Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

PAGE FOUR MARION DAILY LEADER TUESDAY; JUNE 22, THE 7 MARION LEADER EH. JOHNSON, Receiver. Entered at the Marion, Indiana, postolice as recond class. Advertisers A (New York City) has The Association of American of this examined and publication. certified Only to the the figures circulation of ALLIED PRINT circulation contained in its report are TRADES LABEL COUNCIL guaranteed by the Association.

ASION THO No. 153. Secretary. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. City Edition, by carrier, in the city of Marion, Gas City, 'Jonesboro, Upland, Falrmount, Sweetser, Swayzee, Converse, Warren and La1 fontaine, per week Rural Edition.

on rural routes in county unly, $2.00 per rear when pild a full year in advance. Fractional parts of a year not paid in advance, per Mall Editions, anywhere In the United Stales, ver week 100 Wben you have a news llem for The Leader or desire to converse with the editor or reporters tell central to give you two Tings on No. 14. On; ring when you want the business ofice. THE WHITER HOUSE Bishop Bell, who presided at the recent meeting of the United -Brethren -conference at Canton, Ohio, in introducing Mr.

Bryan to the conference coined a now He said: "I introduce to you the great friend of humanity and the man whose life is enshrined in the Whiter House of Christian effort." LOST IN WONDER The Chicago Record-Herald reports that James A. Patten and his associates wound up their campaign in May wheat with a profit of between three and a half and four millions. Our legislators are so amazed at the successes of the wheat corner and so lost in- admiration of the genius- -that -could engineer it that they will probably forget the injustice done to the public and the demoralizing influence which speculation exerts upon those inclined toward grain gambling. How long would it be before public sentiment will cleanse the stock exchange, the board of trade and the chamber of commerce frown the avuses which speculation in the necessaries of life have introduced? EVEN RAZORS ARE RAISED The Aldrich bill proposes to increase the tariff on razors from 55 to 100 per cent. This means doubling the price of; razors to every purchaser.

No less an authority than the Age says that this will effectually shut out foreign competition, and thus return no revenue to the government, but that it will place the American market at the mercy of the cutlery manufacturers, who now maintain one of the strongest trusts in the country: This trust is not only protected by patents on articles and on machinery, by copyrights and trade agreements, but it asks absolute protection from competition in the home market. And the Aldrich bin gives it. The head of the Simmons Hardware company of St. Louis, who claims to have sold in his fifty-three years of ness, more razors than any man who ever- lived in the United States, is quoted in the Congressional Record as haring said that the rate of wages paid workingmen in this country is very little more than is paid for the same kind of labor in Germany and England, and that we can not make as good razors or grind them properly in this country. America today manufactures about 20 per cent of the razors used in the country.

The Aldrich bill is intended to hand over the remainder of the business to the cutlery trust, and to do this it gives it the protection of 100 per cent duty when so high an authority as Edward C. Simmons of St. Louis asserts that there is very little difference between the rate of wags paid razor makers here and abroad. This raises the interesting question of what is a reasonable profit for the razor manufacturer, such as the Republican platform guarantees hint after it has made un the difference in wages, TIMELY ANNIVERSARIES. June 22 In American History.

(1801-Paul Charles -Morphy. famous chess player who defeated in turn the best players in America, Eng( land, France and Germany, born 1n New Orleaus; died there 1884. W. S. Schler's relief party reached Cape Sabine and rescued A.

W. Greely and six others, only survivors of the "Greely polar expedition, to Lady Franklin bay. -General Shatter's corps made the landing on Cuban soll. at Dalquirl. A Ellen M.

Ames. An author known R8 Eleanor Kirk, died at paug, R. born 1832. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Sun.

sets rises 4:25: Inoon sets 711:15 p. 1 a. conjunction" be. tween planets Venus and Neptune: 17:10 a. moon in conjunction with Jupiter, passing from.

west to east of -the planet, 4'1-3 degrees north thereof. Miss Hazel Wiles of Keyetone, the guest of Clarence Wiles.Col. George. W. Steele is enjoying a few days' outing at French Lick.

THIS PAPER FOR SALE Notice. is hereby given that pursuant to order of the Grant Circult Court, the undorsigned, as Receiver 1a cause No. 13165, The Graut Trust Savings Company vs. The Leader Publishing Company, will offer at PRIVATE SALE, on and A after the 3d day of July. 1909, all of the property of the said defendant.

The property consists of goodwill, rubecilption books, the press, pe-setting 103- pure. type-writers, A full invenchine, and cases, office furni- tory of which can be seen and at. tac oice of the Leader Publishing Company at No. 614 South Adams street, In the City of Marion, Indiana, after this date. TERMS OF SALE Cash.

or offers for cash and reasonable time wilL be considered and noy sale will. he subject to the approval of Court. Offers will- be. reTeived on. and: after the above date, and must be arcompanied with certfed check for $1,000, to be returned to unsuccessful bidders.

Receiver. E. J. BABco*ck 2. Secretary to the Secretary of State MILLER HAS PRAISE FOR OKLAHOMA Dacoma, June 19.

Editor Leader: As I am touring the west I thought Grant county people. would like: to hear of Oklahoma and its people and their methods of tilling the soll. I left Marion June 8. at night over the St. Clover Leaf railroad.

I arrived at Louis at 8 o'clock the next morning and left there at 9 o'clock orer the 'Frisco railroad for Okialoma and arrived at my destination on the nighi of the 10th. I gaw acres of cotton and acres' of wheat in the Wheat very thin and short, oats are also thin on the ground. They do not bartheir wheat bere like thry do to Indiana. Ther have machine here they call headers of which is about a 13-foot and the headed grain is elevated into a wagon box called header barge and. when the: wagon it la taken to a stack and then another takes the loaded wagon's place." Therefore they do not stop the machine.

It- would be quite sight to some Grant county people. Th. corn is about all laid by. Their core plows here only nave two abovels a side. The soil is to loose they do not need auy more shovels.

Their breaking potato plows plow. are The made mold something -board on the plows have rods about one inch A part. I will say this state is the for a poor man who has no homes: This place In in the. eastern part of Oklahoma among some of the wealthiest farmers in the state. There are farms here that can be bought tor reasonable figures and reasonable Oklahoma is always ready to welcome the.

poor -people -as. well as Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There: is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an infamed condition of the mucous linIng of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed: you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an infamed condition of the mucous sure faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh).

that be. cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for circulars, free. F. J.

CHENEY Toledo, Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's- Family Pills for constipation. INDIANAPOLIS: EXCURSION EVERY SUNDAY CHEAP RATES. ASK AGENT INDIANA UNION TRACTION COMPANY You Want Pure Whiskey All whiskey should be pure, but that for your own home must be pure. Tho's Moore Rye has always been popular for, bome use.

It it absolutely purse, THO MOOR It is delicious in fle vor and bouquet. Tho' Moore Whiskey is the most WHISKEY delightful beverade, the most healthful tonio ever made. 'THO'S MOORE; RYE WHISKEY Straight from U.S. Govern-1 ment Bonded Warehouse Prices- Express Prepaid 4. 6-year.

$4.00 fallon $3.00 a gallon THO MOORE DISTILLING 20 MULE TEAM I P'. BORAX TOILET Nature's Cleanser, Whitener, FOR KITCHEN HOUSEHOLD Disinfectant- -Deodorizer Absolutely to PURE BORAX Borax saves so. much da soap, starch, soda and other household helps, that the housewife will soon learn of the great economy afforded from the lib-. BORAX will eral Borax nomical necessity. use is than uf Safe; 20 this any Mule better -other famous Team and chemical more household Powdered eco- that produce the same results.

Never be without a package 20 Mule USE g. Team Powdered Borax ready 54 and convenient for IN Order Your Supply Today CLEANS Your DealerIT DEODORIZES DISINFECTS they dare are the Tops valuable of In s0 Male eschaage Team for Borer aseful Packages premiums, MOVE INTO A NEW HOME Assistant Fire Calet Burr Iamilton of the West. Fourth street Are station Is removing his family" from their home on South Nebraska street to home recently purdased by Mr. Harliton of Eli Coats. The new home is located on North street and is an ideal modern home, The house 18 well equipped with electric ligots and bath and is modern and convenient la every way.

Mr. Hamilton ls one of the best known and inost popular members of the fire department. M. COINS PAYS A FINE unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event with said, numbers "it but is little have worth its testified suffering, weight and as in "MOTHERS THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. Book $1.00 par containing bottle of valuable druggiats, information malled Adanta, free, Ga.

FRIEND In These Reckless Days. "It costs 60 much morv to educate a boy now than it did when I was kid." sighed Mr. Pbrooglo, reluctantbuying another pair of shoes tor Tommy. "That's the second pair he's since school Miss Lena Wall is spending a few days at- Ann Arbor, Mich. 1 WOMAN'S NATURE: she looks forward to the hour with by its penetrating and soothing the Investor.

This part of Okiahoma das come the Goest soil that ever lay out of I would advise auybody 100k- ting for an investment come TO Oklahoma. a place of bralth, wealth and sunshine. Well as I bave told you of this part! in the state of Oklahoma I will close. Yours respectfully, LESLIE MILLER, Dacond, Okla. Matthew Golns pleaded gullty, to profanity and was fined $1 and costs by Justice Ora' Gunion was the prosecuting witness.

The parties live in West Marion. Arthur Bundy has returned from Wabash college. Bliss Catherine McCarthy of Indianapolis 18 the guest of Bliss Mildred Kiley. Is to love children, and no home can be happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering and dread that apprehension. Mother's Friend, properties, allays nausea, nervousness, The Great lakes Trip LAKE LINES A little journey 00 the inland seas is the most pleasant and economical vacation trip in America.

The ever varying scenery of the shore line and the picturesque beauty of the islands add interest: and delight to every mile of the trip. All the important ports on the Great Lakes aro reached regularly by the excellent service of the Lake Lines. The tea large steamers of this Fleet have all the qualities of speed, salety and comfort. Every boat is of modern steel construction and is propelled by powerful engines. The Clark Wireless Telegraph Service is used aboard.

Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and Buffalo, Detroit and Cleveland, in either direction, are available for transportation on Line Steamers. The Lake Lines operate daily trips between Buffalo and Detroit, land and Detroit, four trips weekly between Toledo, Detroit, Mackinac wayports, and two trips weekly between Detroit, Bay City, Saginaw and wayports. A Cleveland to Mackinac special steamer will be operated from June 15th to September 10th, leaving Cleveland direct for Mackinac stopping at Detroit enroute every trip and at Goderich, every other trip. Special daylight trip between Detroit and Cleveland during July an August. Send 2 cent stamp for illustrated pamphand Great Lakes Map.

Address: THE L. G. Lewis, G. P. A.

Detroit, Mich. P. H. McMILLAN. Presideat COAST A A SCHANTZ.


By the Indiana Vacuum Cleaning system, a modern and sanitary method. We draw all dust and dirt away from your carpets, rugs, mattresses and upholstering without removing We raise dust or interfere with your bousehold duties. All work guaranteed. Particulars and prices cheerfully given. Phone 2378.

WALTER IL -BROWN, Owner and Manager. TRY OUR I CLARIFIED, PASTEURIZED ONE POUND MILK and BUTTER CLOVER FOR SALE BY PASTEURIZED LINE -ALL GROCERS CREAM BUTTER Clover Leaf Creamery Co. MARION, INDIANAE Our bottled milk. is from the bast equipped dairies in state. "CHAS.

J. OVERMAN, D. Office Moved to- Rooms 302-303 IROQUOIS Office Hours, 10-12, 2-4, 7-8. Office Phone -799. House, 728 MERCHANTS' REPORTING AND COLLECTING AGENCY.

clalins in all towns. and cit Ice in the United States and Canada. Member of 13 reliable commercial agencies. We furnish commercial re ports, report delinquent accounts and 1gake all kinds of collections. Claims bought and sold.

ROSCOE A. HEAVILIN, Attorney and Mgr: New phone 892. 212 Iroquois Bldg, All the latest popular Sheet Music, 8: per THE WALLAGE MUSIC CO. SCHOOL SHOES Buy your school shoes Dow a bile the prices are MODEL SHOE STORE Bouth Side Square For Funerals, Parties, CAB and Dances, all kinds Afternoon of Calls, Hack Work Day or Night. Your busipess respectfully solicited.

SQUIRES' LIVERY AND GAB BARN Phone 492. Office 508 S. A dams. St. Miles Lena Darby is visiting at Carleton.

Mo. Airs. Jerry Torrence and daughter are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Brysou at Decatur.


C. C. L. THE STRAIGHT LINE CHICAGO, CINCINNATI LOUISVILLE RAILROAD SUNDAY, JUNE 27 $1.50 ROUND TRIP WHY NOT TAKE A "SPLASH" IN THE OHIO. The bathing beaches are open now and you can enjoy an exhilerating swim.

The beaches are arranged for ladies and gentlemen and competent life savers are always on hand assurlog safety. Thu cost 1s low. The Lagoon, Kentucky's greatest amusem*nt park at Indiow, across front la open. Besldes there is Chester, Coney Island and the great Zoo. F.

Train at 3:16 a. m. Returning leaves Cincinnati at 10 in. same day. T.

H. GURNEY, G. P. Chicago, 111. G.

M. CANNADAY, Marion, Ind. We Meet All Rates of loaning money on household goods, pianos, feathe ani live stork in amounts from $5 to $100 for any length of time. from one month to one year. Do not be deceived by any misleading statements, but Get Posted On the easiest and cheapes: way to borrow In- a private and confidential manner.

It costs but 10c a week to carry A Joan of $25 for 50 weeks' time. We hare monthly payment plans also at almost one-balf less than any other company In this part of Indiana charges. unable to call at our ofnice, write or us and our agent will cal at your home and arrange a loan for you Loans made in towna and surrounding country within 35 miles. 3 Marion Loan Co. MARION, IND.

Both Phones 636 West Side Square TRUNKS -AT-. STEWART BROS. DR. J. M.

WALDRON, SPECIALIST Piles, Fistula, Rupture, Stricture and Prostatic Enlargement cured without the knife. 114 W. Second MARION, IND. J. F.

McCLAIN ALL GRADES COAL and WOOD Telephones: 1577-10 FAHENSTOCK. MILLINERY All Trimmed Hats at Reduced Prices. All the latest novelties in HAIR GOODS DICK'S Best Cafe Baker lunch and in Town. The United Coal Yards Co. Cor.

R. R. Avenue and Big 4 crossing. Phones 90,92 161 I M. G.

JOHNSTON HOMES FURNISHED COMPLETE Carpets, Stoves, furniture, Curtains. East Side Square, Marion, lad. THE BEST OF COAL! THE LOWEST OF PRICES! GLASS BLOCK BELL HASWELL KODAKS AND SUPPLIES BUTLER MUSIC CO, Marion. Furniture Co, HIGH GRADE FURNITURE. Cash or Payments GET MONEY at the old reliable place, on furniture, pianos, etc.

Rates the Lowest to Be Had CENTRAL LOAN CO. Rocmis 305-306, Third Floor Glass Block -Phone 840 4 Leader Want Ads for Results. Leader Want Ads. tor Results. A CASE IS DISMISSED Paulus yesterday afternoon overruled the motion for A contlauance in the suit of Thomas Hayes Cull, by next friend, against Merrill Davis, whereupon the plaintiff dismissed the ault without prejudice.

Mrs. Anna Cull, mother ct the injured boy, who was berself injured, has a suit pending against the same defendant for damages. alo this- case the plaintiff obtained permission to examine the defendant under oat3 on June 28. The- many witnesses pres ent for the trial of Cull NE. Davis.

were exceed, but a majority of them hav. ing become Interested in the court procedure remained to hear the evtdence in th case of the state vs. Grace Lytle. 1. JOHN STILZ VERY City Health Officer Overman was yesterday, an notified aged of inan the who condition has been of seriously at his home, Boots and Sherman streets, and the patient was removed to the Marion hospital.

Stitz is eighty years of age and with his wife Mag- been occupying a house in North Marion. For several! weeks he has been under the care of the township physician. He is said to be with paralysis. FILLING OUT: TRANSFERS Trustec John Frazier, of Center: township finds himself a busy man at the close of the present school year, and he is Aling out the transfers to be high given school to and pupils desiring to enter schools in other townships. A number of families have removed -from Center township and a large number, of transfers must be made.

township la compelled to pAy the enm of $2.50 each. biga school transfer 2 4.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.