb tranquilly, entering and helping himself to a chair. "Hare 8 pipe?" Invited the host, pushing the tobacco tin toward "Too hot," was the laconic declination. "Well, how did you leave the Brooks family?" "Sbe knows." "You tell her? "No: Joe did." "Didn't think he had the nerve." "He hasn't." "Tow's "It was because be lost it that he told her. Busted right out the moment the door was closed on you." "Did they bave "Don't know. She took it like 8 major and asked 008 to leave 'em alone." "That's natural." you got the exact dgures?" "What Agures? "Of how much be took." "I guess 80-to the penny," said WIl; liams, reaching for a memorandum book and consulting it.

"It was just $10,830 three days ago." "Any more now "Not that I know of. Guess that covers It." Smith shook his bead moodily. "That's too bad-too bad," be mur. cured. right, it is too bad," agreed the captain.

Smith thought for a minute, looked straight at the captalo, who was re garding him curiously and said Armly and more quickly than his employer had ever beard him speak before: "Williams. I don't think it'll take three minutes for you and me to core to an understanding about Brooks." "What about him?" "I want to square this thing for do you come in; Smith?" "In plain words, Williams, that's my business. But I want to square It." How' do you think you can square it, Smith NEt: As Jimay prepared to answer the 2 question be fell 5acE Into his old Ta-! miliar drawl. Tell, Williams," be said, "you ain't got ADJ callous OD your Augers from banding out coin to the folks who're worked for you, but I've always been treated about rigbt." "You were always worth treating rigbt, Smith." "Thanks." "Always found you a fair man-do log things you sald you'd do in a fair way." aln't never been much of a spendthrift, Williams. I've sared and been 'a little lucky in investing the little I've had.

I can raise about $14,000 by noon and I'll give you my note for the rest, with security--I mean collateral." it ain't pone of my business why you do this?" "Exactly." "Smith, I don't think you can square this Little matter for Brooke." "Don't think my note's good, eb?" 'Tain't that You couldn't square this, Smith. If you lad a million right in your clothes this minute." "Why "To tell the truth, I'm golng to open negotiations with another party." "That "Mrs. Brooks." "How?" "She's coming up bere to see me SOON. Maybe she and me CAD come to some mutually pleasaut arrangement that will keep Brooks out of jall." "When is she The captain puffed at bis pipe and scrutinized Smith's face closely as be replled: "Expect ber any moment." "How do you kuow?" "Telephoned." If Williams expected to see any sign in big visitor of the utter amazement. the profound consternation, the ImpartIng of this information caused, be was doomed to disappointment.

Smith remained an unreadable as the spbior. But it was sixty seconds before he spoke. "I suppose that's a bint for me to be on my be Interrogated. about the meaning I meant to convey," admitted the captain, without circumlocution, Jimsy rose slowly, took his hat and went toward the door. Before he reached it be turned.

"Williams," be said. "you know I're Emma-Mrs. Brooks- ever since she was in short clothes and used to come down to the ofice to go bome with ber daddy." "80 I've beard." "She's always been able to look into my face with them big blue eyes and smile. Some time--some day- -it 1 get back -I'm going to make it my business to see her." All rigbt." "And if she shoulda't bappen to look up into my face and smile I'm coins to and you, Williams, and I'm coming The captain putted bis pipe placidly. "What style beels might you be wearing Dow, Smith r' be inquired, with great deliberation.

"Well" answered the always deliberate Jimay, "It you should consult the particular shoemaker who furnisbes them be'd describe that beel as of 45 caliber." "Good night, Smith," said the captain dryly. Smith did not reply. Williams gazed in the direction of the door after bis superintendent bad closed It. There was DD enigmatical smile on his face. It slowly died away, and bis pugnacious underjaw protruded ominously.

Reaching round to his hip pocket, be brought out a re "He'd describe that heel as of 43 volver. It was a formidable leoking weapon, with a long barrel. Ile broke the breach, examined the cartridges and replaced it in his pocket. if be wouldn't do it, too," be muttered. Be or.

30 painful, nor is there anything quite so, bard to get rid of as piles. ManZan, the great pile remedy, is the best you can use, for it directly reaches the seat of the trouble, and at once relieves and soothes pain And reduces the swelling. It 1: ADplied inelde by means of a tube with Dossie Sold. by Bradley Bros. HAS WORKED GAME IN MANY CITIES Walter E.

Nadeau, who is now servIng a term of thirty days in the county jail on a plea of guilty to a charge of petit larceny, has had experiences in many cities in Indiana according to the newepapers published in these cities. He was fortunate enough to escape punishment at Muncie last May accordlig to the following from the Muncie Star: "Nadeau and Kenneth Bailey wera arrested here last May for Intoxication and when they appeared in court they were surprised with the additional charge of obtaining money under false pretense. The complaint was made by a number of Muncie reeldents who had taken advantage of cut rate on monthly magazine of which, they claimed to be agents. Prosecutor Harry Long fled motion to diam Las the charge of intoxication. The men were not prosecuted on the latter charge berause the company failed to appoar againat them, altbough they were de nounced by the publimbing house as 'fakes NEWS OF INTEREST TO COLORED PEOPLE The Utopia club will be entertained Thursday afternoon by.

Mina Bessie Worthingtou at her residence on East First street. Bruce Lodge, K. of P. will meet la Cantle mall tonight. En Rev.

J. M. Nickles will dedicate the A. M. F.

church in Alexandria NOvember 28 and special services have been arranged for the occasion. William Hampton of Hamilton; 0., WAS In the city yesterday viating relatives. attack of tonalitia, Frank Browmer is suffering from an 8am Shoecraft is sortuosly 111 at his residence in South Marion. NOTICE OF THE LETTING OF PRINTING AND STATIONERY -CONTRACT. Notice is hereby given that the Board of- Commissioners of Grant county, Indiana, will be In regular session In the court house In the city of Marion, Grunt county, Indiana, on Monday, December 6th, 1909, and will receive bids up until.

the hour of 9 o'olock 8. m. books, stationery and supplies for the various county offices for the year ending December 31st, 1910. Bond and non-collusion amdartt must be filed with bid as required by law. Plans and speciAcations are now on fle in the office of the Auditor of Grant county.

The Board of Commissioners re serves the right to reject any all bids. The Board of Commissioners of Grant County, A. -Y, Stout, Auditor: 11-11 1 3.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.