Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

ANNA GRINDLE DIES AT HOME Marion, Indiana, Leader-Tribune Sept. 30, 1947 Anna E. Grindle, 61, died at her home at West Fourth street at 10:30 p.m. Monday. She had been in ill health for the past two years.

Born in Mentone, Mrs. Grindle had lived in Marion for the past 37 years, She was a former E. employe of the Blumenthal store here. 1 for eight years until it was closed. and Chad been employed at Hill's, since that firm opened until ill health forced her to retire.

WAS 8 member of the First Methodist Church here. Survivors include -the husband. Austin H. Grindle, widely known barber; son, Robert Columbus. grandson, Michael Richard, and twe brothers, Bruch, Jonesboro, and Ervin Bruch, Potterville, Mich, The body was removed to 814 South Adams street where it will remain pending completion of funoral services.

MAP TOWN (Continued From Page One) on 8 general theme of the inter-dependence of agriculture and business, H. D. Crisler, general chairman, pointed out. The subjects, -including rural- urban: meetings will stress related zoning and planning problems and the reassessment of rural and urban real estate which is scheduled in 1949. The family type program forthe first meeting will include musical entertainment featuring Patsy.

Montana. Chicago Barn Dance star. A former movie actress, Miss Montana has made many recordings as well as'starred on a weekly Saturday night radio show for several years, and is widely known among Grant county radio listeners, MARION KENNEL CLUB ENTRIES. WIN RIBBONS Marion. Kennel club members at 7:30 p.

m. Wednesday at the library, J. R. McCollum, president, announced last night. Several Marion dog-owners were awarded ribbons in a dog show held Sunday at Lafayette.

Ribbons were to Mrs. Ben Collins, showed Samoyedes: J. Ray McCollum, bull a pointer and an English dog; Mr. and Mrs. 0.

L. Vandermark, English bull dog, and Robert R. Morris, Pekingese. A few of the exhibitors are members of the Marion Kennel Club. Also attending the show were Mr.

and Mrs. William McHenry, and Mrs. Frank Lahr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shultz and Mr.

and Mrs. Bion Wintz. COUNCIL ORGANIZED Tabash, Sept. Wabash Churches. was organized at a meetCounty- Council of Protestant of church- leaders held -at First Methodist Church.

Kenneth Stout named president for the first year: Elroy Faust, Urbana, vice-president, and Owen- J. NeighThe council affiliate with bours, Wabash, secretary the State Council of Churches. All protestant churches Wabash county have joined the council. VA Hospital Notes Muncie entertainment at the gymnasium Sunday, was sponsored by Veterans Foreign Wars, Post 651, Muncie. Mrs.

Zora B. Weeks, general chairman, was in charge of arrangements. Organizations attending were Foreign Wars and Auxiliary, Military Order of Cooties of Pup Tent No. 7, Anderson, Pup Tent No. 8, Muncie, Military Order of Lady Bugs, Gold Circle Anderson, and Lightning Bug Circle No.

Muncie. Program included Florine Stoner- Powell's accordion band, Muncie, vocals by Paul Wycoff accompanied by Evelyn Blizzard, pianist, and banjo and guitar act by Jack Jerry, Anderson. Five bundred patients attended. The organization also sponsored dance at the gymnasium Sunday for patients. Millard's orchestra, Muncie, provided.

music for Miss Henrietta Wells, chief VA hospital, Danville, was the guest of Miss Nan SullIvan, nurse, over the weekend. Anna Van Echo, senior cadet nurse, spent the weekend at her home in Detroit, Mich. Senior cadet nurse Agnes Mills spent visiting. in Jane Burge, senior cadet spent weekend visiting her family in Wellington, 0. Miss Ann Sims, director cadet nurses.

has returned to duty after attending A workshop on the 15 hour course for teaching hospital at Washington Before returning she spent three days at her. home in Pa, Doris Joslin. chief librarian. left Sunday for Ft. Snelling, where she will attend a conference of; library chiefs front branches six, and eight from Septs 30 to Oct.

2. Following -this she will attend the Upper Midwest Library Conference at Minneapolis from Oct. 3 to Dan Erwin. recreational technician, returned to duty, Monday after two weeks annual pave. Harry Jackson.

Special. Services. returred to duty Monday after two woke annual leave. "Robert. Potts.

recreation director: spending a week annual leave at the lake. A. Sorroson, educational retraining instructor addressed members of the Pries club at their -weekly-meeting building-60 on Dr. "Variation and Levels. manager, of will be guest speaker at next meeting.

Colored Notes WATKINS FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service 936 S. Gallatin' Phone 379 Adv. (Continued from Page One). George. Sisson, campaign chairman, gave workers their instrucitions.

Mrs. Campbell introituced 'board members, Mrs. Strandberg and her daughter. Miss Catherine Strandberg. who also will assist in the campaign.

Mrs. Strandberg is an official of the Columbia Association of which the Marion association is a member. 'maximum of 900 memberships will be offered Marion and Grant county residents during the campaign. which will close at noon Friday. The total memberships offered will include 700 adults and 200 students.

Mrs. urged to report daily to the headquarters to avoid exceeding the membership quota. The concerts be given at -the First- -Methodist- Church where the seating capacity is The headquarters will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and from 9 a.m.

to noon Friday. Plans annouriced for checkup meeting At 8 Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Camphell. West- Fourth street. At that time Columbia Concerts Association will present the worker ob-.

taining the largest number of memberships -with an award. Free -membership- award will. be. given workers for obtaining a certain number of adult and student membershins. -Wolfe, -board member; was in charge of arrangements for the dinner.

Mrs. Orville Hook-er will serve as assistant campaign chairman. ATOMIC BOMB TALK SLATED CONCERT An address on the atomic bomb will be presented at 8 p. m. today at the.

First Methodist Church by Wayne Guthrie, Indianapolis newspaperman who witnessed the bomb tests at Bikini. The talk is being sponsored by the Marion League of Women Voters, and no admission is being charmerie remained at the Pacific atoll until -after the underwater. test, which was made following the aerial test. The speaker, who has made more than 300 public appearances since. return, describe both explosions.

HAS 11 GRANDPARENTS Mt. Vernon, Ill. (A)-Little Linda Jane Page, born recently at nearby Ewing, has a surprise in store when she begins to sit up and take notice--of eleven grandparents. The grandparents include 8 39- year-old grandmother, Mrs. Lena Page of Ewing.

Altogether there are four grandparents and seven great-grandparents. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Russell -Roe Page, both 21. Converse Judy, assisted by Mrs.

Elizabeth Nation and Mrs. Gertrude Malott. entertained the Busy Ten circle of Methodist Church Thursday at the church annex. Mrs. Mary Moren, president.

conducted the business session. Mrs. Malott gave devotions and Mrs. Clara Bryant was awarded a prize. Mrs.

Joseph Hatfield was elected teacher for the year with Mrs. Bruce Hay: co*ck assistant. Refreshments were served -to -one-guest, -Mrs. Plotner, Amboy, and the following members: Mrs. Earl Philips, Mrs.

Laura Kirk, Mrs. Anna Saum, Mrs. George Wilson, A Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Oliver Ratliff, Mrs.

Elizabeth Adams, Mrs. Hatfield, Mrs. Cora Mrs. A. C.

Hainlen, Mrs. R. E. Davidson, Mrs. Olive- Malott and the hostesses.

'The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church will meet Wednesday at the -home- of -C. Riggs. Assistant hostesses will be Mrs. Charles Stout, Mrs: Wilbert Riggs, Mrs. R.

E. Garber and Jirs. Von Friermood Mrs. Elizabeth Nation and Mrs. Callie Garber were guests- Sunday of- Mr.

and Mrs. Wayne. Nation and Sweetser. Mr. and Mrs.

Glen Ballard entertained the Double Ten Euchre club with 8 dinner Saturday at their home, Prizes were awarded Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Swope, Mark Malott and Mrs. -Newell Peterson. Those attending were and Mrs.

Malott, Mr. and -Mrs: Graham, Mr. and Mrs. William. Warnock.

Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller, Mr.

and Mrs. Swope, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.

Rennaker, Mr, and Mrs. William Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Overman and Mr. Mrs.

Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burk and Mrs. Victor Naus, and.

Mr. and Mrs. William Warnock and daughters were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mr.

and Mrs. William Oren, Gas City, spent with Mr. and Mrs. Elizabeth Nation and Miss. Callie Garber.

Mrs. John Colescott and ters and Mrs. Elsie, were recent. zuests Mr. Mrs.

Mark Malott and son. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and Me and Mrs. Frank Rudler, IndiSuader Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Stranger. Herbst Herbst, Sept. of the Methodist Church will spend Sunday at the Methodist Children's Home at Lebanon. They will be guests of Rev.

and Mrs. J. C.I They will leave for: Lebanon immediately following church school. Sunday. Russell at Purdue University: spent the.

with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Downhour. A Mess and- Edna Moss, Greeatown, were guests Sunday of and Mrs.

Lee West: Mrs. Pearl Ireland and daughter, Silver Lake, guests. Sunday of. Mrs. Leva Packard.

Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Downhour were Mrs. May Smith and Rev. and Mrs.

Simpson and daughters. BOARD APPROVES NEW SCHOOL TAX Wabash, Sept. state board of tax commissioners has approved a 20-cent sinking fund levy for the Wabash city schools, to be collected next 11 (years here and expected, to raise an estimated $22,000 year. used The for money construction eventually of will new be school or remodeling of some of the present buildings. It will be placed on the tax duplicates and collected -for the -first- time next year.

School a officials have been considering remodeling: of buildings here for some time. They pointed out that with the exception of the senior high school, which is about 20 years old, all other buildings in Wabash might be termed ancient, -running from -47-to more 75 years old. CUBAN- (Continued From Page One) mera, chief of staff of the Cuban conferred at the presidential palace- this afternoon with Presi dent. Ramon Grau Martin and later told newsmen that 270 more of the revolutionaries had been It was understood concaptured tingent were members of the expeditionary force considered unfit for the leaders of the expedition, and had been left behind when the expedition was launched. The expedition at one- time was reported to number more than 3,000 heavily Dominican volunteers.

led. by patriots and including hundreds of former American soldiers and war -experienced adventurers of many nationalities. Diaz said the left behind, who were taken into custody and brought into Havana last night, were forced to stay behind because they had refused to take ca pledge to resist with force if the Cuban armed services tried to stop the invasion. Announcement that the tion had been smashed followed heated battle on the floor of the Senate during the afternoon when opposition leader Sen. Aurelio Alvarez charged that President Grau San Martin was using government funds and public functionaries to foment revolt" against Trujillo.

Alvarez charged Grau San Martin with responsibility for what he described 8 "pacific state of war" between Cuba and the Dominican Republic, which is a neighboring Caribbean country occupying the eastern half of the island of Hispaniola. Haiti occupies the western half of the island, which is separated from Cuba only by the narrow 50- mile Wirdward Passage. DESTROYER 4 Continued From Page One: were from the after crew room and among men off duty. Trieste, When the Owen arrived at dead were lying. in their traditional place on the ship's fantail.

Four U. S. Army ambulances rushed the wounded to hospital. Although the upper Adriatic still contains mines laid during the war, McFarlane said the accident: occurred on a direct Toute from Venice to Trieste which had been used before and which had been swept clear. The Owen went to.

the scene and returned with double lookouts posted for mires, Matthews Matthews, Sept. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Mark.

Richards and Mr. Mrs. Ray Underwood, Gas City, left today for a tour of the eastern states. Miss Norma Curtis, Mrs. Wade Curtis, Mrs.

Lena Fisher and Miss Neva Slecthner, Fostoria, 0.,. arfrived here -Sunday after a trip I through the -west. Miss. was met at Seattle by group. She route home from 8 in 'Japan with the civil service.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom -Dorton entertained at- a family dinner cently in honor of their birthday anniversaries, which were one day apart. The dining table Was set with china, silver and Fostoria glassware, all gifts from their children, including the linen The WAS cake, placed on an antique pedestal cake plate, an heirloom in the famand on either side were lighted tapers. decorations.

lighted candles. present. were Mr. and Mrs. Dorton, Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Dorton and children, Faton, and Mr. Mrs. John Dorton daughter, Muncie. Sutton and Mr.

Mrs. Russell Shook and children, Marion, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shook and daughter, Marion. Mrs.

Cleo Richards and Mrs. Virgiria Martin of the New Mulberry Home. Economics club, with Mrs. Smiley -and Mrs. Claire ton of the Matthews club, attended the leaders' meeting held at Mar' ion Friday at the Indiana General Service TOO MUCH POLLEN Boston.

Here's had for hay fever sufferers. Tests conducted by the state public works. department revealed that one plant of ragweed may produce' as many as 50,000 seeds and that a light breeze may. carry the offending pollen as far 18 miles in a single NOW All Shirts Draxed and beautifully. finished At Our 15c BROWN-TRUEBLOOD, Puckett AUCTIONEERS TELEPHONES Marion 3611-RI Upland 1037 or 104 CHECK FINGERPRINTS OF Finger tints THEFT of a theft SUSPECT suspect who gave his name as Glen Mahan: 1 27, were taken yesterday and will be sent to state and federal authorities for identification.

Prosecuting Attorney A. Bonner Brown said last night. Mahan was arrested by state police and sheriff's officials near Wheeling. early Saturday and allegedly admitted the theft of two hogs and 45 dozen. eggs from.

a county Brown said the suspect gave the of Mahan and said he had served term. at Pendleton. A check -with prison authorities revealed, however, that no one by that name had 1 been committed. TAX HEARINGS ARE SCHEDULED TODAY Representatives of the state taxing board will come to Marion today to conduct hearings on proposed budgets and tax levies for the 25 ing units in the county. Ben Gallion, field representative of the tax board, will conduct the hearings in the commissioner's chamber of the courthouse.

First levy to be discussed will be the county. welfare budget. which will be followed by county budget. and township levies. The hearings will continue Through -Wednesday and represents the last opportunity for taxpayers to oppose or support the proposals.

Levies in each of the units with one. exception are higher on the proposals than present rates. PRIZE WINNING DOG STOLEN FROM CAR IN PARKING LOT Chicago, Sept. 29. (AP)-A prizewinning co*cker spaniel, Edgewood Brandy Wine, was stolen from an automobile in downtown parking lot, the dog's owner, Bert Gaier, Richmond, told police today.

Gaier, owner of Edgewood Acre Kennels in Richmond, said he had three dogs in aluminum cages in his car when he left it in parking lot -last night. Edgewood Brandy Wine, he said, was worth $300 and was the least valuable of the three. Gaier said he had brought the dogs to Chicago for a co*cker specialty show. The other two, he said. were valued at $2,500 and $1,000.

GOP PRECINCT OFFICIALS DISCUSS CAMPAIGN PLANS, Republican precinct committeemen and vice-committeemen in Franklin one, two, three and seven, met last night at the home of R. C. Parks. 2308 West Eighth street, to discuss campaign" plans for the municipal election in November. Another in series of campaign meetings been scheduled by the, club at club headquarters tonight.

City headquarters have opened at South Adams street, 'the room adjacent to the Biddinger-for-Mayor club headquarters: Jess Ruby, city chairman, would remain open until after the, election. WILL FILED Wabash, Sept. terms of the will of Dr. Minneta F. Jordan, entered for probate here, a 20-acre farm is to be divided equally among five stepchildren.

Remainder of the property is to be shared equally by the stepchildren and 8. piece, Josephine. Moore, Shreveport, La. EARLY MATCHES high in the early 1800s about Chicago (UP) Matches came four cents The Britannica, says the "match" consisted of bottle containing sulphuric acid combined with splints tipped with potassium chlorate, sugar and gum arabic. CALLOUSES To relieve painful callouses, burains or tenderness on bottom of fest and remove ret these thin; soothing, cushioning pada.

Scholls Zino pads MOBSTERS ROB GAMBLING CLUB it part of the act. -Miss Healy, former film turned to the leader and told to behave himself or leave the club. Instead, the gunman strated that he. was not part of the act by firing a volley from machine-gun into the ceiling. Patrons.

still were unconvinced, especially the zanies, Olsen and Joh son, had been frequent visitors at the suburban club during the past week. -The gunmen- behaved with welldrilled precision and lined" the jewel- bedecked women and their' the walls. addressed each cigar-smoking companions along other by number, and seemed to Cleveland, Sept. '29. (UP) A hooded band of 10 mobsters broke into the ultra-exelusive Mounds Club here early' today and robbed 250 well-heeled patrols of $250,000 after convincing the skeptical guests that "this is not a gag." The tough-talking, smooth ing.

gunmen, clad in GI fatigue suits and wearing black silk hoods, over their heads, burst into the plushy gambling establishment with the melodramatic announcement: "This is a stickup. Stay in your seats." Singer Mary Healy, wife of Peter. Lind Hayes, just concluded a and was, about to drag her short-haired hus- a table as part. of the act, when. the Bandits At the leader's words, the audi- ence roared with laughter, think- GAS CITY RESIDENT SUCCUMBS AT HOME, Gas City, Sept.

29-Jeff Hardin, 83, retired teamster, died at 2:40 been ill for the past eight weeks. West a Main street. Mr. Hardin had m. Monday at his home, 411 Mr.

Hardin came to Grant county from Hamilton, 0.,..23 years ago, He survived by twin brother, George Hardin, Hamilton, 0., and 8 sister, Mrs. William Sparks, Berea, and. several nieces and nephews who reside in Marion Gas City. The body was taken to 911 South Washington street pending funeral arrangements. PHARMACEUTICAL FIRM.

BACKS 'SHADES' DRIVE Indianapolis, Sept. 29. (UP)The Indiana department of conservation announced- -today that a $25.000 pledge had received from the Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Indianapolis. as contribution for the "Save the campaign. The money will only he made available upon the successful completion of the $300,000 campaign," department officials said.

Some 580 state banks and the school system of -Indiana are engaged in the drive- to- raise- the money with which the state planned to buy the Shades near Crawfordsville and develop the area into the 15th state park. FOR. WORMS TAKE TABLETS P.W. ent that NOW LUNAR Hits CROSBY BERGMAN in. LEO ME CAREY'S Bells of St.

Marys Plus Ray Milland and Olivia de. Havilland "Well Groomed TODAY! INDIANA. Violent Thrills! Violent Love! HUMPHREY STANWYCK A ALEXIS WARNI "The TWO MRS. CARROLLS FROM THE STAGE HIT THAT HIT BROADWAY BETWEEN THE EYES! 1:25 3:25 5:25 7:25 9:25 Box Office Closes 9:30 BUGS BUNNY CARTOON NEWS WE CLEAN "CLEAN" Complete and Efficient VENETIAN BLINDS MODEL VENITIAN BLIND CO. 111 N.

Butler Ave. PHONE 5526 "For Complete Venetian Blind Service, See Bill RACE MEETING RELATIONS IS HELD Needed improvementa in rate relations in Marion discussed last night during a meeting of the Marion "face relations committee! at the Carver Community Center. Miss Anna Mae Head presided in the William absence C. R. -of the Sheridan, chairman, Riv, T.

E. Ross welcomed committee: members and offered the use. of the center Luther for community purposes. Rinehart, who gave the response, stressed the need of hard work and honest effort to reach set goal and cited Carver as an example of what can be done under such plan. Mrs.

Merle Thruston gave a review of Marion relations activities. Mrs. Ira Newsome and John C. Gulliford provided musical entertainment. The need for improvements in race relations was discussed in.

talk by Miss -Doro- A thy -Haskell. The local housing problem also was discussed by the group, MAYOR PRESENTS TALK AT OPTIMIST CLUB MEET "Operation of City Government and City Courts" was the subject of a talk given by Mayor Edward Wert before members of the Opti- 605 mist" club during their weekly meeting last night at the -CrossToads Cafe, During the business session plans were discussed for National Week- be- held Robert H. Witmer, president, was in charge of the meeting attended by approximately 35 members. YOUR CLOTHES when treated with DRAX water repellency stay fresh longer and hold their shape better BROWN-TRUEBLOOD, Inc. ILLNESS IS FATAL TO ORADAT "Otto J.

Orsdat. 61. died at 1 p.m. Monday at his residence. .415 East Bradford street, following" an 111- ness of more than two years ago.

A native of Germany, Mr. Oradat came to this country -early in his life and was employed as glassi blower for 20 years at the Marion Flint Bottle Co. "He also spent 10 years with the Jonesboro plant the Paranite Wire and Cable. Co. two years ago.

Survivors include one son. Robert. Marion: one daughter, Mrs. Aletha Gundlach, Marion; five brothers, Paul, Arthur, Walter and Henry, all of -Marion. and Frank, Electric, and two sisters, Mrs.

Mra. Emma Tegarden, Marion, and -Mary Chambers. Sault St. Marie, A Mich. The body was taken to 504 West until been Third street, funeral completed.

where it arrangements will remain have Dr. Frank O. Clifford ORTHODONTIST Specialist -in- the -Straightening of Crooked Teeth 605 Union Bank Bide Ph 5921 KOKOMO. DISTRICT FOUR FARM BUREAU MEET SLATED 'AT BUNKER HILL District Four of the Indiana. Farm Bureau will meet Friday at the Bunker Hill Naval Air Station, officials announced last.

night. The meeting will open. at 10 m. with a business session the direction of E. Mosely.

Election of district -social and educational leader will feature the meet. Following a luncheon noon, Larry. Brandon, state organization director, will outline. "1948 Membership." Hassil Schenk, president of the Farm Bureau, will address the group on "Agriculture in Post-war America and America in a Post-war World." E. TUES.

LYRIC A GOOD TIME IN DOUBLE TIMEI It's Van for Love They're Fun-Tastically Wynn for Out-Of-This-World! Laughs and They Walk Through Yours for the Walls and CeilFun! ings! They Spy On Hayloft Romances! They. Throw Lightning Bolts! HEAR PAT A SING: M-G-M'S -MUSICAL 'NO No STARRING Frank Keenan Audrey Morgan Wynn Totter IN JOHN KEENAN KIRKWOOD WYNN co*ckeyed XAVIER LOMBARDO Miracle "Fiesta EXTRA! Time" Color ORCH. Cartoon. Acts AT ONCE to relieve NIGHT CROUPY COUGHING (CAUSED BY COLDS) For years thousands of Doctors prescribed PERTUSSIN. It acts at once not only to relleve coughing due to colds but also- loosens: up'.

phlegm and makes it easier to raise. PERTUSSINIR) is safe for both old and young. Pleasant tasting. So YOU DON'T BELIEVE -IN4 Discover a oure going' to Miracle! Meet the man behind the miracle 4 FOR THOSE KIND WORDS THANKS WE APPRECIATE YOUR FINE COMMENTS Flowing from the joy of real people! -YOU WILL' TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT WE HOPE "The Story That Couldn't. Happen" But Didl A heart story with a special meaning for today! A Miracle of ENTERTAINMENT! A That will work a Miracle in every Heart! MAUREEN JOHN O'HARA PAYNE Miracle on 34th Street -EDMUND GWENN 20.


Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.